Chapter 5: Magic

"That...again..." I said while making a poker face "that 'boooh' thing..."

"o...o-okay.." she said.

She raised her arms as the same high on her head, and lower her head a bit but you can still see her whole face, then she did what was her brother asked, she repeat her action but with a confused face.






God damn it, is there any camera here!? I need to remember this precious scene! My little sister will grow into fine lady someday!


"B... brother...?" Lyn said "a-are you okay? Did I make you mad?"


I covered my whole face, and bend my body into exaggeration, SHE IS SO CUTE!!!

'This is torture for me for I don' t have a camera...!! '

"Torture?" Lyn said while she tilts her head to the right side a little" camera? What's that? Brother? "


I stumbled at the floor while covering my mouth. I don' t know how my little sister knows what I'm thinking, maybe she can read people's mind... But I don't mind it now, right now her cuteness is too dangerous for me, She's too cute! And her hair is not blue but blond, platinum? No, I guess it's dark blond or something. And her eyes are dark purple, like the color of the night. She was wearing a white long sleeve that it is big to her and it's for men, she can even cover her whole body in that long sleeve, it's a little dirty and some parts of it has dust but I can clean that later. For now, ...

I look to my little sister again, OH MAH GAWD...  PRECIOUS! PRECIOUSSSS!!

I stand up and I hold Lyn's shoulder it gave her a surprised because of my sudden act then I look at her with sharp eyes like I am serious and I said...

"Thank you, Lyn..." I said with a serious face "this is precious..."

Lyn opens her mouth a bit while making a face that she could not understand. She was making an utterly confused face right now... Damn it, my little sister is so cute...

As she was bewildered of my action just now, I left her with a bright smile on my face, and started practicing.



The hard projectile hit the tree branch, it made the sound of 'WAFAACK!' it completely tears off the tree branch and fell off to the ground.

I raise my fist into the air and jumped 3 times because I was so happy. I look at my right hand and smiled.

"This sling is too powerful!"




My knees fell to the ground and my hands also touched the ground, and I cried happily.

"Finally...." I said crying happily " I mastered it, my 3 weeks hard work was not in vain!"

Yes... I almost give up using a sling but I clenched my fist and did not gave up... Who would have thought; a person like me who was lazy, too lazy. Would do something like this... No, if I correct myself, I maybe lazy but not that lazy, I just find something that makes both my interest and curiosity started up... You work hard... Me...

Now I can hunt those I can't hunt back then!!!

In the past 3 weeks I only took some herbs and fruits that I know it is edible, nn. I wouldn't know if the fruit or herbs are edible if I did not sneakily read some book from that mansion. Forget that topic, right now...

"... Meat."

Yes, meat!

Lyn and I only ate herbs and fruit! But now!


Sling is too easy for me because I am still small. I can't use some bastard sword, spears, bows right now. So, I'm thankful for this sling.


I'm looking forward to see my enemy that I couldn't kill in the first week!

This time, revenge is the only way!

I took some stones and place it to my pouch. By the way, Lyn found some another clothes, I am thankful that there were kids' clothes there in that old house but there are no girls' clothes. So, Lyn has no choice but to wear boys' clothes. I think the owner of this old house is a man and has a kid with him. I don't know...

Anyways, I am wearing a long sleeve that fitted to my small body, a leather vest, leather gloves, trouser, and a shoe that made of some part of monster skin...

Lyn also wearing the clothes but it doesn't have a leather vest and it's a little big for her, I ask her if she feel uncomfortable but she just said "It's fine! It's comfortable and I have the same clothes as brother!" smiled innocently.


I nearly faint back then you know, also a little blood came to my mouth but I forced it not to come out, I quickly walked out and didn't look to Lyn, if I look to her, I might lose consciousness so I quickly moved out but my knees are trembling and it's getting weaker...

Damn, Lyn cuteness is extraordinary, is there anyone who wouldn't get charmed by her cuteness? Oh yeah there was and they're five of them... The capture targets in the game.... Uwweeehh, knowing it. I don't want them to know Lyn's cuteness...

Hmm, I reincarnated to this game I know but this isn't a game anymore, and the game will start at the academy where we still have 3 yrs... No 5yrs? Since I am already 10 and Lyn is 8, the academy will have a test to those who want to enroll... ANYWAY! Forget about that and look for the present right now instead of the upcoming future.  I am not following the game but I want Lyn to go to that academy, she should learn how to rely on others...  I hope she find a friend there like the villainess....

I sneakily walk between the trees looking for my arch enemy, those horns nearly pierce my body back then... Too dangerous!

Rustle rustle.

Hm? I just heard something. I slowly look everywhere, and carefully walking, a while later I saw my enemy eating a grass.

The monster has a horned in its head, red eyes, 40 cm in length, weight around 1. 2 - 2 kilograms, it has a cute little paw but when it run its so fast. Its legs are seriously strong that it might broke your skull if it hits you, not just its horn is dangerous but also its legs. White fur, long ears, this cute little being is my enemy... It might be cute but when it saw you, it will turn into ferocious monster.

"... Horned rabbit..."

Yeah... My enemy! Now, I need to seriously used my rock sling. Aim to its head...

I drop the pocket and draws the missile back into a wide vertical orbit.

Next, my throwing arm rises high, then swings down behind my head to tighten the first orbit. At the same moment, I form a long step like a pitcher.

Then, I complete the forward step as the missile reaches the top of its second orbit, and the knotted cord is released as my wrist snaps forward.

The hard projectile that I used as a missile will hit the head of the horn rabbit, the monster made a sound of "Skiii!!!" it notices the upcoming projectile but the horn rabbit failed to dodge it because it was already too late.

The horn rabbit got hit, head shot! The rabbit fell to the ground and it didn't move.

"Hah!" I said cheerfully while slowly walking towards the rabbit and said "Behold, the mighty power of Lord Rafael, you lowly creature!"

Okay, scrap that. That's too cringe...

I grab the horn rabbit to its head, uweeehhh, the stone that I used as a missile pierce through to its skull, it made a hole on its head, the brain is destroyed. One of its eyes is in the ground, the blood is coming out non-stop. Groooosssss...

But I pay it no mind. Now dismantling.... This is my first time, in my past life memory, I experience to dissect an animal, it's a toad, I don't remember much back then. And it looks like I remember my past life memory, bit by bit.

I grab the horn rabbit and goes home... While I was walking, I saw something, a weird tree. Its body is green and the leaves is brown. Weird, I carefully walk towards it and saw a circle shape that are sticking into its branch, the leaves are brown but the color of this circle shape is light brown, you might not able to see it because of the color and its size, the size is small as my thumb right now.

I took the circle thing, and tried to break it. It breaks easily and the inside of it is white, when I put my finger to touch the white thing, it is somehow smooth but also rough like a small rock. I taste it.

"!!!"  I widen my eyes and smile a little "salty... "

This is... Salt... I'm a little surprised because I didn't expect this. It did not give any side effect when I taste it, this world is weird... Well, I guess I'll meet some bizarre experience... Even if I live here, I didn't know the outside world so this is the first-time experience for me, both the past 'me' and the present. I took some of salt fruit and put it on my bag then left, I will start to dismantle the horn rabbit and cook.

.... I can cook... Probably...

The old house has a stove, it's more modern than the world where the past 'me' live. It used a magi stone that can lit a fire I shouldn't explain how a stove work right? The different between this magical stove and in the previous world is that this stove is made on magi stone while in my previous world is using some gas? To lit a fire? I dunno.

Now there is a place in this old house, a place where I can do to dismantle hmm, it's a place where I can start dissecting, tee hee?

Lyn was in her room no our room, what is she doing? Anyways, I took the horn rabbit and place it on the table.

"huu... Okay..."

I inhale and exhale and look at the dead horn rabbit, eeeww, I can't look at its head, I took the butcher knife, I don't know how to use those specific knives so I'll just took a knife that I see,

I cut its neck to separate the head to its body then I hanged the body into the air by tidying it up to a metal object but before I hanged it, I took some bowl so the blood will be place in the bowl, I leave the body for a while and goes back to the kitchen and slice some onions, garlic, carrots, potatoes. By the way, potatoes are poisonous, but the poisonous part is the part of potato that is green, so I took it off and clean the potatoes and started to slice it into pieces, hmm what am I doing? Cooking. What kind of cooking? I dunno. Just cooking... Yep...

Probably you might be wondering where I get those vegetables, my friend. I tell you, the world is strange, that's what I can tell you. After slicing the vegetables, I go back to the dismantled area, I'll just called it as that... Seriously for 10 years old like me, I'm doing my best right? Go back to the topic.

There is no more blood to the horn rabbit's body. So, I decided to dissect it now, I took some knife that I picked and slice its skin, I skin it first after that I cut its body into half then took off the organs, I place the organs to a basket, I'll throw it somewhere in the forest, the dire wolves will eat these organs.

After that, I cut the body into small pieces. Kuuuuhhhh!! I actually don't know what I'm doing! I'll just do this!

I place the meat into a large bowl and go to kitchen, after that I place the Dutch pan to the magical stove and started cooking.

By the way, I use a certain flower as an oil, yes, when you squeezed its petals; a vicious liquid will come out what is it? It's an oil! So, I shall call this flower oil! Hmm hmm.

I put some oil into Dutch pan, I wait until it's hot then I put the garlic, onions, then next I put the meat... While frying it I quickly took the water in the large bowl that I collected in the lake, it's drinkable I swear! Then put some salt that I found earlier, after that; I put it on the Dutch pan, I stirred it and covered the Dutch pan so no smoke will come out, or something, and after a few minutes I put the potato, carrots and stirred it. Then I left it for another minutes.

While waiting I clean the kitchen. After a while I smell something delicious, I look at the food that I'm cooking then open it, bwallaa!!!

What is this food!?  The name of the food!?

I don't know! But I think it's delicious! Probably!

I pumped my chest because a 10 years old boy manage to cook. I'm proud of myself!

I carefully took the Dutch pan and place the food into a large bowl, slowly, slowly, keep it slow... Ahhhhbhhbhhhhshdhfnfnxk.

I'm hungry... I hope it's deli... It is good... I can eat this... How 'bout Lyn? I go to our room and called Lyn.


I knocked 3 times at the door, she's not answering, I got worried so I forcefully open the door by charging in.

When I open my eyes, I saw Lyn... Her hand is glowing, she was looking at me, her mouth is open and her eyes looks so surprised she was about to hide her glowing hands but it's already too late I saw it...


It's a magic…

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