Chapter 6: Unexpected outcome

"... When...?"

I was sitting at the floor in Indian style and crossing my arms while looking at my little sister, she was sitting at our bed while gripping her trousers and fidgeting. She can't even look at my eyes, her eyes were looking everywhere, she might be thinking some excuses or if she has to tell the truth...

Anyway, even in this situation my little sister is still cute.... Damn it, focus right now, me!

"Lyn" I called her name in a deep voice that makes my little sister trembled she looked Down; her mouth was opening then closed. Maybe, she doesn't know how to explain; that's why I choose not to speak and just look at her not looking anywhere, but that's just made Lyn trembled more... She gripped her trouser more and it already has a wrinkle.

Seriously, I actually didn't care whether she has a magic or not, I'm thankful whether she doesn't have a mana or not, she's still my little sister and I'm not even mad, well maybe a little but that's because I'm worried about her. A little later Lyn decided to talk while still trembling.

" Then... When... Big... Brother..." she said while trembling you can hear on her voice that she was scared... Sorry Lyn" when... When brother was about... To get killed.... " She gripped her trouser more and bit her lips and she was about to cry...

" So, when that man who was about to kill me. " I said while looking at her but I'm not smiling, my God. Why am I enjoying this? Holy... Do I have a sadistic uhh... Probably not...?

"That was the time your magic started to show, and you accidentally.... No, the man suddenly disappeared in front of you, was that it?" I said then I stood up.

Lyn, nodded at me. I think she accidentally killed the man, I sighed and patted her hair softly, she looked at me with teary eyes, then a few seconds she cried and hugged me, she really got scared of me, what should I say? She doesn't do anything bad, it's just that she was using her magic carefreely and that made me angry because using magic without knowledge how to control it will lead to sudden death...

That's why I got angry at her but at the same time I got scared losing her. So, while she was hugging me and crying, I touched her back gently to comfort her a little.

"I'm not angry at you because you have a magic or you didn't tell to me that you have magic..." I said gently, I patted her head again then she looks at me with a bit of tears in her eyes." instead of getting angry at you I'm actually happy but...." I paused a little then I continued what I'm going to say" I got terrified, scared... Not because of your magic but because of losing you... "

Lyn, wide her eyes and was confused as if she was saying 'what do you mean my beloved cool big brother?', hmm? There's something bias about that line? No, no, no. She really will say it you know? It's not that I wanted her to say those embarrassing line okay?

Anyway, I explain my reason why I was so scared and why I'm a little bit angry, I explain to her that using magic without proper knowledge can lead to some disaster, I didn't say that she will die because she might start to get scared using magic, then I said "without knowing your limit and not knowing how to make your mana flow to your body, all the mana inside of your body will start to malfunction and it will explode."

Lyn, shuddered by my statement, ah... I said it... I didn't put the word of "death", "die", "dead" but I just indirectly said it right? My little sister is smart, intelligent. So, she will probably get the outcome. She tightly hugs me and covered her face to my body... Damn I like this... Ehhem... It sounds like I'm a pervert, welllllllllll.. I'm a gentleman... Hehe.

I guess the me in my past and the me right now are just the same... It changes my personality a little bit...probably…

Anyway, I need to change the subject.

"So, why don't we eat now?" I said then scratch my nose using my left index" my food that I prepared for you is delic... Good.... Probably... "I avoided her suspicious gaze by turning back and goes to the dining room.

There, the food, spoon, fork, 2 small bowls, serving spoon. Is placed in the wooden table.  Two wooden chairs, seriously not gonna lie, this old house is too good, it's like the owner of this house left just a few months ago, because everything here is still usable, there's no crack in everywhere the ceiling is still good, the only problem is the dusty areas, but we manage to clean this house like a new built... I actually don't want to think about this, but it's making me curious.

"bwowher, lesh eish shogesher" (brother let's eat together.)

'Eh... Lyn... My little sister, you just ask me to eat when you're already eating. also, don't speak while you are eating... Never mind, at least I found out that my little sister is a glutton.'

"I'nh nosh a shoshon!" (I'm not a glutton!)

"Lyn, I'll pretend I didn't hear something" I said" and I'll also pretend that you can read others mind... "

Lyn, looked at me then swallowed her food then said something that I missed to heard" I can't read people's mind, its only you brother... ".

“? what is it, Lyn? "

She shook her head and continued to eat, what is it? I know she said something about me...

" So... How's my food? "

I'll admit. I'm not sure if it's delicious, because I don't like it...

" it's delish! Brother knows how to cook! "

I scratch my cheek using my finger while making a troubled smile.

As if Lyn saw my facial expression she suddenly said" brother, no self-confidence... "

Lyn's gazed looks like she was looking to a pitiful brother... O-ouch... That hurt...

We continue eating; until we finish eating, now we should talk about her magic, after that I had to throw the organs of the horned rabbit including its bones, next what? I dunno, I'll just think about it later. For now.

"Lyn, about your magic" Lyn looked at me seriously, why does it feel like I'm getting nervous... "E-hem" I cleared my throat as if I'm about to start, but I actually got interrupted by her curious gaze... It's cute... AAHHHH I admit now that I'm a siscon!

"there's six types of magic attribute" I said "fire, water, wind, earth, light and dark." I paused then continue to talk "light and dark is pretty rare to a person, while the four attribute is common for people the two attribute is pretty rare... Do you know why?"

Lyn shook her head left to right then look at me, you can see her face that she was telling 'why is it rare for the 2 attributes my handsome cool brother? ' Like that, hm? There's no bias in those lines, okay? Don't think I just want to hear it in her own mouth, okay?

"So, you don't know?" she nodded and I said "Great!"

I pumped my chest as if I'm proud she didn't know then I said " I don't know it as well!"

She looks at me with wide open eyes with her mouth agape, puuh… I seriously don't know, I'm not that knowledgeable... I guess I'll just tell everything I only know.

"My little sister, I know you think that your big brother is smart and kind but I also have my limitation." I crossed my arms and nodded as if I'm convince to the words I said.

Lyn, was just staring at me that her face looks like she saw something unbelievable... I'll pretend I didn't see that...

" a-anyway, light and dark are pretty rare attribute, okay?" I said while my mouth is twitching" first, let's talk about how to control your mana. "

I look at her closely, she was looking seriously good.... How the hell should I explain this!?

" Lyn, I don't know how to explain this " I said while making a problematic face" just try to understand It, I guess? ".

She firmly nodded, good." ehem, imagine yourself in a place where you can only see yourself, you can touch anything, as if you are into some kind of space. "

She closed her eyes then concentrate... I hope she get it. No, I think she is a genius so she can learn it by herself.

"Now then, imagine you hear a single drop of water, after that, that little drop of water touches the ground, now then, what did you see?"

"... Ocean..."


I nearly dropped my mouth, ocean? As in Ocean!? Wtf?

"o-okay Lyn... Times up..."

I touch my forehead; I don't know if I explain it well but seriously? Did that work? Should I also do it later? Yeah, I'll try...

"So, big brother, how come there was an ocean in my imagination..."

She didn't know that she just goes through to her consciousness.... Should I tell her the truth? Yeah, I guess so, she needs to know this. She Had to.

"Lyn, you said that you saw an ocean, right?" I confirmed if it was true then she nodded... Okay" I see... That ocean your seeing is... Your mana... "

Lyn looked at me as if she didn't care, I guess she didn't know how large her mana is...

" In short Lyn.... You have a large amount of mana that at that age you surpass the... "

Pope, and closed to be a Saint...

I cut my words and shook my head

Lyn as if gets what I'm saying she nodded firmly but I'm worried she might get over confident...

" Lyn even if you have large amount of mana... Please don't be so confident or be carefree..."

"I know brother I won't be arrogant because I have large amount of mana..." she looks at me and smiled gently... Great... Damn cute...

"now then, imagine it in your body, mana is in your heart, try to put a little amount of mana into your shoulder. Then move it to your hands afterward."

In just a single day, in a first try... She manages to do it... My little sister is a genius... And she probably even surpasses the Saint...

" Remember this Lyn, every person has its own attribute, there's no one in this world who can used all the attributes okay?"

She nodded at me, well... There is one person and that is the saint...

"But, for me..."


"No, never mind"

I want to say that even if you are specialized in a single attribute doesn't mean you can't learn every attribute, if the heroine of this world manages to do it, then even an idiot person like me can used some attributes by learning. But I'll revealed it later when she turns 12. It’s only a theory and I still not sure but I have a feeling that as long as you have large amount of mana you will learn any attributes but it depends on yourself.

Don't you think it's foolish if you only specialized yourself in a single attribute? What if, that your enemy has a resistance to fire magic that you're specializes in, like that... Then you are useless as a magician. But what if you can used at least 2-4 attributes... Then you have an advantage... Just try not to get caught...

It's simple but I think it's hard to do.


Our daily lifestyle continues as the day pass by, I found out that Lyn can used 2 attribute, it's wind and fire, but I notice that her magic is somewhat unique...

She doesn't have light attribute nor dark, but she somehow lifts an object without her touching it, or put a pressure into something, I ask her if she can put a pressure into my body, when she tried to put some pressure to me.

My body hugged the ground instantly, I can't move and it hurts, as the time goes by, her magic keeps squeezing me to the ground like there is a heavy object at my back that makes me not to move. So, I tried to speak and stop Lyn for putting more pressure to me, my voice is quaking when I said "Lyn, stop! Quick!" I knew myself that if I don't stop Lyn, now. I might lose consciousness.

Lyn, quickly off her magic and run towards me, I can't move even an inch, I smile at Lyn because she might start to cry, it hurts but I at least learn what her extra attribute is, her unique attribute is by no means can denied the law of physics, and the people here in this world doesn't know what this attribute is, I wouldn't know it either if I didn't remember my past life.


I slowly sit down into the ground in an Indian style then cross my arms, I look at my little sister, she was also sitting at the ground where she looks like she was kneeling. Her hands are at the top of her knees while looking at me with innocent face.

" You can used fire and wind attribute, right?"

"Yes, brother."

"Then, when we go to the neighboring kingdom, please only used that, don't let others know your extra attribute." I said while I was closing my eyes" of course, when you are in danger or when it's necessary, used it, as long as your safe that's okay. But keep in mind that you should use it in a careful way, okay? "

My little sister looked at me, she tilts her head to the left, if this is a Manga, I would see a lots of question mark at the top of her head.

" But why? " Lyn said while making a confused face" isn't it great if they saw me having an extra attribute? "

Lyn, has a point, it has an advantage, only a little, that is. If she used it on public, she might be 'recognize' by a lot of people and help her, she might be thinking that; if she used her magic, she would be able to help me and our life would be at ease. Yes, it could be. But, it's also dangerous, she might get forced to marry to someone, a noble, and there's also the royal family they might put her as a concubine of the crown prince. So, she wouldn't be able to escape in their grasp, she would likely to be a bird inside of the cage.

"of course, it would be great, if the world of society is not dangerous." I stare at Lyn.

My little sister did not get it for a while, only a few seconds, she shuddered. I don't know what she realized but I think, it's connected to my reasoning right?

"Yes... I won't use it if not necessary..." she said and mumbled something that I wouldn't be able to hear " there will be always a greedy bastard that will used me and hurt brother..."


Did I just heard Lyn, say the word "bastard"?

I look at my little sister, she was looking at me with innocent look, may be that's just my imagination.

"Understand Lyn?" I said " we still have 5 years, and enrolled you to the academy"

Anyway, Lyn, needs to study, so she would get pass the entranced exam, if possible, she could also get a scholarship. Hm? In the game Lyn, was a noble... Did I just change her fate?

Well, whether I accidentally change it or not, it doesn't matter.

"I had to go, continue your practice Lyn..." I said" well I can't teach you something but I'll do what I think will help you... "

" Yes, brother! "

I left the house to go hunting.


Brother left, does brother doesn't realized it himself? My brother is somehow a genius.

First off, I read about a book that contains magic. And his teaching doesn't apply to the books I read, the books that I've been reading is how to perform a spell with chanting, every casting of your magic, you have to enchant it to finish your magic.

Also, brother teach me how to know my mana capacity, but in the book I know. To learn how much mana, you have; you need to cast a magic until your exhausted, how many fireballs you can apply.

But my brother, just teach me something that beyond the knowledge of the book. No, maybe the creator of that book?

What's more, it looks like brother doesn't believe that you can only specialize one attribute, I don't know the reason but if it's brother, it might be true.

I'm grateful to brother, he can cook, hunt, clean, he also knows swordsmanship, marksmanship. Wait doesn't brother is so talented? While me always at our room practicing while waiting my brother to go home...

I feel like I'm doing nothing, only practicing my mana...


I pout, should I learn how to cook? No, maybe cleaning is okay?

If I tried to cook, it might turn into disaster...



I jumped off the bed and run.

I make a pitter-patter sound while running,

I took some broom stick and started to sweeping outside of the house.

I look everywhere, I don't see anything.

Just to be sure...

I closed my eyes and concentrate myself, I didn't tell my brother about this, because I just learn this technique and I don't know what it is called, but my senses grow wider where I can feel and know the location of something, if there is a monster on that location or if brother is coming...

I don't know how large it is but if I used my step, it would be... Hundreds of steps...

I can sense lots of monster lurking around but they are too far to me, I started to sweep while making sure that my senses is still working.

Few minutes later


I wipe my forehead using my arm, our outside is now clean, next is the inside... I should clean our room, and dining room!

I don't know how many hours has pass but I manage to clean our house. I'm also exhausted, I sit at the chair and close my eyes, my senses go back to normal...

If my brother notice that the house is clean, will he be happy? Will he pat my head?

... I wonder, he didn't even tell me what's my extra attribute called...



"Lyn, I'm home!"


It's quiet, the house is clean not just the Inside, I also notice that our outside is clean. Did she clean the house? If so, I'm happy, I look for Lyn, today I didn't hunt a horned rabbit, for now we will eat vegetable, its nearly evening, I need to look for her first. I look at our room, she was not there, kitchen, bathroom she was not here, I thought she goes outside so I got worried but when I go to dining room, she was there sitting at the chair, she fell asleep.


Did she fell asleep after she finished cleaning?

If so, she might be exhausted, I guess I should leave her there, I will be prepared for our food today.

while I was finding some vegetables that you can see everywhere... Seriously, it's still unbelievable experiencing this, just in the same place where I get the carrots yesterday, there was a new carrot in a same location right now. It's like the carrot is respawning. Same case to other vegetables.

Also, when I was walking earlier, Beneath the trees, you will also find a ball size vegetable, it's a light green leaf, and you can peel it off easily, it's a cabbage...

And when you look closely to a smaller trees' same height as me, you will find a palm size vegetable, its color is purple black, I took at least one and taste it, I hope this is edible... The looks of this thing are like a beetroot, umm... Maybe this is a beetroot?

'I'll know it when I taste it' I think back then when I was holding the beetroot like thing.

I pinch the beetroot thing, it releases a vicious thick liquid, somehow... This is gross...

The liquid almost covers my hand, I lick it.

It has a saltiness, sweet taste, and slight bitterness, all the different taste is balance, it's delicious...

"Soy sauce..."

Holy shit... This worlds' common sense is out of my reach, I'll just call this soybeet, it looks like a beetroot but the taste is a soy sauce...

... Even collecting this, I still can't believe it...

What can I cook?

Cabbage, carrots, onion, garlic, soybeet, also a potato...

Here I come Wanabee chef!

I put a little oil in the frying pan, then put the garlic, I slice it in to small pieces, next onions, next carrots and potato in a cube shape, while frying it I put some soy sauce on it, then a little bit of water, I also put some salt. A few minutes where the carrots and potato are now easy to eat, I put the cabbage and cover the frying pan, I lower the fire and prepared the plates, spoon, and a bowl for the vegetables that I'm cooking...

Guhh!! I'm feeding my little sister a food that looks like a trash! It might be rare for her, because this world culinary is secondary only, but if the world I'm living in is the same world of the past 'me' this food is garbage!!!

I'm sorry Lyn... I took the cooked vegetables and place it to the table, Lyn. Immediately woke up she notice the food and look at me, she flushed but I pay it no mind... Why?

Her sleeping face while drooling is enough, if I look at her flushed face I might collapse.

We started eating, no. Lyn, quickly ate the food, she's making a face that saying "Delicious! As expected of my cool brother!" like that, hmm? anyway, after she finish the food, she looks at me but then avoided my eyes, she is squeezing her hands in front of me.

"I-I'll wash the plates..."


I smiled at her and patted her head... Ah.

"Also, thank you for cleaning our house, Lyn."

Her eyes widen and her mouth open widely as if she was happy but then forcefully closed it, she lies her head, so I won't able to see her face, but I notice her ears is red, is she shy?


I patted her more, but she slaps my hand softly then run and collected all the utensils, she started washing.


"can't sleep..."

I can't fall asleep, I look at my little sister who's sleeping peacefully, I brush her hair carefully then a while later I moved out of the bed, carefully as not to wake Lyn.

"Do I also have a magic attribute?" I said" or even a mana?"

'let's try it', I think of myself. I'm confident when it comes to my agility and physical strength but, I want to learn magic too.

So, I concentrate myself, feel the mana flow that lurking inside of my body. I think of myself as a part of nature, then I focus myself, there on my consciousness, there was a line like a net at the ground, its color is radiant light blue, at the beneath of my foot there is also a single line that connects to many lines in front of me, it's like a connection of something.

Wait, I was just thinking a single drop of water, what is this? This is not a lake or an ocean, it looks like a path of lines that connected in to something... There's so many what is this?

Cough! Cough!

"... Blood?"

What was that... I'm shaking...

Again, focus, concentrate, imagine a single drop of water, now I need to look down...

Again, it's does lines, I can't explain it but the only lights I am seeing right now is those lines that connected to each other, and every step I take, the line that I'm stepping in is disappearing, I keep walking... I just letting my feet move. A little later I saw a big object, I started to run to get closed to that object.

As I keep closer, I didn't realize that the lines I'm stepping in is turning into a water, I didn't realize it. I'm just looking at the big object in front of me.

I slowly walk, while making a sound of a water splashing because of my footsteps.

"a tree...."

It's a tree... It's not just an ordinary tree, it was so large. It's larger than a castle. And it's giving a feeling of a divine aura, the tree is glowing full of refreshing lights. But at the trunk of the tree, in the middle of it, there was a person, it's a handsome guy, dark purple hair like an evening night, pale skin, I can't see the color of his eyes because it's close. And he is half naked, his lower body is inside of the trunk, same to his arms, I can only see his chest, and head. It looks like the tree is preventing the person to get out.

I look at that person. This person is really handsome, then I notice that his head slightly move.

I got startled that's why I stared at its head... But it didn't move, is it just my imagination?

I convince myself that the head didn't move and it's just my imagination. I walk towards the tree, this tree... This is inside of my consciousness. Then what is the meaning of this?

I don't understand but this tree is refreshing, it's making me relax as if this is a part of my body. Well, it might be, but I'm still not sure.

I touch the tree, because I got curious. I got shocked, trembling, not because it's terrifying but it's giving my body a pleasure, it making me to sleep here, to live here.

I quickly let go at the tree, I accidentally tumbled and hit my butt to the ground that covered with water.

*Heavy breathing*

Haa... Haa...

I look at the tree again, this thing is somehow dangerous. Suddenly, the guy who's at the trunk of the tree move its head,

His eyes open and glared at me, I shuddered, I got scared like shit. His eyes are red, but those eyes are full of hatred, despair, regret, longing for love, exhausted, the guy who was glaring at me as if killing me...

It's intimidating me, but then. His eyes soften as if he was relieved.

The man talks "finally.... You came..."

I got terrified more, this person is scary. I slowly stand up and still looking at him, who is this person inside of me, his age was probably around 18 years old.

"Who are you?"

"I... Was waiting... Then..."

The guy didn't answer my question I stead he continues his talk... My knees are trembling right now. It even makes my whole body shaking and widen my eyes, I gritted my teeth because it's shaking, this person is familiar to me yet it's not.

"...let's become.... ONE..."

The guys gave me a big Sinister smile with those red eyes as if he saw a part of him.

I shuddered, I tried to run but the ground that is full of water suddenly became a thick liquid, the color of the water which is blue earlier, turn into black muddy water. I did not able to move and the water is as if swallowing me.


The guys started to laugh terrifyingly, while the water is swallowing me, it's like it's making me sink and drown.

No, it's really making me sink slowly.

I tried to get out of the water but it's useless my lower body has been eaten by this dark muddy water, slowly but surely it will drown me.

I was scared, what will happen to me after this?

I raised my hand as if I was trying to hold something as my head started to get covered by the dark water...

.... Lyn....





Who was that, that familiar voice...?


That beautiful voice... Who was it...?

"Please!! Brother!!!!"

*Gasp!!! *

I instantly woke up, I was sweating a lot, I am holding my breath right now,

"Haa...! Haaa...!!"

I touch my heart, it's beating restlessly, my body is shaking...


I relaxed my body... I wipe my forehead using my right hand... Anyway, who was that voice... Brother... Brother... It's!!


Lyn, harshly hugged me, she was crying a lot.


I patted her head. I don't know what was that but Lyn manages to save me by her voice.

"Sorry Lyn, how long was I sleeping..."

"you're not sleeping.... At first... HIC... I thought you are sleeping at the floor... HIC..." Lyn said while crying then she continues" but... But... HIC... When I was about to wake you up... HIC.... Huu. brother... "


" it's fine continued.... "

" HIC... Your... Your... Not breathing... For an hour.... Uwaahhh!!! Uuhh HIC.... "

Her body was trembling she was scared, she was gripping my clothes recklessly...


What the fuck!?

I died for an hour?! What the fuck?

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