Chapter 9: Dark Demon Bear

Deep inside of a forest, in a house where two lives is living, they were waiting inside of the house as the thunderous storm wailing at the sky. Rain drops are hitting the roof which making a heavy sound, Rael and Ana is sweating, a cold sweat forming at their back, and also at their fore head; as they feel the cold atmosphere slowly turning into eerie and heavy feelings...

I gulfed down, saliva pass through my throat. I have sweat in my fore, cold sweat at my back. I don't know why, but only thing that I know is that, we are in a precarious situation. What's more the noise of the angry lightning is giving me more bad vibes.

What kind of being is watching us?

"... Rael..."

Ana holds my hem; it seems that she finally notices it too... Well, even I myself will completely be alert when a killing intent is pointed at you; without you knowing where did that killing intent came. You have no clue where it is...

I patted her head and awkwardly smiled at her.

Katak. Katak. Katak.

Chills run down my spines, as I heard the sound of a big step splashing outside, when I looked at the window... I saw it, 197 cm height. Two arms with large Sharp claws, dark fur with brown color.

Its feet are leaving a mark on the watery ground. It was a bear... But...

"Holy shit..."

I read it in a book... This is one of the types of monsters that is dangerous, there's no chance of survival, well you'll be lucky if you manage to survive... But that survival percentage is only 3% of what the book said...

"Dark demon bear, rank A Danger class..." I said ", why a God damn monster like that is here...?"

The bear monster looked at me.

We look at each other, I'm scared but I can't help myself to look at its eyes.

The bear suddenly smiles but for me that smile scared me, the bear stopped smiling and opens its mouth widely.

That's when my instinct tells me to get out of the house immediately, I quickly grabbed ana's hand then lift her in a princess style, then I run rashly and get out of the house.

When I open the door I leaped, but because I leaped quickly, I lost my balance after I hit the ground. I still holding Ana to me.



When I looked at the house... The house turns into dust together with the trees at the back of our house... No, instead of saying it turn to dust, it got incinerated instead, there's nothing left remain. The blow left a mark at the ground it was a big and long wave lines. I can also see some dark mana at the ground.

"Holy f*ck...!"

Sweat surprisingly pouring at me, if I didn't follow my instinct back there, we would have died and be incinerated...

I was thankful that I followed my instinct, then, I notice that Ana is trembling...

I hugged her.

"it's okay, everything will be fine."

I said, but I have no clue what to do!

What's more that blast doesn't have a sound! Nor an object sound that got incinerated!

It was a sudden attack!

I looked at the bear, the monster was smirking at me, veins popped at my head, I'm angry.

" You... M***er f**ker!" I said angrily " Ana, hide on my shadow..."


I quickly use my shadow to swallow Ana and hide her inside of the shadow.

Now, you bear head.

"You f*cker..."

Now that I think about it, I could also hide in the shadows back then, right? Never mind.

I pose myself into an athlete runner. While my two hands are touching the ground, I kicked the ground and...


The dark bear made a sound of confusion, of course. Because I run away, I fled.

So fast as you won't able to see using your naked eye. I have confidence at my speed.

Even if it were managed to caught up with me, I can distract that monster using my shadows. Of course, I spread my shadow clones everywhere to cast distraction and confusion to that bear.

I had to get out of here, in this forest.

I guess, I could say that I had to find a way to get out of here, then go to that kingdom

Alberyl Kingdom, where the Otome game will start 1 year later.

I will enroll Ana there; I don't care about the game but I care about Ana's well-being. She needs to learn and befriended with other people. Albeit, I hope there will be someone who can take care of her sharp tongue.

I jumped and climb on a tree and begun leaping to branches of each tree.

I thought it was a great escape because the bear is nowhere to be seen



I quickly jumped to my right side and dodge the sharp sound coming at my back.

When that sharp sound hit the tree, the tree got cut into devastating state. That sharp sound even scratches my sleeve.

I feel uneasy, the sharp wind sound was like a claw. Yes, a claw.

I started running quickly, there's no point in standing there getting surprised nor felt something unpleasant, it will only a burden in running away, running away for our life.

One wrong move and we're dead.

But I had to look at my back. Yeah, I regret it later on.

The bear is 50 ft away from me, and that monster is getting closer and closer.

But I'm not worried, I have my plans, and alternative plans.

I hope I won't use that alternative plan, because it's too risky.

I look at my back again and the bear is right in front of me...

I smiled at the bear as if saying that I tricked that monster.

When the bear was about to give me, a blow using its claws, two shadow clones started to attack the monster. Of course, the clones have no match to that monster and got destroyed after 3 seconds, but it's enough for me to run away.

But even if it's enough for me to run, it's still not enough and not big enough for me to completely escape to that monster grasp.

Again, the bear was about to attack me, it was angry and lost its control. It's really angry, maybe because the monster didn't expect this kind of situation? well. Still.

Clone is still not good huh...

I imitate an animal... Lots of crows like shadows started to appear in my shadows, humanoid clones keep appearing in the bear shadows then started to attack...

While the clones attacking the bear the shadow crows started to attack as well.


The bear growled angrily, then it opens its mouth.

That is!

It was the same thing that incinerate our house!

I got panic for a second but I got myself and calms down, this power will have a recoil I guess, because back then that bear didn't attack us when we manage to escape, instead the monster just standing not moving.

Thanks for myself, for being calm. I hided inside of the dark bear's shadow.

When I was inside, Ana suddenly hugged me.

"Are you okay...?"


Somehow, this feels like, this is not the way of a sibling's relationship? Where are we going?

Never mind that, inside of the shadow I can see the dark bear.

A large ball appears to its mouth, it's sparking and the color is navy blue, with dark-ish aura, it gives of a sinister look.

Then when the bear releases it, the monster turn its head to 180 so that it will hit everything.


A ray of dark ish light started to incinerate every object, other living beings. Its range is around 60 meters,


That destructive power!!!

It incinerates everything! Trees, grass, all the living beings that got involve in that attack.

Everything turns to ashes.

I want to ask, is that monster really a disaster class not a calamity or something?

If it's a disaster class, then how strong are those adventurers, knights, mages, who can defeat a disaster class type monster?

It seems that I'm still weak, I'm strong but also weak either. The world is seriously wide...


Now then, we are trapped inside of that monster shadows, but I at least gathered some information about this bear monster.

First is, it can smell us, the bear isn't leaving, it only waiting on us while gnashing its own teeth. second, that blast before, I'll call it dark ray. It was a destructive power you won't be able to survive even if you cast a barrier, I notice that; that power can nullify magics, so magic won't do any help if that thing hits you.

Thirdly, that power has a demerit, because after the bear release that destructive power, a recoil will hit the one who used it. The user/monster won't be able to move for 5 seconds, so if that monster/other user, want to used it, it should be a sure kill.

I don't know if this power can be learned by humans, and if it did. Then it would be an intermediate magic, no. Maybe even higher than that.

Even if I know the recoil of that power, I still don't want to used that as an advantage to me. Because if that monster used that again, the forest will turn into ashes. And turn into wasteland.

And lastly 4th, the skin of the bear is hard like a metal, normal weapons won't be able to help when I want to slice its skin, hell even a scratch won't leave a mark on its skin.

So, I need something outrageously strong weapon, something sharp and durable. A blade that a single swing will cut the monster in half, shred the monster until nothing is remain.

I switched place with another shadow, while I'm inside of the monster's shadow

'Where can I find that kind of weapon? It's impossible to find some here in the forest...'



OH shit

The dark bear is at my back.

How can he find me so easily and quickly!?

It's as if, he can see me anywhere or can smell me.

Wait smell?...

Is it possible that he can smell my scent? Of course, it is!

I learnt about it but then I forgot!? If that was the case, I need to erase my smell but how?

I don't think I have a time for that.

The bear is running menacingly then he jumped so high enough to reach the tree leaves.

While on the mid-air, he raises his claws and menacingly brandishes it; then he swung it downward while on the mid-air.

A wave with a shape of a claw flew at the end of his claws. Then it run towards me. Fortunately, I manage to dodge it but I still have some scratches at my left shoulder.

It hurts and hot, but I continue to run away.

- this is the last shadow...

Before the bear hit me by its claw, I switched place with another shadow clone, but I can't switch place anymore, I'm also running out of mana.

- Damn it!

If what I think earlier was right, that he can smell my scent then...

I quickly run as I could, only a matter of time before it reaches me, this place is far from the place where I almost hit by that monster, I don't know how many meters, but I know and I'm sure that; that monster will be able to find me quickly.


Combining the enormous sound of a thunder and a big rock not far from me, a sharp heavy noise of the two that hit to each other, and the heavy rainfall.

I run and run; my feet are getting heavy as it touches the soil with the sound of flash because of wet.

I am also losing my breath, I don't care what happen to me but, what I was thinking is that how can I get out Ana here in this situation?

She was one of the people I cherish in this world.

My running slowly stops as I look down at the ground.

-No... We need to survive...

'I also have a promise that I need to do...' as I think, a person, that girl. I will see her, together with Ana.

I promise that we will meet again after all...

I smirked, why am I scared of that thing?

Fear completely overwhelms me, but not now.

I run again, even if my body felt heavy, even though I am at the disadvantage, there's still hope.

I'll keep running away, as long as I live.

So, what if that monster is strong?

Even weak can kill a strong person.

And that bear is underestimating me

‘oi, you shitty monster, don't underestimate human nature...’

I quickly run, there is a way to defeat that monster,

Scheme and wit.

I look around, a plan to kill that thing, I can kill that monster, or a plan to make it not move for one day.

I need a plan A and plan B to execute such plan, but the question. How do I start? In this forest I don't have anything... Weapons nor house. All is gone, no monster everywhere...

Now that I think about it, why can't I encounter any monster here?

In each place that I step, this field is the only thing that I don't see any monster. It's as if everything was wiped out here...

I shook my head and continue to run, not long after I see monster bodies scattered everywhere.

I saw a boar in front of me, its body has a slash mark, it was a mark of a sword.

“This is...”

Is there a human here?

I need to stay away from them, they might get caught by that monster.

It could be dangerous for them...

But a sudden idea came to my mind.

But I quickly shake it off, I don't want to used such evil scheme, it is not my method.

I'm not going to involve them...

As I was about to quickly run away from this place. A harsh arrogant voice could be heard.

“Hey! You! Get that thing out of here! I don't want to see such a disgusting monster in front of me!”

A familiar voice That I know could be heard somewhere.

I hide in the trees and slowly walk. Wait I can use my shadow, right? I don't know how to erase my presence.

I can also hide together with Ana but I won't be able to move.

“Can I move while I'm on inside of a shadow?”

This is just a guess, and also a possibility.

It also helps a fragment on my past memory, I was watching called 'Anime' there I see a man became a shadow and moving at the ground rapidly, he can also let out his arm while on the shadow... He is fighting with a metal dude.

Am I able to do that? Let's see...

I used my remaining mana and flow it in to my body...

I need to move in the shadow, freely with my will...

I need to be that shadow. No, become part of the shadow.

I am, the shadow itself...

My body, turn into black color then I melted, I become like a liquid but it couldn't touch, no... It's as if I'm a part of the reflection of a tree in front of me... I can move in the ground, reflection of anything...

The hell... This is a success, right???

“Who's there!?”

Suddenly, a person appears at the tree where I was in,

Wearing a knight's armor and a sword on its hand.

did they notice me when I'm focusing my mana? Anyway, I was fortunate that I turn myself into shadow.

Now, I was interesting whose voice was it...

I have this feeling that I know that person, I have this urged of anger...

I wanted to see that person's face; I have a guess but I want to confirm it...

I gripped my fist but I couldn't see it because my body was in a form of a shadow... But I felt my body is shaking and I was gripping my fist.

Take it easy, the situation I am now is dangerous...

I should hide on this knight's shadow.

I come along with the knight without him knowing. Of course, he wouldn't know because I'm on his shadow.

Not long after, I finally manage to see who's that voice came from, I'm not wrong.

Anger flowed instantly to me, I wanted to kill this person in front of me now. This grudge, this loathed feelings...

I thought I manage to forget about this, but I guess I was completely wrong?

It maybe still in my inner consciousness, it was awakened because of familiarity. A nostalgic yet disgusting feeling I am facing right now.

Bob cut blue hair, orc-like appearance, freckles on his cheek. Orange eyes with a sign of being arrogant. Wearing expensive clothes that doesn't fit on him, the clothes that he is wearing might explode if he moves with exaggeration.

And such harsh arrogant voice can be heard from him...

I know this person... My brother...

A sudden killing intent came to me, and maybe because of my killing intent the knights notice and quickly look everywhere.

Just a few more step and I will finally kill you...

I remember my past in that house, the treatment that I and my mother receive, the torment that they gave to me. If it were not for Ana and that person, I would have already given up living...

... That's why...

This grudge, this madness...

I will end this quickly in a simplest way...

I move myself in an appearance of a shadow without its owner.

(A/N: in this line the Mc is walking in a shadow appearance without anyone's reflection. In simplest way he was using shadow without anyone's silhouette nor an object that can form a reflection at its back.)

10 more step,



I am at his shadow, I slowly forming myself into human form...

“Rael stops!”

But before I manage to slice his neck, her voice came to my ears. No maybe to my mind...

That's why I quickly hide again so no one will see me.

“Ana why?”

“Rael, I don't know what you're doing for I can't see anything, I'm inside of your shadow after all... I also don't know how I manage to speak to you but...”

Ana stopped for a moment then continue

“I can feel what you're feeling right now, anger, grudges. I don't know what you're seeing but please refrain from what you're doing, that killing intent will bring us in to trouble...”


Ana was right...

I breathed out and look at the surroundings...

Thank God I manage to calm down thanks to her...

Now I see it, these knights are strong, their Face and eyes also shows that they've already used to fighting, in short, they have experience killing people without remorse nor guilt...

I won't be able to fight them, I'm no match for them. They're really strong, and strong enough to kill that disaster level monster...




I manage to get such a great idea...

I don't need to worry about these knights...

After all they are the knights of that house, so they're also my enemy...


I said I won't involve innocent people, yes. I won't involve INNOCENT people...

So, I will involve that AREN'T innocent. And fortunately, they are here in front of me...

Let's begin the evil scheme...

Let them fight the dark bear to death...

Brother, I want to see your reaction, will this arrogant and garbage like attitude of yours will turn into fear and despair or will you still act the way you are right now...

Don't let me disappoint...

Oh, my dear Brother...

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