Chapter 10: Knights vs Dark Demon Bear

“did you see anyone there?”

Said by the captain of the knights who's next beside to Bobby Evans the heir of house Evans. He is wearing a knight's armor while holding his helm to his waist, light brown hair and brown eyes with a mustache, his body structure can't be described because he was wearing an armor.

But one could tell that he has a good physics even if he is already at his 40's, what's more anyone can't talk to him properly because of the atmosphere around him.

Cruel, cold hearted, malicious, insane

A dangerous feeling that one could tell that the man shouldn't be underestimated.

“n-no sir! I found no one there!”

The knight was shaking, even though he was a retired mercenary and killed many lives not just monsters but also human. A rank B mercenary, in his day he was feared by everyone because of his cruelness and he spared no one whether it was his own team or not, sacrifice them if it means to save his life.


The man in front of him is different.

Regorie, a serial killer also known as Regorie the bloodthirsty. He killed hundreds of lives, no one couldn't count how much he killed, child, adult, maidens etc. He mercilessly kills anyone, with the joy to shed some blood, killing with a smile that contain satisfaction and wanting some more.

He does lots of dangerous thing, every night comes, the Yohan city from another kingdom, locking their house and making it sure there will be no hole to be a way to get inside.

Because they fear the man who is eager to see blood, the man called the bloodthirsty...

That's why, the knight right now was thinking...

'How can such an insane person manage to survive from execution and came here in this kingdom?'

Regorie was caught by the knights of Ariad kingdom and be executed, but he heard that he manages to escape at the nick of time; when he was about to get hanged on public. No one knows how or what did he do to escape in the day of execution.

' No, more importantly how did the Marquess manage to hold this guy? No, does that man even know what is this insane person was? '

Without expressing his thoughts in front of the said person, he just stands still and waiting for his captain words.

“I see... Couldn't be help then... Maybe, I had to put some knife at your mouth or cut that tongue of yours, because for you to have that is useless when you can't even tell something useful...”

The knight suddenly felt some chill at his back, sweat started to appear at his fore, he got terrified by the captain.

He looks at the captain, cold merciless eyes as if it wants to kill you slowly, the captain eyes are enough to be terrified. The knight doesn't know what to do.

The captains hand took some dagger at his waist and he slowly raising his dagger, the knight stepped back but then the captain stopped him by grabbing his shoulder.

The dagger was already close to his mouth, the sharp tip of the blade touches his lips.

“Hey you! What are we doing there?! How foolish! Is that how my father paid you!? You are all useless! You are just a pawn, a tool for our gracefulness! Let's go and find the daughters of that man!”

Thankfully, or maybe he was fortunate that the heir called them. The knight breathed out and felt relieve.

The captain stopped and clicked his tongue due to disappointment; he looked at Lord Bobby Evans, the son of marquess Reild Evans.

' I should control myself; I want to cut this pig and gush his own intestine for me to be satisfied, but if I do that, he would be mad at me, I am thankful to that man for saving my life at that time of execution so I won't kill this pig just because he irritates me... '

' Maybe, I'll be the one to torment him when the day where we are ready for the plan', think by Captain Regorie, as he slightly gave a smile.

“I apologies my lord, it's just that we felt a killing intent a while ago so got alerted, that's why I ask one of the knights to take a look at the nearest tree.”

“W-what!? W- where!? Did you find anyone?”

“Unfortunately, no. We couldn't find a person, perhaps he/she realized that he let his/her own killing intent, that's why that person decided to flee, to get away.”

 “h-hmmf! I know it! Whoever that person was, that thing might got scared on the mighty me! So that insect decided to flee because of fear!”

“Just like you said my lord, that person flee in the situation he/she was in, when that person saw you maybe, he did think 'who is this mighty and strong person'!? 'that's why that person decided to get away as soon as possible...”

The heir nodded at Regorie, Regorie smirked.' what an easy person, if this person will take the role of marquess, I'm afraid within 3 weeks, the house of Evans will fell on the hand of a certain man...',

“now let's go! this stupid horse your so slow!”

'it's not the horse are slow but the one who was riding at the horse is too fat...' think by the knights while they were walking.

It's been 1 and half a day for them, they killed monsters when they got spotted, hunt for food, but this man, their lord, was doing nothing but only speaking in foolish arrogant noise. Always ordering them around without his help.

'Why don't I kill this brat?'

'If it's not for money...'

'I wonder what kind of expression would he make if I hurt him a li~itle bit.'

'For money... For money...!'

Various thoughts are coming to each knight, of course they're not particularly a knight, originally, they're retired mercenaries, prisoners of war, killers.

There is no chivalry on them.

They continue to move forward and the sun was about to fell on their sight but the heavy rain is still not stopping. So, they had to stop for a while, make a camp and rest a bit.

Of course, they couldn't have a rest because of the tantrum of a certain someone, saying the ground is hard, etc.

They really wanted to kill the heir... Their lord.

Not long after, when the moon was at their sight, stars flickering at the sky, the ground is still wet, they felt a heavy atmosphere.

Of course, Regorie alerted everyone to be ready, instead of getting terrified by the sudden change of the temperature.

Regorie smiled like a smile of a demon, truth be told, Regorie wants some blood, he wants to see what kind of blood those knights have, but he can't do that or he won't, all of them are his subordinate including him.

Now, there was a danger, a terrifying being is coming at them. He can't help but grin widely as he waits for that being to come.

-w-why do I feel terrified... Hheyy!! You bastard what is happening right now! Answer me quickly or I will tell to my father that you disobey me!

Bobby Evans ask Regorie, Regorie imagine that he slit the throat of this pig, even if he wanted to do that; he endured and answer his question.

- apologies, it seems that we have a visitor that is coming, more so. A dangerous being is coming towards us.

Bobby Evans gulfed, 'no wonder, these stupid knights gave a sudden posed as if there will be a battle... Hmm', he thinks.

'Maybe this is the time we're I can spread my might! A hero should use his comrade to fight the enemy! While he thinks of a way to defeat a certain villain! Yeah! I should use them as I see fit and make a move where I can use my sword and kill the enemy!'

Bobby thinks happily, he clasps his hand with a happy face and order all of his knight.

“Hey you cowards! Raise your sword and shield then used That body of yours to defeat the enemy! While I'll think of a way how to kill it! If you die, you don't have to worry for you serve the mighty Bobby! You should feel honor instead!”

Every knight including Regorie didn't feel happy about it, they even look to each other if they agree to kill the person in front of them who's sitting at the horse while eating an apple happily.

Of course, they even included to used him as a bait to be the food of the enemy, no one will know how he died, and they could just explain and blame it to someone if the marquess questioning them.

So, they decided.

'we'll kill this fat ass kid without using our hands. '

All of the knights make an eye contact, Regorie knows this too, and he also accept the idea, he was just a little bit disappoint that he wouldn't be the person who will kill the son of the marquess...

But he has no choice, this foul-mouthed person is too annoying.

Stomp, stomp.

Not long after they look at the west side and saw a big fury dark bear glaring at them,

Rage could be seen in its eyes.

Everyone gets ready with a sweat in their back.

“Oi... Isn't that one of the disaster class Rank A monsters, Dark demon bear?”

 “Why is such a being here in the forest...”

“... Well... Isn't this forest was called a forest of no return? Then we should have expected that kind of being was here...”

Various types of question and answer can be heard, all the knights have mix feeling. Fear and excitement.

As a retired mercenary they already encounter many types of danger class, and one of the most dangerous danger class monsters is a dark demon bear who's said will be closed to the list of calamity class.

They don't know if the being in front of them is still danger class or is it closed to calamity and will evolve sooner.

But, to them it was nothing.


Greed overcame at them, they think if they kill such monster, they will be given a solid price, a price that will give them wealth.

That's why they didn't hesitate to attack such a being.

""""" OOOOOHHH!!! """""

all of the knights started to move and excitedly brandished their swords then simultaneously attack the monster.


- - - Regorie POV'S - - -


Truly, what a delectable sight.

Albeit, it is also disappointing.

“My, my arms!!! Aahhkk!!!”

49 knights fighting off the dark bear, while they brandishing their swords earlier full of excitement, but now they regret it?

How foolish, they can't defeat a single disaster class monster? Truly detestable.

But I can't blame them, their attacks were nothing to the bear. No, it's skin is thick that even sword won't be able to penetrate it.

“AHHH, I wonder what kind of blood will that monster produces.”



One of the knights flew off and land at my foot.


Hmm, this man will die in a matter of second...


Please serve your body properly.

I grab the man with my left arm.


Then I throw him towards the bear as if he was like a paper ball.


The man scream, the monster saw what is coming to his front and raise his paws then he swung his claws, the man was cut in half.

His intestine and blood gushed out and some blood hit the face of the monster.

The knights felt terrified of what their captains did.

The knights are decreasing slowly as they fight the monster in front of them.

But no injuries nor scratch can be seen on the bear. Instead, their sword is slowly decreasing its durable.

' At this rate these knights will die in vain. Well, not that I care instead they would look pitiful, are they?'

“You lowly knights can't even make a single hit to bear!? Are you lowly knights truly an elite!? How did my father choose an elite knight!?”


Ah, how did we forget. The knights forgot our plan because of greed while I got interest from the monster in front of us.

I look at the man who said those words.

Riding at the horse, with the expensive clothes where his belly was exposed to naked eye. And a sword with a curve line shape.


Ah, that sword called caladbolg? If I were to remember that sword is a piece of caladbolg used by the first Hero Gawain.

(A/N: honestly, history wise, Gawain is not the wielder of Caladbolg instead its Fergus Mac roich in celtic myth, Sir Gawain sword is Galluth it is also called Galantine, he came from Arthurian legends. I just make this clear, and I just used it for my story for no further reason, I just find it cool. "

If that's one of the pieces of a sacred sword then...

“My lord.”

“Hm? What is it? Wait why aren't you fighting with them!? You coward!!!”

I ignored his complain, I have my reasons not to fight yet, I'm not like you who is sweating a lot, and trembling in its own feet.

“I have a request my lord, our mighty hero.”

“Hm? Hmm? I see, it seems that you witness my mighty being! What is it?”

Ah, I want to kill him with my own hands, how disappointing.

“You see 'Our HERO', as a hero there are many times that they should decide, and accepting such sacrifice...”

“I see, I see, as a hero they need some sacrifice to survive and to protect others, yes!”

“Yes, the hero 'needs' to accept such fate and accept sacrifices for the greater good.”

AHH, fascinating, this innocent look yet it felt disgusting. Don't worry you will be happy for accepting such sacrifices.

“that's why my lord...”

I slightly bow my head with courtesy, he might not able to see my face, my expression but I was smiling evilly.

“Please accept yourself as one of the food chains of that monster.”

- hmm I see... I see... Then.... What...?

I look at the son of the marquess, hmm? Ah, what a face, he became pale he even wet at his pants, he produces a sweat like a water fall, his index finger was pointed at me while shaking...

“You. You!! How dare you! I'm the son of Marquess, the heir! Your master, the one you serve!”

“Apologies, it seems that you misunderstood. But sir, you're not my master whom I serve for the rest of my life.”

“t- then my father! You are my fathers trusted knight! You bastard when we get back, I'll ask father to execute you!”

“It seems that your head has no brain instead only a fat that can go inside of you head. Tell me, is your father is my master whom I deem to serve?”

The heir, son of the marquess looks confused and speechless...

“Ah, how unfortunate, it seems that you didn't understand what I'm saying, no it seems that I failed to make it for you to understand, then let me make it clear. So, your ears will be able to hear.”

“We serve no one, only him and him alone. Such a noble like you nor your father has no right to order us around, we only followed him.”


the heir said with full of fear.

“hmm... Let's just say we got order to infiltrate your house, yes, your father's state to make our plan success in the future, so please accept my request and die as the hero you admired. Although it might be a bit different from what you had thought.”

I quickly grab his arms which make him lost his balance, ah. It pains me to say but he truly is heavy, isn't it?

Anyway, once he fell off at the ground, I quickly take the sword, I grab it and hold it. Then I saw a piece of cloth at his shoes, where did that come from, as I keep thinking of what might that be, the heir spoke.

“You, what are you going to do! You dare to hurt the son of a marquess!!”

“It seems that you failed to understand your current situation, oh well... Farewell my lord.”

I kicked his stomach, it felt I just kicked a jelly but at least he got thrown out and flew towards the bear.

Of course, the knights notice this and simply moved away, it seems that they also realized to forgot something important.


The heir looks at in front of him, he grows paler and paler.


Why did the bear become more angrier as he seems to be?


The monster stabbed the heir in his stomach, he spurted a blood on his mouth and while trembling he hold the hand of the monster while crying with a snot on his nose.

Then the monster opens his mouth widely.

Is he going to eat that heir?

“Hic.... He... Hel-“

The heir didn't even finish to speak as an ominous energy started to appear at the monster that form a shape of a circle then blow it in a tremendous power.

The heir face was hit by it which his face turn into dust no blood came out. A body without its head... Ahh fascinating... There was nothing left, I only see his lifeless body, who's still stock at the claw of the monster.

After that, the monster separates the body in half by using its paws, the blood and organs spurted like a rain around the field.



The knights were speechless, even I who already saw this seen at my time, when I was killing every human, I got interest in.

This type of killing is terrifying, he is fitted to be a monster in danger class... No, is he a calamity class already? That ominous power he has earlier, that energy that came to his mouth, it can wipe out the half of a kingdom.

“This monster is not a disaster class anymore! It's a calamity class!!!”

Indeed, ahh... Everyone is terrified even I am trembling. It seems that I failed to see what kind of situation we are in... It looks like that the knights earlier were also got hit by that tremendous power, only 4 knights left including me... I don't know how it happen but I can't afford to look at each body lying down at the ground.

The monster smirked at us, then glared at me... I started to get trembled...

It's... Terrifying, it's really terrifying... I can't help my trembling body... That power, that death impurities on this being... I'm terrified...

AHH... What a terrifying sight... It's making me... Making me...




“ you knight, run...”

“but sir...!!!”

The knights think that their captain is sacrificing himself for them, they're absolutely wrong.

Regorie the bloodthirsty is losing his self-control, and for him these knights are nothing but a burden, a nuisance for his grand battle in front of him.

“don't make me repeat myself, you guys are a burden for my grand battle, if you continue to act like that, I won't hesitate to also used you as a food from this monster.”

The 3 knights paled, they completely misunderstand him, of course. How could a serial killer in front of them started to taking care of his comrade, they remember what he did earlier to the one knight.

They're just mercenary and a lowly killer not like him so they decided to moved far away, not just by his order but also feared to die.

“ now then, it might seem you understand us.”

The bear just smirked at me, aahhhhhh

Such captivating feast in the eyes, auhh... I might get drown on this pleasure... AHHH, blood... I want to see its blood... What color is it?

What taste is it? I want to know... So please... Don't disappoint me...

“it seems I was right. Apologies, it seems that I still hadn't have enough time to drink a cup of tea, my snack time was disrupted by you...”


Hm? It seems the bear started to get angry again...

When I stepped forward, I felt something at my foot.

Again, this piece of cloth... This is not the cloth of the dead heir this is another person's cloth...

Ah... We've been... I see... Fufu… fufufu…!


What a terrible person! That person used us for this situation kumuhahahahahah…

I want to see you, talk to you, feel you... Feel free to see me... Aahhh, this is making me alive!

Whoever might you be, I want to see your face... So, wait for me... please let me indulge myself...

“but before that, please entertain me... Mr bear...”

I smiled evilly, ah...

This is making me feel alive.

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