The System Lordships Son-Inlaw
The System Lordships Son-Inlaw
Author: Waveno
Chapter 01

Masquerades ran through the streets, as Lucas wondered what celebration provoked such a public announcement.

The Masquerades were in white, this meant that a man had proposed marriage and her family had approved of it.

Music Blasted through the air.

Lucas was a hardworking toilet washer and he did this terrible work to please his wife and inlaws who knew he was a big loser!

As soon as he entered his wife's Mansion where he also stayed, he could see many gifts, some cars, some Jewelries, antique paintings and unique sculptures worth millions of dollars that he knew.

This caused him to understand that the supposed marriage proposal was happening In his home?

“In my house?” He asked himself at a loss of words as his concerns went on if his son and wife were inside and Safe.

But what dissatisfied him the most was the information he got from his child's school and that stated that Alexandra, his only son, was dismissed till parents pledge visitation otherwise the school would sue.

And for… Why?

Because his son had exhausted all government Education loans and even scholarships from kind individuals who wanted to sponsor the child's future since his son Alexandra was a brilliant child too.

There was shame and disgust over Lucas's face… He had always given his wife the money to pay for his child's tuition, except?

“Nahhhh… She wouldn't.” He chiselled his mouth in disappointment.

Lucas couldn't take it.

He had always paid his child's tuition.

But fortunately his wife was definitely supposed to have a good Explanation.

"We need to talk?" He stated as soon as he entered the newly enhanced parlour with family members who glared at him like a filthy rat had returned.

He immediately checked where he had left some cash but it wasn't there, so he called on to his wife again, ignoring her in-laws.

“Honey, what's happening here?” He asked.

“Jesus Christ! How did that toilet cleaner return home this early, I thought I paid his manager?!" A croacked old ladies voice which was very familiar answered rudely upstairs to Lucas's hearing downstairs causing the inlaws downstairs to laugh mockingly at him as he walked upstairs.

Before him was Lucas's Mother inlaw, looking at him like a demon on earth.

He was indeed shocked to see her.

It was the one person that hated him.

His evil Mother inlaw.

She had always resented the toilet Man.

“I didn't know your mother was here, thought we had an agreement about… Them..." He stammers whilst greeting, as his evil wife grins at him.

"Oh you don't have to welcome me Mr. Lucas, because this will be the last of you in my daughter's house." She said wickedly to him as came out behind her.

"What?" He was confused.

He knew his mother inlaw hated him, but at least her daughter loved him and they had a family running too, so he bothered less.

Yet still, Another Man walks out, beside her.

A man called Sermon Daolin.

The person whom his wife had always stated was her friend.

He was a heir to a Top Family too.

Lucas had always hated 's friendship with him as it felt too suspicious but now he was sure his wife was a big Cheat!

That explains the Masquerades.

Was she planning to marry Mr. Sermon !?

Sermon holds 's waist shaming on Lucas as they exchange romantic cuddles before deeply kissing, causing his heart to quiver in pain at the sight.

How could she do this to him!

Although Lucas wasn't a dumb Ass, he could tell that Sermon was a wolf in sheep's clothing pretending to be loving to his wife, he knew Sermon was a Gold Digger only by Sight, Lucas was experienced too.

“Ahh really." Lucas let out a hurt remark.

He never expected to be hurt like this.

But he had to careless of them and focus on his son who has been offered a Hiatus.

"I got a message that Alexandras Fees wasn't paid and I did give you the fees to pay, So please, I want to know what's happening here? I need an explanation." Lucas said to his wife worried too.

"Look into my eyes... I am tired of suffering - Lucas, you have absolutely nothing to offer me, so I am calling our useless marriage off for good." She storms back at him, careless of how he felt.

Lucas releases his breath in pain.

"But we have been good, is it because you made over two hundred million dollars recently that you feel that I am no longer worthy of having you?" He asked , feeling hurt.

He didn't want to believe she would say that.

"Ofcourse, I made money and that means my class changes too... You should know that I can't love you and to be truthful... I never loved you!" She slams at him wickedly like a devil.

She seemed Brainwashed.

"And Our child? You'd let that go too?" Lucas asked as he stared at his wife shocked.

"You have not been good enough Lucas, you're broke and you can't even afford your own car... Looking at how impoverished you are!"

"You have made me see that I made a very big mistake, by bringing myself so low, for a peasant thing like you." She bashed at him.

Lucas turned thrilled as she abused him.

"Okay... I get that you are putting up all these because you ate our son's fees, hence I didn't see the money that you and I know was left hidden in the cardboard downstairs, please don't tell me you used that too." Lucas said and laughed.

"I used the fees for my teeth surgery and for the rest of the chicken change, I used it to buy these golden bangles, aren't they pretty?" She asked, playing with her gold-plated bangles.

Lucas at this point felt worried for , He could see she was been deceived.

He removed her from Sermon 's hold, bringing her to a corner so he could talk to her.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked before Pow! His wife lashes him a hard slap that sends him stepping backwards but he still holds her and this time even tighter than he earlier did before.

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