Chapter 02

He looked at his wife in Disdain!

"Tell me it's a joke." Lucas asked in disbelief because it would mean that she spent their family savings of over $550,000 Dollars, which He had been saving for years now for the family bills.

"I was in lust because you're actually really good in bed, but I have had enough of your pauperness, I will marry a man as rich as me." whispers insults to him and it was then he understood.

He realized It was because he had nothing!

He had no Money to be Precise.

"Please, this isn't you." He tried to convince her as he pulled her in for a kiss, but then she landed him a very dirty slap that caused his nose to bleed like a broken water tap.

But wasn't done with him.

Not Yet!

"Take that you pig!" She splashed her drink over his face before spitting over his face as well, like he was some sort of dirt in her front.

She looked at him Irritated.

Her husband had suddenly turned a poor good for nothing nobody that she now Distastes.

"I said let me go! You local bike man!" She mocks him and he felt his heart break.

The humiliation hit his bones as she walked back towards Mr. Sermon Daolin.

"What kind of man doesn't buy his wife jewelries? I mean how can you stink that much with poverty and still want a woman like her?" Sermon mocks Lucas, with 's mum, enjoying the moment as they all laughed, together in his mystery.

Lucas, at this point had nothing as his wife had spent all of his life savings on nonsense.

Lucas felt really useless as she had said.

At this point... Lucas wanted to contact his father for help, but he hated that man and didn't see the need in proving and Sermon wrong.

Then He saw Veno... Alexandras cat.

"Where's Alexandra?" He asked .

"Where else?" fired at him.

He didn't want to believe his thoughts.

Sermon dashes him an evil Grin.

Lucas wondered why Sermon acted strange.

"You didn't even pick him up from school, all these while?" Lucas asked - Growing in madness.

"Can't you see that she doesn't care!?" 's mum fired back at him.

This stunned Lucas in hurt.

"Now disappear!" Sermon bashed at him.

"We're Over! Leave!" She shouted at him.

Despite the fact that Lucas hasn't signed the divorce papers, they had bribed the court illegally to terminate their marriage.

"I have no son, Get losts!" She bad eyed him, since their child was only adopted to her.

But to Lucas... His Adopted son Was his Son.

"Throw him Out!" She orders the security men around who rushed to grab Lucas to his knees as tears flooded out from his eyes.

"You want to separate us!" Lucas cried as he looks at his mother in-law who cared less of him but of the money Sermon Daolin had to offer.

“I thought you love me! How about our son?” Lucas yelled at his her like he wanted her to take her life in pain.

"So you're just going to let your mother win? You will leave me to marry your friend? Our family will be finished , wake up!" Lucas explains in frustration.

"I don't Care..." replied to her husband without even a flinch.

"At last! I still win at giving my daughter the kind of husband she deserves!”. His Mother in-law smiles evilly at him like she was staring at filth.

“Karma will come for you all, this is a sacrinage, is my wife, if you break our vows, you'll all live to regret this.!" Lucas promised them with a hard grin.

He couldn't even feel his heart inside.

But he was filled with lustful Vengeance!

His Love and Soul Burnt that moment.

It was evident his wife never loved him.

He couldn't even count the number of toilets he washed to take care of his wife and his son, to take care of his Family.

"Why are you doing this!?" He growled out disappointed as he took a step closer towards his wife .

“My family froze my assets because I married a poor loser like you, but now… I have everything back and a billionaire as my husband to be.” His wife fired back, she didn't care how he felt or about their child at all, she was ready to do away with them as long as she had money.

She was ready to do this for Sermon s' sake, especially since it would make her family richer.

His finally brought his fear before him… She always looked down on him and compared him with the wealth Sermon had, and this made him fear losing her or breaking the family up.

"You know this reminds me of a story." Lucas said as he began to cry terribly in pain, while he recalled how even his mother was rejected by his father because she was poor and invaluable of love.

Lucas loved despite the fact that she tormented him in their marriage.

It felt like his Adoption of Alexandra was now unnecessary as Alexandra had to bear with her unmotherly behaviour with Alexandra.

"You know he is too little to follow the school bus, and you didn't even care to pick him up, Oh common ! He's a child." Lucas said out of frustration.

School hours had passed and it could only mean that Alexandra used the school bus or he was still at school waiting.

Lucas stared at Mr. Sermon s' hand which held unto 's her waist seductively and it provoked him to the core that he walked up to them enraged, although Mr. Sermon stood at 's front.

Like he was going to fight for her.

Making Lucas look like He wanted to hurt her at this point, which wasn't true.

Lucas looked at his sorry fowled Face.

His gut knew Sermon had evil intentions.

He moulded his fists outraged.

He couldn't believe fell for this faker, Sermon was known to the city's womaniser, a man who had married many other women and divorced them.

He felt like beating Sermon off.

As he feared for his family falling apart.

"He's deceiving you , this is what he does to women, use and divorce them, so why does he want you so badly now that you earned your family's company a two hundred billion dollar fortune?" Lucas tried to ring a bell to but she looked away from him in disgust.

"At least... He isn't as broke as you." She mocked Lucas again and he felt Disappointed at her demeanour.

"God! You all are so heartless!" He yelled, holding his head from running mad.

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