Chapter 100

Seeing that they were not going to stop anytime soon, Mr. Brian went into the room hitting the door after asking one of the staff to get him a bucket of water... He knew Sia was a whore.

He knew she could easily throw herself at anyone because she had done that to him.

He did had her for her stupid reasons but this?

This is a great insult to his agency.

Did she forget the rules?

Didn't she read the rulebook?

Without giving it a second thought or thinking of how much the bed worth, Mr. Brian took a whole bucket of cold water and poured everything on them.

Maybe that will make their eyes clear to see their surroundings closely.

If Sia was so drunk yesterday, couldn't she have waited to get home before having sex?

Sia felt a good quantity of cold water pour on her.

She wiped her eyes in anger glancing at whoever did that to her but when she met pairs of eyes staring at her.

The anger in her died down and it was replaced with surprise when she saw a man cuddled up with her in a sexual man
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