Chapter 99

Ciara could feel Karma Dealing with her enemies.

"If anyone do, I will wipe him and his entire family out of this world. You are mine alone Ciara,no one will share you with me." He replied through gritted teeth and Ciara began laughing.

"Did you have to get angry? I was just kidding, can you come pick me up?" She asked.

"Right away, just stay right there. I will be there. Turn around Mr. Arthur." He said hanging up.

Ciara chuckled at Lucas's possessive nature.

She grabbed her bag and began walking outside.

"Hey Ciara, please wait up." Ciara turned around to see Sia smilling at her.

She raised her eyebrows questionably.

What is she up to?

"Congrats Ciara." Sia said smiling excitedly at her with two glasses of juice in her hand

Ciara nodded her head in response, if Sia is trying to be nice to her. Then she's up to something but what exactly?

"Look Ciara, I know I gave you a bad impression on our first meeting. I behaved like a bitch and I am sorry I let my jealousy over crowd my sense o
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