Chapter 92

The man looked at others as they spoke through their eyes. He smiled and grabbed the lady by the waist, ready to devour her innocent soul.

"It wouldn't be bad to have a taste of a beautiful lady like you. We were sent actually but we can let him go for you." He licked his lips lustfully staring down at her body.

His mind drifted away from Lucas focusing all his attention on the lady.

When the lady was sure that the man's whole mind was with her.

She kicked him in the place were the sun doesn't shine and the gun came flying to her hand.

How stupid!

They all fell on their knees with their eyes widened. A woman just tricked them?

How did this happen?

Unknown to them, she was oblivious of how to use a gun but with the way she was perfectly holding it and pointing it at them, they all thought she would scatter their heads without thinking twice.

"Lie flat on the floor, if you make any move, I will pieces your head"

She warned authoritatively.

If they had known, they wouldn't have carried o
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