The Tactical Titan Genaral
The Tactical Titan Genaral
Author: Scarlett Williams
Chapter 1 : Crimson Wasteland Battlefield...

The sun was shining brightly over the Crimson Wasteland, where a gruesome battle was going on. Dead soldiers and other soldiers that were still alive engaged in combat littered the field, their bodies were in every direction. The war had broken out between the corrupt state officials and the military, who had taken it upon themselves to expose and eliminate the corruption.

The conflict began when the state, led by Star General Brookhaven, took to the streets in protest against the government. Misinterpreting his intentions, they accused him of plotting a coup and launched a full-scale war against the military.

James Reynold, now a veteran after five years of training under General Brookhaven, was at the forefront of the final decisive battle between the state and the military.

"Sir, as per your orders, our forces have secured the front lines, and the remaining squads have been deployed to reinforce the borders. We have emerged victorious, once again under your exceptional command," General Silverton reported to James Reynold, the esteemed commander, through the tactical radio.

"That's excellent news. I always knew this day would come. Finally, peace will prevail," James exclaimed, as he surveyed the devastating aftermath of the battlefield.

The state officials knew they couldn't win the fight, so they had to agree to the military's demands. The military wanted them to get rid of the corrupt people in their group. This led to a situation where neither side could win, allowing for a peaceful settlement.

James reached out to General Brookhaven, eager to share the news of their hard-fought victory.

"General, we have secured triumph in the crimson wasteland," he conveyed over the tactical radio.

"Hahaha! Magnificent! That's my boy. Report back to the city now. I know you must have waited so long to reunite with your loved ones," General Brookhaven responded.

James was incredibly happy as he ended the call, thrilled that the long and brutal war was finally over. He couldn't wait to go home and see the woman who had been the source of his strength throughout the five difficult years.

"Gabriel, get the plane ready! We're going home to Victoria!" he told his subordinate.

Yes, sir," Gabriel replied.


Victoria Airport.

James arrived at the airport in Victoria, surrounded by his trusted team, the Tactical Titans. These five experienced warriors had fought alongside him and were committed to staying together. As they walked together, all dressed in their uniform clothes and wearing sunglasses, people couldn't help but look at them in amazement.

The reputation of the Tactical Titans was well-known and had anyone recognized them, they would have been left speechless in their presence. However, James had deliberately chosen not to use the military airport, and his subordinates respected his decision, faithfully following him to the civilian terminal.

"You don't have to accompany me any further. This is no longer the battlefield, and I am no longer your superior. You can go back to your normal life. I need some time alone," James turned to address his loyal comrades, attempting to dissuade them.

"Commander, we're not going anywhere without you. If you're going to see Miss Riley, we'll be right behind you," Gabriel countered, disagreeing with James's attempt to leave them behind. The other Titans nodded in agreement.

"Enough with the formalities. We are in the city, surrounded by civilians. You don't have to address me by my rank. Just call me James. After all, we are like sworn brothers. If the state government were to discover that the Tactical Titans were all together, they might suspect us of plotting another revolt. Don't worry about me; I'll be fine," James assured them, reaching the exit of the airport. He stopped a taxi, ready to depart.

"Commander... Sir... James, you shouldn't take a civilian taxi. We can arrange for a private escort," Landor, one of the Titans, objected, feeling that it was beneath a general who had commanded thousands of troops.

"It's fine with me. We can stay in touch through our phones. I appreciate your concern, but I'll be taking this taxi. I'm leaving now," James waved at his loyal comrades, bidding them farewell as he entered the cab.

"Take me to Grayson Manor... Riley, here I come," James said to the cab driver,

James was returning to the very place that marked the beginning of his life's journey. Riley Grayson, his wife, had married James after he donated his kidney to save her from kidney failure. Unfortunately, James was the only suitable match for Riley. To secure his mother's treatment, James agreed to their terms.

The Graysons felt compelled to arrange Riley's marriage to James due to the critical comments from the media. They valued their reputation above all else and were willing to sacrifice their daughter's happiness for increased fame.

Initially, James had reservations about marrying Riley, but he had no other choice; his mother's life was at stake. On their wedding night, Riley, who was in a drunken state forcefully slept with James.

Despite James taking her virginity, Riley did not hold it against him. She still regarded him as her husband and accepted the facts. She was grateful to him for saving her life.

Later, the Grayson family sought to get rid of James, as they did not want their daughter married to someone they considered poor and unworthy.

The head of the Grayson family, was a military official, with most of the male members of the family also military officials.

They were given the task due to the revolt to send their family members to the crimson battlefield. Viewing James, with his single kidney and perceived insignificance, they sent him in place of their family member. They saw it as a journey of no return for him.

Despite Riley's dislike for James, Riley disagreed with her parents. She recognized him as her husband and didn't want him to die. James reassured her that she shouldn't get worried, as he would come for her.

Finally, after five years, the day had arrived. James stood before the gates of the Grayson manor, clutching a small bag in his hands.

"Riley... I have returned.”

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