The Tactical Titan Genaral

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The Tactical Titan Genaral

By: Scarlett Williams OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 10 views: 41

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James Reynolds, whose family had unjustly stripped him of his inheritance and claimed all the properties left by his late father, found himself in a dire financial situation. He had no money left but was determined to do everything possible to save his mother's life. In an act of selflessness, he even went to the extent of donating his kidney to his wife, Riley. However, despite all his efforts, his mother still passed away. James Reynolds, who married into the Grayson family, was sent to join the military as an exchange for the Grayson family's son. They had sent him off to war, expecting him to die. However, he emerged as one of the strongest generals. Upon his return, he discovered that they intended to marry off his wife. "Your husband is dead, girl. It's time you accepted it. Martinez can give you a much better life than that useless soldier ever could," they taunted. "Get your filthy hands off my wife!" James roared. Riley's eyes opened wide in surprise, and she let out a small gasp. "James?" she whispered, hardly daring to believe her eyes. He swiftly crossed the room, pulled her into his arms, and held her tightly as she clung to him, tears streaming down her face. This was the woman who had kept him going all this while.

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10 chapters
Chapter 1 : Crimson Wasteland Battlefield...
The sun was shining brightly over the Crimson Wasteland, where a gruesome battle was going on. Dead soldiers and other soldiers that were still alive engaged in combat littered the field, their bodies were in every direction. The war had broken out between the corrupt state officials and the military, who had taken it upon themselves to expose and eliminate the corruption. The conflict began when the state, led by Star General Brookhaven, took to the streets in protest against the government. Misinterpreting his intentions, they accused him of plotting a coup and launched a full-scale war against the military.James Reynold, now a veteran after five years of training under General Brookhaven, was at the forefront of the final decisive battle between the state and the military."Sir, as per your orders, our forces have secured the front lines, and the remaining squads have been deployed to reinforce the borders. We have emerged victorious, once again under your exceptional command," G
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Chapter 2 : Return Of The Warlord
James stood outside the gates of the grand Grayson Manor. After five long years fighting in the Crimson Wasteland, he had finally returned home - home to his wife, Riley. The last time he laid eyes on her, they had been newlyweds, their marriage orchestrated by the Grayson family. Despite her lack of affection for James, the mere promise of waiting for him while he served in the military had been his sole source of joy amidst the ordeals of war.But as James gazed up at the imposing manor, doubts began to creep in. So much time had passed - what if Riley no longer felt the same way? What if her family had convinced her to move on, to marry someone else?James didn't think about it too much and opened the gates, making his way up the curvy driveway. As he got close to the front door, he heard loud voices coming from the living room. He slowed down when he recognized the loud, strong voice of Luthor Grayson, Riley's dad."I don't care what you want, Riley! You're going to marry Martine
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Chapter 3 : Tactical General in Disguise
In the midst of the chaos at the Grayson manor, James noticed a sudden movement in the shadows. His military training had taught him to be alert, and he quickly looked around the room, focusing on a figure hiding near the back. The man stepped forward, revealing a worn face and a gaze as cold as ice. James recognized the signs of a soldier and tightened his grip on the object he had grabbed from a nearby table. The man's eyes narrowed as he took in James' defensive stance, and a smile spread across his face. "I wouldn't have gotten involved if you hadn't laid hands on my nephew," he said in a deep, rough voice.James was ready to defend himself and Riley at any moment. "I guess you're another worthless person," he said, his voice firm and warning. The man's laughter turned harsh and threatening. "I am General Hawkins, retired, and you dare to insult me? I'll make sure you pay for your disrespect. You won't get out of this without consequences." The man's gaze fell on the Tactical
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Chapter 4 : Sends her the Contract
After realizing that James was a Tactical Titan Mr.Hawkin crumbled to the ground.Catalina observed with astonishment as even their esteemed retired military personnel, whom they had always boasted about as being incredibly formidable, was effortlessly defeated by James. The sight left her dumbfounded."I assure you, you will pay for this affront," Mrs. Carlos declared, her voice seething with anger."Please, I implore you not to take this to heart. I will ensure that everything is resolved," Riley's father pleaded, gesturing towards her servants to carry her son and his uncle as they made their exit.Riley's father stood frozen in disbelief, unable to comprehend the situation unfolding before his eyes. The partnership they desperately needed to save them from financial ruin had been jeopardized, all thanks to the actions of James and Riley. If word reached his own father that he had failed to secure the deal, he knew he would face the dire consequences of being exiled from the family
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Chapter 5 : Odyssey Ventures
James walked alongside Riley in the Tender Dreams Holdings building complex, their peaceful stroll shattered by the sudden appearance of Ethan, Riley's brother. The younger man's eyes narrowed, a sneer twisting his features as he regarded the couple with undisguised disdain. "Well, well, if it isn't the hired help," Ethan spat, his tone dripping with contempt. "Looking for a new job as a cleaner, are we, Trash?" he sneered, his voice echoing through the hallway, making James's eyes flash with anger.James felt the familiar surge of irritation, but he refused to be baited. Squaring his shoulders, he met Ethan's gaze unflinchingly. "At least I'm not a spoiled brat too afraid to serve his country," he retorted, his voice calm but laced with a subtle edge of derision.Ethan's face flushed with anger, his hands clenched into fists, but before he could lash out, Riley's grandfather stepped forward, his expression stern.Riley was happy that James could stand up for himself, at least he ga
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Chapter 6 : Riley’s Company Under Threat
Riley rushed into the house, tears streaming down her face after the humiliating confrontation with her family. She collapsed onto the couch, sobbing. "How could grandpa treat me that way after all my hard work?"James came in behind her, his face contorted with anger. "That's it, I can't stand by and let them disrespect you like that." He moved to put a comforting arm around his wife. "Don't worry, Riley, I'll make things right." He said to her as he comforted her.The next morning, instead of informing Riley about his visit to Odyssey Ventures, James decided to tell her that he was going for a job interview. With that, he left Riley standing in front of their house, unaware of his true intentions.As James approached the office complex of Odyssey Ventures, memories flooded his mind. He remembered the countless times his mother had suffered after his father's death. What he didn't know was that the company he was about to visit actually belonged to his father. It was a revelation to
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Chapter 7 : Won The Bid
The bidding for a new contract was finally underway at Odyssey Ventures, and numerous companies were in attendance. Riley, too, had to be present as she needed the contract to secure her company's shares.James stood still, captivated by Riley's beauty, his gaze fixed upon her. She felt a rush of shyness as she noticed James locked in on her. Unable to contain herself, she asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"James responded, "You are the most beautiful woman in the world, and I'm grateful to be married to you." James's words of praise made her blush.Every day, James had a way of pleasing her sincerely. Although she hadn't initially developed romantic feelings for him, she believed it was her duty to be his wife because he had saved her life. However, over the past few days, as they spent more time together, she found herself experiencing a newfound sense of comfort and peace. It was unlike anything she had felt in the past five years. Gradually, she felt her feelings for hi
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Chapter 8 : Won The Bid 2
The security personnel swiftly responded to Lisa's call, entering the office to remove Ethan. Despite his protests and attempts to salvage the situation, he was escorted out, leaving Lisa alone in her office. She took a moment to compose herself before returning to the conference room, where Riley was anxiously waiting.Riley watched as Lisa reentered, her face displaying a mix of confusion and concern. Sensing something amiss, she approached Lisa and asked, "Is everything alright? What happened to Ethan?"Lisa sighed, trying to regain her composure. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Riley. There seems to have been a misunderstanding. Ethan's behavior was highly inappropriate, and I had no choice but to cancel the contract."On one hand, she was glad that Ethan's plans had backfired, but on the other hand, she knew that her own chances of securing the contract were now uncertain."I understand," Riley replied, trying to hide her satisfaction. "Is there any possibility of resuming the bidding process?"
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Chapter 9 : Gambling
Five hours ago....Ethan sat alone at the dimly lit bar, his fingers tightly gripping a tumbler of whiskey. The amber liquid swished around as his hand trembled, a reflection of the inner turmoil he was experiencing. His sister Riley had snatched the lucrative contract that he had been desperately vying for, leaving him feeling utterly defeated and humiliated. "How could she do this to me?" Ethan muttered under his breath, knocking back the entire contents of the glass in one burning gulp. The alcohol provided a brief respite from the sting of his wounded pride, but it did little to assuage the deep-seated resentment he harbored towards Riley.As Ethan signaled the bartender for a refill, a well-dressed man sidled up next to him, eyeing him with an inquisitive gaze. "Rough day, my friend?" the stranger inquired, his voice smooth and almost sympathetic.Ethan eyed the man warily, unsure of his intentions. "You could say that," he replied, his tone terse.The stranger chuckled, taking
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Chapter 10 : Debt Ranging Millions
After outlining the details of their arrangement, Drax pulled out a checkbook and quickly wrote out a check for $2 million, handing it to Ethan."There you go, my friend," Drax said, a sly grin on his face. "This should give you more than enough to get back on your feet and show that sister of yours who's boss."Ethan's eyes widened as he stared at the check, hardly believing his luck. "I...I don't know what to say. Thank you, Drax.""Don't mention it," Drax replied, waving a dismissive hand. "Just make sure you put that money to good use. I have a feeling you're going to need it."Emboldened by the cash injection, Ethan made his way back to the high-stakes tables, his mind racing with thoughts of how to best use Drax's "investment." He started slowly at first, testing the waters, but soon his confidence grew, and he began making bolder and riskier bets.At first, Lady Luck seemed to be on Ethan's side. He won hand after hand, the pile of chips in front of him growing higher and highe
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