Chapter 3 : Tactical General in Disguise

In the midst of the chaos at the Grayson manor, James noticed a sudden movement in the shadows. His military training had taught him to be alert, and he quickly looked around the room, focusing on a figure hiding near the back. The man stepped forward, revealing a worn face and a gaze as cold as ice.

James recognized the signs of a soldier and tightened his grip on the object he had grabbed from a nearby table. The man's eyes narrowed as he took in James' defensive stance, and a smile spread across his face.

"I wouldn't have gotten involved if you hadn't laid hands on my nephew," he said in a deep, rough voice.

James was ready to defend himself and Riley at any moment.

"I guess you're another worthless person," he said, his voice firm and warning. The man's laughter turned harsh and threatening.

"I am General Hawkins, retired, and you dare to insult me? I'll make sure you pay for your disrespect. You won't get out of this without consequences." The man's gaze fell on the Tactical Titans crest on James' shirt.

The general's eyes widened, and for a moment, he seemed surprised. In the military, the ranking system was complex and strict, with each level marked by a unique crest or emblem. The lowest were the common soldiers, with a simple shield crest.

The elite were the commissioned officers, with a majestic eagle crest. And then, there were the Tactical Titans - a secret, highly skilled military unit of the most experienced generals. Their crest was a black Titan beetle, a sight that struck fear into even the bravest soldiers' hearts.

James was the General of the Tactical Titans, he wore a Golden Titan beetle crest.

"That crest..." Hawkins thought, his mind racing. "How did he get that?"

"Maybe it's just a regular crest?" Immediately, he  attacked James

The general suddenly attacked, throwing a powerful punch at James' face.

But James was ready, his reflexes sharpened by years of intense combat training. In a quick motion, James dodged the incoming blow, moving his body to the side and letting the general's punch sail past him. Seizing the chance, James swiftly counterattacked with a powerful strike, his fist hitting the general's nose with crushing force.

The general's nose broke and started bleeding heavily. He stepped back, holding his face in pain and surprise. Blood flowed freely between his fingers, staining his clothes.

James didn't stop. He quickly closed the distance between them and delivered a series of fast punches to the general's body and ribs. Each punch landed precisely, causing the general to bend over in pain.

With each blow, blood splattered onto the floor, showing the general's defeat. The people watching - the Graysons, the Martinez, and the frightened servants - saw James unleash his anger on the general with horror and disbelief. The room was filled with the sounds of breaking bones and the general's painful cries.

With a final, powerful move, James delivered a strong uppercut to the general's jaw, sending him flying backward. The force of the blow lifted the general off the ground, and he crashed into a nearby wall, falling to the ground in a heap.

The room became silent as James stood there, his chest rising and falling, surrounded by the aftermath of the violent confrontation. The general lay still, blood gathering around him.

Riley approached James cautiously, her eyes wide "James, what... what have you done?"

James turned to her, his expression pained. "I had no choice, Riley. He left me no other option. I had to defend myself."

She reached out and placed a hand on his arm, her touch gentle. "I understand, James. But... is he...?"

James nodded solemnly. "He's alive, but he won't be causing any trouble for a while. I didn't want it to come to this, but he forced my hand."

The Graysons and the Martinez's looked at each other nervously, their previous plans and anger forgotten for the moment as they faced the brutal reality before them.

Suddenly, the general moved, groaning in pain. Blood still flowed from his battered face, but his expression changed. He looked up at James with wide eyes,

"You... you're one of them," the general gasped, his voice full of pain.

"You're a..." Finally, the truth dawned on the general as he realized James was one of the Tactical Titans. It seemed impossible for an ordinary soldier to overpower him. But James' murderous glare showed he didn't want his true identity revealed. The general struggled to get up, his body shaking with effort. He crawled to James, moving slowly and with difficulty. With great effort, he reached James' feet and bowed, his face

in pain.

"I... I underestimated you," the general admitted, his voice strained. "Please, forgive my ignorance. I didn't realize... I didn't realize who you truly were."

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