Chapter 2 : Return Of The Warlord

James stood outside the gates of the grand Grayson Manor. After five long years fighting in the Crimson Wasteland, he had finally returned home - home to his wife, Riley.

The last time he laid eyes on her, they had been newlyweds, their marriage orchestrated by the Grayson family. Despite her lack of affection for James, the mere promise of waiting for him while he served in the military had been his sole source of joy amidst the ordeals of war.

But as James gazed up at the imposing manor, doubts began to creep in. So much time had passed - what if Riley no longer felt the same way? What if her family had convinced her to move on, to marry someone else?

James didn't think about it too much and opened the gates, making his way up the curvy driveway. As he got close to the front door, he heard loud voices coming from the living room. He slowed down when he recognized the loud, strong voice of Luthor Grayson, Riley's dad.

"I don't care what you want, Riley! You're going to marry Martinez because it's good for our family's business. You'll do what I say." James felt a lump in his throat as he heard Riley's response.

"But Dad, I can't marry Martinez. I'm still married to James, and I think he's still alive. I won't give up on him." An older woman - Martinez's mom - sneered,

"Your husband is dead, girl. It's time you accepted it. Martinez can give you a much better life than that useless soldier ever could."

James tightened his fists, feeling angry and furious inside.

“How dare they talk about him like that and try to make Riley marry someone she didn't want to?” James thought.

Just then, James saw a big, strong man grab Riley. Martinez had clearly had enough of the argument and was taking control.

“You'll marry me, Riley, whether you like it or not," he growled, grabbing her by the waist and attempting to pull her close. But she resisted and slapped him.


"I'll never marry you!" she cried out.

Luthor Grayson's face contorted with fury, and he raised his hand, striking Riley across the cheek.

"You ungrateful girl! This is for the good of our family. You will do as I say!"

James' heart skipped a beat when he saw his wife being grabbed and hit. He didn't hesitate, bursting into the room and walking in with confidence. Everyone's eyes turned to him, shocked by his sudden arrival.

"Get your filthy hands off my wife!" he roared,

Riley's eyes opened wide in surprise, and she let out a little gasp.

"James?" she whispered, hardly daring to believe her eyes.

Luthor Grayson's face contorted in anger and disbelief.

"You!" he snarled, pointing a finger at James.

"How dare you show up here, you useless fool!" Martinez's mother, Catalina, let out a loud shriek.

"This can't be happening! You were supposed to be dead!" Riley was overjoyed and glanced at James with a smile.

Although they weren't very close, she was craving to see him.. But James ignored everyone else, focusing only on Riley. He walked quickly across the room, pulled her into his arms, and held her tight as she clung to him, tears streaming down her face.

This was the woman that kept him going all this while.

The tender moment was shattered by Luthor Grayson's booming voice.

"Enough of this nonsense! You," he spat, glaring at James, " You have no place in this house. Riley is going to marry Martinez, and that is final."

James stood up straight, his face firm as he turned to face the angry Luthor.

"I'm afraid that's not going to happen, Luthor. Riley is my wife, and I won't let you or anyone else come between us." Catalina Carlos stepped forward, her eyes narrowed in anger.

"You think you can just come back and claim your wife? You're nothing but a worthless nobody who doesn't deserve to be part of this family." Catalina Carlos had always been a driven woman who wanted power and wealth.

She had built the Carlos family business from scratch, making it a big player in the industry. But she had always been jealous of the Grayson family's influence and prestige. Their company was respected, but it had been struggling lately.

Catalina saw marrying her son Martinez to Riley Grayson as a chance to take control of the Grayson business. She carefully planned the engagement, manipulating Riley's grandfather Jonathan with promises of financial help and good business deals. But her real goal was to take control of the Grayson company and add it to the Carlos family's growing list of businesses.

Martinez himself strode towards Riley, his eyes narrowed. "This changes nothing, Riley," he growled, reaching out to grab her. "You will be mine, whether your worthless husband likes it or not."

Before Martinez could lay a hand on her, James stepped forward, and he covered a long distance in seconds, his expression hardening. In one swift motion, he drew back his fist and delivered a powerful punch, the force of it sending Martinez flying backwards. The man crashed against the wall, crumpling to the ground with a pained groan.

Luthor Grayson and Catalina spun around, their eyes wide with surprise at James' sudden show of strength. Riley watched, her heart racing, as her husband stood up for her, his eyes fixed and firm.

"I think I made it clear," James said, his voice low and serious.

"Riley is my wife, and I won't let you or anyone else hurt her. If you try to come between us again, you'll face the consequences." Riley smiled slightly as James held her hand tightly, making her feel safe and protected. She felt at peace, like her worries had found a safe place in his care.

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