Chapter 8 : Won The Bid 2

The security personnel swiftly responded to Lisa's call, entering the office to remove Ethan. Despite his protests and attempts to salvage the situation, he was escorted out, leaving Lisa alone in her office. She took a moment to compose herself before returning to the conference room, where Riley was anxiously waiting.

Riley watched as Lisa reentered, her face displaying a mix of confusion and concern. Sensing something amiss, she approached Lisa and asked, "Is everything alright? What happened to Ethan?"

Lisa sighed, trying to regain her composure. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Riley. There seems to have been a misunderstanding. Ethan's behavior was highly inappropriate, and I had no choice but to cancel the contract."

On one hand, she was glad that Ethan's plans had backfired, but on the other hand, she knew that her own chances of securing the contract were now uncertain.

"I understand," Riley replied, trying to hide her satisfaction. "Is there any possibility of resuming the bidding process?"

Lisa nodded, her professionalism shining through. "Yes, we can certainly proceed with the bidding. If you're still interested, please gather the necessary documents and be prepared to present your proposal."


As the bidding process concluded Lisa began,

"I'm pleased to announce that the contract for the project has been awarded to Golden Enterprise, represented by Mrs. Riley Grayson," Lisa declared, a genuine smile forming on her face.

Riley couldn't believe her ears. She was extremely excited as she had gotten the contract.

She went and shaked Lisa and said, "Thank you"


The bidding process had concluded, and the news of Ethan's inappropriate behavior had already reached Riley's grandfather, Jonathan Grayson. As the patriarch of the Grayson family, he held significant influence and power within the business community. Upon hearing of Ethan's actions, he was filled with anger and disappointment.

He slapped Ethan immediately as he said,

"I cannot believe the disgrace you have brought upon our family, Ethan," Mr. Grayson seethed, his voice filled with a mix of anger and disappointment. "Your actions today have not only tarnished our reputation but also jeopardized you having access to Golden Enterprise."

Ethan, his face still stinging from the slap, hung his head in shame. He knew he had let his own arrogance and selfish desires cloud his judgement, and now he was facing the consequences of his actions.

"I'm sorry, Grandfather," Ethan murmured, his voice barely audible. "I didn't think about the repercussions. I wasn't thinking clearly.... I'm sorry I allowed my thin.... To think for me."

Mr. Grayson's expression softened slightly, though the disappointment in his eyes remained. He took a deep breath, trying to regain his composure.

"You were given an opportunity to prove yourself, Ethan," Mr. Grayson said, his voice stern but tinged with a hint of sadness. "I had hoped that you would gain the contract and Shane your sister, but yet you couldn't keep that thing between your legs"

His Grandfather drank a glass of wine as he shattered the wine throwing it past Ethan's head as Ethan was almost in fear

Ethan looked up, his eyes filled with regret as he knelt on the ground as he began to cry holding his grandfather's leg "Grandfather. I have let you down, and I don't deserve your forgiveness."

Mr. Grayson sighed heavily, He approached Ethan and placed a firm hand on his shoulder.

"You are fortunate that Riley managed to secure the contract despite your actions," Mr. Grayson said, his tone firm. "But make no mistake, Ethan. But never should this happen again"

"Yes Grandpa I promise" Ethan acted all along as he felt great animosity towards Riley as he said in his mind,

"You will pay"


Riley woke up this morning feeling elated about how the previous day had unfolded. Her spirits soared even higher when she received a phone call from her grandfather.

"You treacherous granddaughter! How dare you kidnap your own brother! I demand that you come to the main house immediately," her grandfather's voice thundered, leaving Riley equally astonished and taken aback by the vehement accusation.

"Grandpa! I didn't do anything!" Riley exclaimed desperately, but her grandfather had already abruptly ended the call, leaving her in a state of disbelief and frustration.

James, who happened to overhear the conversation, approached.

"Don't worry, I'll accompany you," James assured her, equally appalled by the situation.


Riley and James were now in the main house, bracing themselves for the arrival of their furious grandfather. As he stormed towards them, his anger directed solely at Riley, he raised his hand as if to strike her, but James swiftly intervened, catching hold of his arm. Riley, expecting the blow, winced and prepared herself for the impact.

"Who the hell do you think you are, holding my hands?" Grandfather seethed, his rage still palpable.

"What if I told you she wasn't the one responsible?" James confronted her grandfather, his voice filled with conviction.

"Grandfather, why would I ever contemplate kidnapping my own brother? What conceivable motive would I have?" Riley couldn't fathom how her grandfather had lost so much trust in her.

"Let's go to the location and see for ourselves where he is," James suggested, releasing the old man's hands.

Few minutes later, they arrived at a location that appeared to be a casino, where they witnessed Ethan lying on the ground with a cloth gagging his mouth. Several men in suits stood nearby, acting as guards.

Riley's grandfather was taken aback, shocked to see his grandson beaten and restrained, helpless like a captured animal awaiting its fate. Reacting swiftly, he rushed to Ethan's side, removing the cloth from his mouth, and Ethan cried out, "Grandfather! Help me!"

"What happened to you? I knew it was this treacherous girl who kidnapped you," Grandpa fumed, his anger intensifying as he prepared to go and confront Riley. However, his movements were abruptly halted by the voice of a man.

"Who said I kidnapped him?" A middle-aged man named Drax, dressed in a striking red suit, approached them with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, which he lit with a lighter.

Drax was notorious as one of the underworld bosses. Engaged in drug trafficking, human trafficking, and operating various gambling dens and hotels, he had amassed immense wealth through his illegal enterprises.

"Your foolish grandson accused me of kidnapping him. Hahaha! Why on earth would I bother kidnapping such trash like him? TRASH! CAN YOU EXPLAIN TO YOUR GRANDFATHER WHAT REALLY HAPPENED?" The man bellowed, his voice filled with mockery and disdain.

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