Chapter 7 : Won The Bid

The bidding for a new contract was finally underway at Odyssey Ventures, and numerous companies were in attendance. Riley, too, had to be present as she needed the contract to secure her company's shares.

James stood still, captivated by Riley's beauty, his gaze fixed upon her. She felt a rush of shyness as she noticed James locked in on her. Unable to contain herself, she asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

James responded, "You are the most beautiful woman in the world, and I'm grateful to be married to you." James's words of praise made her blush.

Every day, James had a way of pleasing her sincerely. Although she hadn't initially developed romantic feelings for him, she believed it was her duty to be his wife because he had saved her life. However, over the past few days, as they spent more time together, she found herself experiencing a newfound sense of comfort and peace. It was unlike anything she had felt in the past five years. Gradually, she felt her feelings for him starting to grow.

"Enough with the unnecessary praise. I'm running late for work, and I need to secure this contract," Riley said, smiling at James as she grabbed her handbag.

"Trust me, you will get it," James replied with a smile, raising his finger to give her a thumbs-up.

Riley smiled back and nodded in return, but deep down, she couldn't shake off her growing suspicion of James. Curiosity got the better of her, and she asked, "How can you be so sure that I will win the bidding?"

"I have connections with influential people in higher positions, and I called in a favor. They owe me," James reassured her, trying to alleviate her doubts.

"Okay," Riley replied, though she wasn't entirely sure why she found herself believing him.


Riley and Ethan were tasked with representing their company at the bidding. Despite Riley's dislike of being paired up with her brother, she had no choice since it was arranged by their grandfather.

"I'll be the one to secure the contract. Once I have it, say goodbye to your company," Ethan taunted Riley, wearing a wicked smirk.

Riley, who had founded the company, Golden Enterprise, at the young age of twenty-two, had managed to accumulate considerable wealth. However, her father, realizing the company's success, took control of it, unable to handle its management effectively. He later handed it over to her grandfather, who constantly used the company as leverage to manipulate Riley into fulfilling his own desires.

They were now in the conference room of Odyssey Ventures, where the voices of employees from various companies filled the air. Suddenly, a striking young woman entered the room, dressed in a short skirt and an alluring, form-fitting suit. She stood confidently at the podium, prepared to address the audience. Every male gaze was captivated by her irresistible figure, and even Ethan found himself unable to resist her allure.

"I'm Lisa Damian, the Secretary of Odyssey Ventures, and I will be overseeing the bidding process today," she announced through the microphone, glancing briefly at the papers on the podium.

To Ethan's surprise, she then called out his name, "I'd like to invite Ethan Grayson to sign the contract." Astonished, Ethan quickly stood up, playfully winking at Riley, implying that she was no match for him.

Confused by the situation, Riley stood up and sought clarification, "I don't understand. There are numerous companies present. Why would the president want to sign the contract when the bidding hasn't even taken place?"

"I apologize, Mrs. Riley, but I am not in a position to question the president's decision," Lisa explained, leaving Riley dumbfounded.

"See, she can't question the president. Can't you see that, brat?" Ethan whispered to his sister.

Refocusing his attention on the alluring woman before him, Ethan couldn't help but express his amazement under his breath, "I can't believe the President is enjoying all of this alone."

"You can follow me to my office to sign the contract," Lisa invited Ethan. This was the most joyous news he had heard all day, and he couldn't help but visualize what awaited him in her office. "I can't miss this opportunity," Ethan thought to himself, locking his lips as he followed her.

"Mr. Ethan, please have a seat and carefully review and sign the documents," Lisa gestured, indicating a chair. Ethan immediately sat down, though his eyes remained fixated on the two prominent things in front of Lisa.

As Lisa stood up, placing her hands on the opposite side of the desk, Ethan couldn't help but imagine her being on top of the table, engaging in intimate activities. Without bothering to read the contract's content, he quickly signed the documents, eager to make his move.

"Would you like to join me at the Pentora Suites, Miss Lisa?" Ethan asked, a playful smile on his face, hoping she would reciprocate his interest.

"Are you suggesting that I should sleep with you?" Lisa cut to the chase, aware that everything was being recorded.

Ethan, caught off guard, stumbled over his words, "No... I didn't mean it like that. It was a misunderstanding."

"This is how the Grayson family treats business partners? The president must be informed, and we will be canceling the contract," Lisa swiftly dialed her phone, her tone filled with anger. "Security, please escort this individual out of my office. He has no right to be here.

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