Chapter 6 : Riley’s Company Under Threat

Riley rushed into the house, tears streaming down her face after the humiliating confrontation with her family. She collapsed onto the couch, sobbing. "How could grandpa treat me that way after all my hard work?"

James came in behind her, his face contorted with anger. "That's it, I can't stand by and let them disrespect you like that." He moved to put a comforting arm around his wife. "Don't worry, Riley, I'll make things right." He said to her as he comforted her.

The next morning, instead of informing Riley about his visit to Odyssey Ventures, James decided to tell her that he was going for a job interview. With that, he left Riley standing in front of their house, unaware of his true intentions.

As James approached the office complex of Odyssey Ventures, memories flooded his mind. He remembered the countless times his mother had suffered after his father's death. What he didn't know was that the company he was about to visit actually belonged to his father. It was a revelation to him that his father had a successful business, completely unknown to James, who had always lived a humble life.

James couldn't help but feel a mixture of surprise, anger, and betrayal. He recalled the times he and his mother had approached his father's family for help, only to be rejected and turned away. Even though they were financially capable of providing assistance, they had callously dismissed them. This realization made James question the integrity and compassion of his own relatives.

James wasted no time after attaining high ranks in the military. He immediately seized the opportunity to investigate everyone associated with the company, deploying a team to weed out any connections to illicit activities. Simultaneously, he embarked on a path to assume full control of the company, marking his first step towards seeking revenge for his late parents.

It was the Reynolds, who had let James down in his time of desperate need. The Reynolds were James' own family members, closely related through his father's side. When he wanted to treat his more illness in the hospital, he turned to the Reynolds, hoping they would assist him in saving her life.

However, the Reynolds, despite their  financial resources, heartlessly refused to provide any help. James pleaded with them, explaining the dire circumstances and the urgency of the situation, but they callously turned a blind eye to his pleas.

Tragically, by the time James managed to gather the necessary funds through other means, it was too late. His mother had passed away, leaving him with anger. He couldn't shake the belief that if the Reynolds had acted with even a hint of kindness or generosity, his mother might still be alive.

James walked into the busy office building of Odyssey Ventures.  Little did he know that fate had some surprises in store. As he made his way through the hallways, he spotted someone he recognized—a familiar face from his past, his ex-girlfriend Sarah.

Sarah had once been someone he loved, but when he desperately asked her for help to pay for his mother's medical treatment, she turned him away and said hurtful things, breaking his heart in the process.

Sarah saw him too and wanted to assert her dominance with arrogance as she turned to her husband, who held the human resources position within the company.

"Look who decided to come crawling back," she sneered. "Unlike some people, my husband holds a position of power here. Thanks to him, I'll be receiving a salary without lifting a finger."

Her husband, Danny noticed as he saw James passing by and joined in the mockery, smirking at James.

"Well, well, if it isn't the pitiful ex-boyfriend. How about we offer you a job as a cleaner? Just give us a thousand dollars, and we might consider it. That's the best we can do for someone like you."

Danny was the same boyfriend she had while he went begging for money to treat his mother  and they both mocked him.

"The President of the company is coming today, and my husband will be promoted. It's unfortunate that you're too insignificant for me to invite you to the promotion ceremony," Sarah sneered, attempting to boast about her husband in front of James.

"Do I look like I care about your husband?" James nonchalantly glanced at them and was about to move forward when Lisa, his secretary, approached with a group of people.

"Apologies for keeping you waiting, Mr. President," Lisa said, leading the others, who all bowed in James' presence.

"He is the..." Sarah couldn't finish her statement as she was completely shocked to discover that Janes was the president. In the next moment, they both dropped to their knees, pleading and grasping onto James' leg.

"Please forgive us. We had no idea it was you," Sarah's husband pleaded, blaming Sarah for their actions as he slapped her.

"Lisa, I want you to fire both of them for bribery and their negligent work attitude," James ordered, effortlessly lifting his leg and throwing Sarah's husband, who flew and landed against the wall. The room was filled with shock as they witnessed James' incredible strength.

The company security arrived and escorted them both out of the premises.

James accompanied Lisa to his office to discuss new terms for a partnership with Riley's company, with the goal of making Riley the president of the entire Grayson Group.

"Lisa, create a new contract that terminates the previous one. Make sure it states that if Riley isn't appointed as the project head, we will cancel all dealings with them, and they will be liable to pay $10 million in compensation for the wasted time," James instructed, settling comfortably in his revolving office chair, crossing his legs on the table.

"I will take care of that immediately, sir," Lisa responded before leaving the office.

"They will see that no one messes with my wife"

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