Chapter 5 : Odyssey Ventures

James walked alongside Riley in the Tender Dreams Holdings building complex, their peaceful stroll shattered by the sudden appearance of Ethan, Riley's brother.

The younger man's eyes narrowed, a sneer twisting his features as he regarded the couple with undisguised disdain.

"Well, well, if it isn't the hired help," Ethan spat, his tone dripping with contempt. "Looking for a new job as a cleaner, are we, Trash?" he sneered, his voice echoing through the hallway, making James's eyes flash with anger.

James felt the familiar surge of irritation, but he refused to be baited. Squaring his shoulders, he met Ethan's gaze unflinchingly. "At least I'm not a spoiled brat too afraid to serve his country," he retorted, his voice calm but laced with a subtle edge of derision.

Ethan's face flushed with anger, his hands clenched into fists, but before he could lash out, Riley's grandfather stepped forward, his expression stern.

Riley was happy that James could stand up for himself, at least he gave a feeling of joy to finally see her brother being insulted.

Riley and James made their way to the meeting hall and they sat still and in no time the others began to come and lastly was Riley's granddaughter. He had white hair as he was putting on a suit who looked like someone in his eighties. He immediately caught eyes with James

"James, is it?" the elder man asked, his gaze piercing. "I've heard some... interesting things about your exploits." He paused, a hint of suspicion in his tone.

"So, young man, what rank did you hold in the military?" he inquired, his tone laced with an air of superiority.

James stood tall and replied, "I did not hold any rank, sir. My focus in the military was on developing my skills and discipline, rather than pursuing titles. I believe true strength lies in one's actions and character, not in the badges they wear."

Jonathan's disappointment was evident as he listened to James's response. He had heard rumors of James's triumph over Hawkins, a highly respected military personnel, and had hoped for a more impressive reply. Dismissing James's achievements, Jonathan Grayson retorted, "Even a foot soldier has a rank. It seems you're nothing more than a trash"

Turning his attention to Riley, Jonathan’s demeanor remained consistently harsh. "Riley, this is precisely why I wanted you two to divorce. A man without rank or status will never be able to provide for you. However, considering you've managed to secure the Odyssey Ventures contract, I suppose we can table that discussion for later."

Riley, torn between her loyalty to James and her place within the family, felt a pang of sympathy for her husband's position. She longed to speak up in his defense but remained silent, knowing that any words of support would only further complicate their already strained situation.

He went to sit down in the first seat, with the others following suit. He then began to explain the purpose of his visit, "I'm pleased to announce that I've successfully secured a contract with the esteemed Odyssey Ventures. This means our company's financial crisis will soon come to an end, thanks to a substantial $10 million investment from Odyssey Ventures." Her Grandfather, Jonathan smiled as he reviewed the contract documents, looking pleased with the news.

"Thanks to Ethan who will be managing it"

"Grandfather, but I was the one who secured the contract with Odyssey Ventures," Riley interjected as she stood up from her seat.

Jonathan Grayson’s expression hardened, and he raised a hand, silencing her.

"Yes, well, that's all well and good, my dear. But it's Ethan who will be overseeing the project. After all, whatever is yours is the family's property."

Riley's eyes widened, and she opened her mouth to protest, but the grandfather continued, his tone unyielding.

"The only way you can keep control of your company, Golden Enterprise, is if you secure another contract. Otherwise, Ethan will be taking over." He paused, then turned his attention to the matter at hand.

"Now, as for the Odyssey Ventures deal, it's quite promising. The contract will be for five years, with an option to renew for another five. We'll be providing them with exclusive rights to our technology, and in return, they'll be paying us a royalty of $2 million per year, plus a percentage of their profits. It's a good deal for both parties, and it will secure our company's future for years to come."

He fixed Riley with a stern gaze, his eyes narrowing. "And as I said, Ethan will be overseeing the project. I trust he'll do a much better job than you could ever hope to." Ethan stood up, beaming with pride, and said,

"Thank you, Grandfather. I promise to do a perfect job." He shot a condescending glance at his sister

Riley felt her heart sink, the weight of her grandfather's words crushing her spirit.

Riley's heart sank even further, realizing that her grandfather's decision was motivated not only by family dynamics but also by his desire to maintain control. She had always been subjected to his harsh treatment, a constant reminder of her perceived inadequacies in his eyes.

Gathering her courage, Riley spoke up, her voice trembling slightly, "Grandfather, I've dedicated myself to this project, and I believe in its potential. I have proven my abilities time and again. Please, give me the opportunity to oversee it. Let me show you what I'm capable of."

Jonathan Grayson leaned forward, his eyes narrowing as he locked gazes with Riley. "Riley, it's not just about this contract. Our family's interests go beyond your personal accomplishments. Remember, everything that belongs to you ultimately belongs to the family. If you want to maintain ownership of your company, you'll have to secure another significant contract. Only then will I reconsider."

She knew that her grandfather's conditions were designed to keep her under his thumb, to constantly remind her of her place within the family hierarchy.

James, seeing the distress in Riley's eyes, stepped forward, his voice filled with determination. "Riley's accomplishments speak for themselves. She has proven her worth time and again, and she deserves the chance to lead this project. It's not just about family dynamics; it's about recognizing talent and allowing it to flourish."

Riley smiled hearing James support her.

Jonathan Grayson's face darkened, his voice laced with anger. "You dare to question my decisions, James? You, an outsider with no family ties, think you have the right to challenge me?" He rose from his seat, towering over James, his presence intimidating.

Riley's Grandfather clutched his chest, as if he was having a heart attack, and various people began to look at Riley and James with disgust, as if they were rebellious. Ethan rushed to support his grandfather, "Grandfather, are you alright? James and Riley, if anything happens to him, you will pay!"

"Fine, I accept the terms," Riley said, her voice firm, but her eyes betraying her helplessness. She couldn't do anything further, her grandfather's drama had effectively silenced her.

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