Momo bobbed on Max’s shoulder, its small, plush body shifting with each step as Max struggled to carry Sarah. Despite the looming danger, Momo’s voice was unusually light, as if the chaos surrounding them was just a minor inconvenience.
"Now, now, Master, don’t look so glum!" Momo chirped, his voice tinged with an almost playful arrogance. "It’s not as bad as it seems. I mean, look at me! I’m a Mimic maker with no mimic after all but I Can still shapeshift things into anything I want—well, anything I choose, anyway." Max glanced at Momo, confused. "You can shapeshift stuff into anything? But why are you just a stuffed toy right now?" Momo puffed out his chest proudly. "Ah, you see, that’s the trick! It’s all about energy and style. I need a little juice to go full-blown transformation mode. But don’t worry! When I’m on full power, I can turn into anything from a shield to a sword to a whole fortress. I’m basically unstoppable." The way Momo said it sounded more like a boast than a statement of fact. Max actually misinterpreted ,as momo couldn't infact transform but he could form creatures that could but how exactly was the question he had to fear to ask. Max couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow, his mind reeling from the strange events and his growing panic. "But right now, all you’ve got is a cute face and those big, glowing eyes." Momo giggled. "Ah, yes, stop tickling hahaha …looks are deceiving, Master! The more energy I gather, the more awesome I become! I could’ve that rock turned into a tank or a rocket launcher right now—if I had enough juice. You’d be amazed!" Momo said hinting at a nearby stone. Max shook his head, still not sure if he should be relieved or terrified. "I don't know if I should trust you with a rocket launcher, Momo.I heard those stuff could really go boom!..the Bad type!" "Of course you should!" Momo responded with an exaggerated puff of his chest. "I’m a master at it. Trust me, you wouldn’t want anyone else on your team and even if it blows up we can just make another." We? Max didn’t have the energy to argue. He tried to focus on Sarah, but the weight of her body on his shoulder felt heavier by the second. There was so much happening, and he couldn’t keep track. The panic from earlier was rising again. Suddenly, from the shadows of the hall, there was a shift in the air—a sudden, unnatural rustling. Max froze, his eyes darting to the floor as an eerie scraping noise echoed down the corridor. His pulse quickened, and he instinctively pulled Sarah closer to him, feeling the chill of fear creeping over him. Momo’s voice cut through his rising panic, his tone casual but surprisingly reassuring. "Easy, Master. You will have face worse than this later in the future.”Max almost choked on hearing Momo’s wicked cheers But then.. ”Just breathe. Keep moving." Max nodded, trying to steady his breath. Just breathe. Calm down. Everything’s going to be okay... Max tries to ignore Momo who was busy doing weird breathing techniques comically too- gyesss that's why they are called mimmics.He turns to the front with keen attention. Eventually, something came into his view. Shocking! Massive Grasshoppers, the size of footballs, scuttling from the cracks in the walls like a nightmare made real. Their glossy black bodies gleamed in the dim light, and their long, spindly legs clicked against the floor like a chorus of tiny hammers. The sight of them made Max’s stomach churn. "Oo,my fuzzy ass..this is gonna be one scary!” Max muttered, his voice shaky as his heart pounded in his chest. His feet were frozen in place. He didn’t know what to do. Breathe** ** While max and momo spent a week while dealing with foreign creatures,they were missing out on a very critical change. In the outside world, things has began to change a little too fast apart from the release of mutants and the intrusion of some ancient parties, there were even a few foreign race already but they weren't really dominant. There were alot of organisations keeping the balance and trying to set decorum and peace in the world . Amongst them are ancient pratitioner from china,Gene alterers from the us, and antique users from Europe and a few other countries making use of technology. The hall of congress and anonymous Organisation that goes by The Seal . The Seal claims to have a goal To end any power beyond control or in simplier terms; power that can't be controlled. The two parties came together to set up ranking orders and conquer paths. This paths were; Ceptor, those that use items as their own path of cultivation. Ceptors are commonly seen with high tech but there were rumors of antiques being powerful enough to help them reach their peak. We also have Geno path which has to do with humans fusing with new genes of stronger beast or evolution of already present within them . There are also rumors of bloodlines that exist already which helps other cultivate but it hasn't be confirmed. This is very understandable since it's just been a week time so things couldn't have been all sorted in such little time. And then we have the common and most easy path. These ones are Known as savages or in other terms. Pugilist.They are addressed Like this due to the fact that they are usually people that lack talent or connections. But more precisely savages are pretty similar to an ancient china path of Qi pratitioner. But Savages all have To increase their talent by building their potential. E.g for a savages to rank Up, he would need to first practice Martial art and increase his strength through tempering till KNIGHT Rank before he would then condensed a core For any or every Of his stats depending on his needs. All these paths have their benefits amd disadvantages, Ceptors are mostly people with backgrounds,luck or are extremely rich. Genos are usually risktakers That walk On tight rope or people with talents. Since it has to do with DNA alterations there have to be a level of compatibility.Infact ,if by chance wrong genes are used or wrong combo are used .there are certain chance that they would be over ride,go insane or may not proceed to cultivate again or worse be come monster Freaks! These occurance was pretty common but died down eventually. Of all of them Only Savages are the safest and Easy Path but due Them trying direct improve their state of existence without any data on how to build on their path. They tend to consume amd Waste Alot of resources which includes time itself. The other path possess Researchers who help them discover and improve while Savages are their own researchers. And even the safety of their Path might be compromised the higher their rank. In a high end room,a couple of Influential Men or beings could be seen along a round table similar to those found in conference meetings.Few amongst people sitted here all hard a few characteristics that differs them some Even posses some strange features.there was even a man with horns and some other guy with flames for hair .he wore a nose mask with a cold gaze on that doesn't match the fiery Aura he gives “Shall We proceed with the options, assuming you all. already gotten familiar with the details?.” A Man With blue glowing eyes dressed in a tuxedo with some weird golden buttons at different angles. A led like orb is located at the chest piece of his custome, hinting out the man’s Ceptor identity. “Can I say something?” A man with a blue hair and blindfolds on said with on of his hands raised. So far the man seems pretty normal in the midst of all , Well, if ignoring the fact that He was literally floating on his seat instead of sitting. The man is actually one of the rare gifted. “Yes,sir Arnold” Man in tuxedo said with a hint of respect in his eyes, one had to know. That being a gifted that the man before him was,was pretty special. They are one of the selected few that gain gift,or more precisely strange powers sometimes weak or strong but in every case the powers are always great and they can even derive minor skills from themselves. One could say they were a blessed and respected being and The fact that there was only 10 of their kind makes them even more special. 10 of them Including That Man … Shivers* “So we have Options For details which Is?” Arnold said “Well, I guess This a polite way to have me start all over, But I wouldn't mind to do so or more precisely if another does all the hardwork in my place.”The man on tuxedo then clears his throat as he took to his feet while swiping at the Air which brings on some kind of projection showing Planet blue. “Salic3 do the honours would you.” The man on tuxedo said while yawning “With pleasure sir Garfield”an AI responded in the background. Bip..* Flash*... A blue led was screened over the conference table *It all begin with the Evolution back in the 18th centuries Before now and amassed data showed that there are probability of it trailing back to a further Time down the Ancient era. As soon as the last part was said.Gasp where heard about the hall, it might seem absurd since the man previously accounted for this Details But none took it to heart since No one would trust a Man who was know for having a way to do with words. But the Ai was different. It wouldn't lie since it was created to Operate by data amassed by itself after it was already confirmed. “Wait, same Ancient Era where Ancient paths coexited is the reason the planet Is about to decompose?” Flaming hair man said “Well,if it's The same one our history is entangled with, then yes.”Garfield Said “Let the Ai answer me don't have me shut your craft with some flames like the dwarves do.” Flaming man said “Inappropriate use of words Mr Valir But since you lack manners should I have you know what happened to a brother yours that didn't and now also didn't make it alive" Garfield replied with a smile but his glowing blue eyes were vicious and his hands that were Orbiting His Orb showed how serious things could get. “You dare! You F—” “Enough! Best if you two stay quiet all through The meeting, I won't tolerate such nonsense from either of you, and as for you Garfield, I thought having you Handle this grounds was a good idea but Your actions now really disappoint me.” “My Apologies First seat.” The Duo both bowed even though They couldn't see whom exactly they were speaking with. Fear even gripped a few of the Men of power as they cowered on Seat only Arnold didn't really do much except scrunch up his eyebrows and Ease them again. Hmph.. “As for the rest of you,meeting is adjourned As we won't be needing any options Since the Seal already gave out an helping hand..and that hand” A pair of glowing eyes apparently floating in air that was similar to when Predators eys hidden in dark glow came up before the Seat as it pressured. “We shall take ..!” **** It's been a weeksince Max had been exploring his father grounds that seems more like ruins now. He had been battling a lot of creeps lately including the present situation in which he his faced with one of the most gruesome and gross ones of all Cockroaches! The roaches advanced,glowing blue,their antennae twitching as they seemed to zero in on Max . Max’s hands shook, his grip on Sarah tightening, and his pulse quickened It's been a while since she Passed out. It was hardto tell the time within this grounds. Momo core hasn't been filled by half Yet.. Worrysome moment for Maximus Broderick Kingdergale Brethe.. Momo’s voice broke the silence, lighter than ever. "Oh, please, Master, you’ve got this. It’s just a few big bugs, no big deal! I mean, I’m a Mimic Monarch. I’ve dealt with way worse." "Momo, that was back when you were a Monarch. Now a um cute innocent boy just about getting eaten!"Max said rolling his eyes while almost sounding pitiful as he take weird acting stance while covering his face with one arm and pointing out the other. "I’m still a Monarch master" Momo responded with tilted head, his voice taking on a mock-serious tone. "These little guys? Cruk at best. I’ve got better moves than these roaches. Ok..let's dance baby !" Before Max could say another word, Momo's body shifted slightly, his eyes glowing brighter. In an instant, he reached out with an almost unnatural speed and devoured the nearest roach, its body dissolving into a pile of ash in seconds. “I still have a few copes of devourax genes ,so I can use it to battle but after this,master would be on his own but for now let's blaze!”Momo said while giving a self righteous font even waving his fat paws at Max Max felt displeased but changed his expression to amazement when Momo effortlessly took down a creature. He felt a spark of hope, but then another wave of roaches emerged from the shadows, even more grotesque and numerous than before. Ahh,Hopeless Max cried in his heart while Momo tried to hold back his laughter at the dumb expression he had on Max’s face dropped. "I can’t fight all of them with a stick, Momo!" he said in annoyance amd cute disdain holding up the flimsy weapon in his hand, his voice holding urgency as he was waving it at an approaching roach who actually evaded. Annoyed, Max chased the idiot as the was the last of the first ten he killed so he wanted to emd it quick to deal with the new Ten.But the later ran off leaving Max with no choice to deal with another four before forgetting the last who already escaped only for the idiot to return to attack when Max was attacking someone rest. But funny enough when Max actually spotted the dumb thing it immediately played dead, “Hilarious,pitiful gross people “Max said while giving nonchalant look at the little one. “Indeed master indeed.”Momo said while bobbing his head in a fast amd comical way that doesn't suit his stature.”Hurry up and kill it,Smart ones makes great Mimic orbs!” “Yh sure.” Squeaak? Suddenly Mr Roach got on his kneels amd begged furiously. Oh come on..! Max facepalmed “Hmm, This creature sure must want to help master with its Minimal strength since it understands Master’s greatness.” Momo said while puffing before he head on to address Mr Roach Whose shamelessness knows no bounds,as he was even beating Up his kin for a chance at survival Max ignored him for now as he chose to battle the largest one which seem like a boss of sort but still within range of his strength. "Never thought my big-time adventure to become a great sage starts with killing a pack of roaches..." Max grumbled, his voice more nervous than cocky. "Sucks how my rep got ruined." “pfft..Yeah Master , get over it already. Good thing the stic—” "Yoo, Momo, this stick is dumb for a sword…" Max muttered with a care free aloof look on his face before Momo could finish,as he swung it again which almost struck Mr Roach. The insect scurried back, it kept waving its fist at Max who was just looking on with a nonchalant gaze before tossing the Stick at it which impaled Mr Roach..ouch End of Mr Roach. "Bye Roachy..ahem..Momo Promise to make a better weapon for master?" Momo’s eyes gleamed with grieving amusement. "Sure, Master. But at least use the stick like a sword not a lance and also master shouldn't have killed his loyal subject the people wouldn't like it!"Momo said with a shocked expression while Max wanted to smash his head on something in annoyance.. So dumb ahh .dumb, He thought before faking tears and picking up his stick but then Crack**! Thum**! The stick broke, Damn! Max gritted his teeth and swung again, frustration mounting. "This is ridiculous." Left without a choice Max choses to use his fist instead Gross!! He swung his arm and struck with an elbow after giving a fittingfist work to the Boss face, his movements had become more fluid compared to a couple of days when he was first attacked by this gruesome bunch. Back then Momo and Max had determination as they fought off the roaches thinking to themselves that they were heroes protecting some princess-sarah,so far they hard taken down about 50 pretty funny becuause back when it started Max did a lot of running away than fighting and there was even a moment when a cockroach used his stick against him while Max raised his hands up as if arrested only to be smacked by Momo who got his Master on track amd by track it meant Max got The roach on his way down the road, with a kick..poor stick nearly broke too . As for how the stick lasted till now ..well Let's say a little bit of luck and Momo secrecy Boom An explosion sound waved from outside.. Max and Momo Gave each other a glance at the same time “Should we..?” “Definitely !” Though max asked at first,the duo both affirmed their decision with the last part as they choose to make way thereas quick a possible “Ahh,master don’t you think you are forgetting something..I mean..someone"Momo said awkwardlyas he too knew he also did “Oh ,Sarah!” Just as Max was about to turn back to get Sarah, the unmistakable silhouette of Mr. Lorne appeared at the end of the hall he had managed to reach with Momo. The family butler, still dressed in his tuxedo-like suit, approached with remarkable speed. His usual calm composure never wavered, even as he zoomed in with a jetpack strapped to his back. The nozzle at the pack hissed with energy, and a hose connected to two sleek, powerful guns in his hands. Mr. Lorne leveled the weapons with practiced ease, his eyes narrowing as he took in the last of the roaches. He fired a series of high-powered blasts at them. The energy from the guns vaporized the last few pests, leaving nothing but burned patches on the walls and floor. Max was dazed “...Wow..” Momo couldn't even stay quiet "Stay back. Don’t move." Max froze at the commanding tone. Turning, he saw a figure—a man, tall and composed, dressed in a Military like Uniform, almost completely out of place in this chaotic nightmare. "Sir Lorne?" Max called out in confusion as he doesn't know the other guy was which had him grip Sarah subconsciously. Max asked . “Sir. Lorne... What's going on,alot happened why didn't you help Sir Lorne?”Teary eyes Ahh The old butler gave a deep sigh with pity and biterness in his eyes before signaling to the Man who then nodded and left for some place in haste. “I also didn't want it to come to this but take it as your first lesson in dealing with the unexpected, Master Max,” the butler said still in his tuxedo-like attire, despite the chaos around them. “it was necessary,even though it took about a week or so ” “So you were here the whole time?”Max blinked The butler just smiled and pointed at a mound further ahead. “We all had something on our plate to deal with Master max,it's just that"Sir Lorne looked at Max Before continuing again" It’s always cleared before you could pick dishes” “What? So now we using kitchen qoutes ?well speaking of kitchen.we might have already scavenge all meals during this tiresome week” “I’m aware,” Mr. Lorne said, walking over to Sarah’s unconscious body, placed a hand on her pulse a glint flashed in his eyes, he broke a weird smile as well as if joy and worry at once.Gently lifting her into his arms. He shot Max a brief look. “The Hall. Let's get going.” But at this moment Sarah seemed to finally get her self off dreams.her eyes glowed blue before it went faint amd back to normal. “Ma..x” Huh? Max turn to see the roused up Sarah “Sarah!” ςศརRelated Chapters
The Tales of the Legendary Mimic : Momo Chapter 3: The Awakening-First signs and battle
“It should have left by now..I hope ”Sir Lorne said to himself as he held his Chin while tapping on his desk,clearly bothered by something but he got over it soon as he sets a couple of items in place absentmindedly in the book room. Max noticed But he was to busy doing something else "And then you passed out." Max’s voice was strained, barely masking the emotions in his tone as he watched Sarah stir, her eyes flickering open as if a candle that would douse. The world around them seemed, the ominous red dome still hanging. It all felt odd new and strange. Sarah blinked several times, her mind sluggish with confusion. "I... I don’t really get it all but I think with time…and also" she mumbled, still trying to shake off the dizziness. "Max,can we get something to kinda hungry" Max shamelessly gazes off like an expert while cutting her off. "Sure let me see what I can do,Sarah." He clutched Max then held his chin as contemplate on a ‘solution’ for this serious Pro
The Tales of the Legendary Mimic : Momo Hidden path and danger
The moment after the Vermin retreated into the shadows, Max didn’t feel a rush of relief. Instead, he was filled with a deep, unsettling sense of dread. The monster was gone for now, but it was still out there, and this was far from over. His mind raced with questions—too many questions he didn’t have the answers to. He glanced at Sarah, who was still standing in shock, holding her arm where the creature's slimy tongue had wrapped around it. The sight of the Xenomorph, the sheer terror it instilled, was enough to freeze anyone in their tracks. Yet, she was staring at Max now, her mouth slightly agape, trying to process everything. "Max," she whispered, her voice trembling. “How come I was the one that got kidnapped by some weird monster with acid tongue?"She almost yelled the last part as she tightened her grip on Max with unexpected Vicious strength Ouch “I Don’t know..oouch plzz.” Max flinch a little as he gripped his ear before letting go he didn’t know how ot what to explai
The Tales of the Legendary Mimic : Momo Strives and Tribes
Chapter 5: The Awakening Max sat in the dimly lit room, his eyes scanning the holographic interface before him. Sir Lorne, somewhere in the back, was muttering unintelligibly amidst the sharp buzz of lasers and the grating whine of a drill. The air was thick with the scent of oil and metal—a blend that clung to the cold walls of his father’s hidden lair. A labyrinth of forgotten tech and memories, the lair was equal parts ancient mystery and cutting-edge marvel. Strange devices hummed softly, their purposes long lost, while newer contraptions flickered with synthetic life. This place wasn’t just a hideout—it was a relic of a man who once ruled an empire but left only fragments behind. Max’s fingers grazed the edge of the console, his mind teetering between awe and unease. He had so many questions but no idea where to begin. Suddenly, the sharp tick! of a door unlocking jolted him from his thoughts. Sir Lorne entered, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow. He was dressed in an
The Tales of the Legendary Mimic : Momo Parties of shadows and races of fate
### **Chapter 6:* Beneath a shadowed moon, a castle loomed, its spires gleaming like black glass. The structure stood as a relic of a bygone era, its dark marble walls reflecting the fractured light of the broken sky. Beside it sprawled a ruined garden, wild and untamed—vines coiled around crumbling stone, wildflowers glowing faintly under the unnatural moonlight. At the garden’s heart stood a shattered fountain, its stagnant water shimmering eerily, as if holding secrets of the past. The air hung heavy, silent, until the distant thud of hooves shattered the stillness. Shadows stirred as the sound grew louder. The night waited, breathless. --- **Swung* Swung*** The whistling of a heavy weapon cut through the air, its violent pace betraying the resolve of its wielder. A man clad in a dark singlet and thick pants swung a broadsword forged from gel ore, its purple blade glinting dimly under the cold light. Sweat streamed down his face, his breathing steady but labored. Each swing of
The Tales of the Legendary Mimic : Momo CHAPTER 1: And so .It Begins
On a sunny day nearing it's end. …A Large mansion draws attention with it's high pitch and profile. Embroiled in golds and green of both nature and man touche. The rumble of the luxurious car’s engine faded as it pulled to a smooth stop in front of the grand Kingdergale estate. Maximus Broderick Kingdergale, still in his crisp private school uniform, slid out of the back seat with a grin plastered across his face. The young boy looked up at the towering mansion, its imposing facade glimmering in the late afternoon sun. Max was a typical royal rich young master. Known for being cocky and charming. He his 8 years now, but tends to take on adult active tendencies like giving ideas above his age, pretty smart beyond his age..well that's when he he isn't dumb and fuzzy..which is mostly the majority of times. "Thank you, Mr. Lorne," Max said cheerfully to the family butler, who opened the car door for him. "As always, Master Max," Mr. Lorne replied with a bow, his tone refined yet wa
Latest Chapter
Parties of shadows and races of fate
### **Chapter 6:* Beneath a shadowed moon, a castle loomed, its spires gleaming like black glass. The structure stood as a relic of a bygone era, its dark marble walls reflecting the fractured light of the broken sky. Beside it sprawled a ruined garden, wild and untamed—vines coiled around crumbling stone, wildflowers glowing faintly under the unnatural moonlight. At the garden’s heart stood a shattered fountain, its stagnant water shimmering eerily, as if holding secrets of the past. The air hung heavy, silent, until the distant thud of hooves shattered the stillness. Shadows stirred as the sound grew louder. The night waited, breathless. --- **Swung* Swung*** The whistling of a heavy weapon cut through the air, its violent pace betraying the resolve of its wielder. A man clad in a dark singlet and thick pants swung a broadsword forged from gel ore, its purple blade glinting dimly under the cold light. Sweat streamed down his face, his breathing steady but labored. Each swing of
Strives and Tribes
Chapter 5: The Awakening Max sat in the dimly lit room, his eyes scanning the holographic interface before him. Sir Lorne, somewhere in the back, was muttering unintelligibly amidst the sharp buzz of lasers and the grating whine of a drill. The air was thick with the scent of oil and metal—a blend that clung to the cold walls of his father’s hidden lair. A labyrinth of forgotten tech and memories, the lair was equal parts ancient mystery and cutting-edge marvel. Strange devices hummed softly, their purposes long lost, while newer contraptions flickered with synthetic life. This place wasn’t just a hideout—it was a relic of a man who once ruled an empire but left only fragments behind. Max’s fingers grazed the edge of the console, his mind teetering between awe and unease. He had so many questions but no idea where to begin. Suddenly, the sharp tick! of a door unlocking jolted him from his thoughts. Sir Lorne entered, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow. He was dressed in an
Hidden path and danger
The moment after the Vermin retreated into the shadows, Max didn’t feel a rush of relief. Instead, he was filled with a deep, unsettling sense of dread. The monster was gone for now, but it was still out there, and this was far from over. His mind raced with questions—too many questions he didn’t have the answers to. He glanced at Sarah, who was still standing in shock, holding her arm where the creature's slimy tongue had wrapped around it. The sight of the Xenomorph, the sheer terror it instilled, was enough to freeze anyone in their tracks. Yet, she was staring at Max now, her mouth slightly agape, trying to process everything. "Max," she whispered, her voice trembling. “How come I was the one that got kidnapped by some weird monster with acid tongue?"She almost yelled the last part as she tightened her grip on Max with unexpected Vicious strength Ouch “I Don’t know..oouch plzz.” Max flinch a little as he gripped his ear before letting go he didn’t know how ot what to explai
Chapter 3: The Awakening-First signs and battle
“It should have left by now..I hope ”Sir Lorne said to himself as he held his Chin while tapping on his desk,clearly bothered by something but he got over it soon as he sets a couple of items in place absentmindedly in the book room. Max noticed But he was to busy doing something else "And then you passed out." Max’s voice was strained, barely masking the emotions in his tone as he watched Sarah stir, her eyes flickering open as if a candle that would douse. The world around them seemed, the ominous red dome still hanging. It all felt odd new and strange. Sarah blinked several times, her mind sluggish with confusion. "I... I don’t really get it all but I think with time…and also" she mumbled, still trying to shake off the dizziness. "Max,can we get something to kinda hungry" Max shamelessly gazes off like an expert while cutting her off. "Sure let me see what I can do,Sarah." He clutched Max then held his chin as contemplate on a ‘solution’ for this serious Pro
Chapter 2: Weird and cocky
Momo bobbed on Max’s shoulder, its small, plush body shifting with each step as Max struggled to carry Sarah. Despite the looming danger, Momo’s voice was unusually light, as if the chaos surrounding them was just a minor inconvenience."Now, now, Master, don’t look so glum!" Momo chirped, his voice tinged with an almost playful arrogance. "It’s not as bad as it seems. I mean, look at me! I’m a Mimic maker with no mimic after all but I Can still shapeshift things into anything I want—well, anything I choose, anyway."Max glanced at Momo, confused. "You can shapeshift stuff into anything? But why are you just a stuffed toy right now?"Momo puffed out his chest proudly. "Ah, you see, that’s the trick! It’s all about energy and style. I need a little juice to go full-blown transformation mode. But don’t worry! When I’m on full power, I can turn into anything from a shield to a sword to a whole fortress. I’m basically unstoppable." The way Momo said it sounded more like a boast than a
CHAPTER 1: And so .It Begins
On a sunny day nearing it's end. …A Large mansion draws attention with it's high pitch and profile. Embroiled in golds and green of both nature and man touche. The rumble of the luxurious car’s engine faded as it pulled to a smooth stop in front of the grand Kingdergale estate. Maximus Broderick Kingdergale, still in his crisp private school uniform, slid out of the back seat with a grin plastered across his face. The young boy looked up at the towering mansion, its imposing facade glimmering in the late afternoon sun. Max was a typical royal rich young master. Known for being cocky and charming. He his 8 years now, but tends to take on adult active tendencies like giving ideas above his age, pretty smart beyond his age..well that's when he he isn't dumb and fuzzy..which is mostly the majority of times. "Thank you, Mr. Lorne," Max said cheerfully to the family butler, who opened the car door for him. "As always, Master Max," Mr. Lorne replied with a bow, his tone refined yet wa