Home / Other / The Tales of the Legendary Mimic : Momo / Chapter 3: The Awakening-First signs and battle
Chapter 3: The Awakening-First signs and battle
last update2025-02-06 09:24:13

“It should have left by now..I hope ”Sir Lorne said to himself as he held his Chin while tapping on his desk,clearly bothered by something but he got over it soon as he sets a couple of items in place absentmindedly in the book room.

Max noticed But he was to busy doing something else

"And then you passed out." Max’s voice was strained, barely masking the emotions in his tone as he watched Sarah stir, her eyes flickering open as if a candle that would douse. The world around them seemed, the ominous red dome still hanging. It all felt odd new and strange.

Sarah blinked several times, her mind sluggish with confusion. "I... I don’t really get it all but I think um.cool with time…and also" she mumbled, still trying to shake off the dizziness. "Max,can we get something to eat..um kinda hungry"

Max shamelessly gazes off like an expert while cutting her off. "Sure let me see what I can do,Sarah." He clutched

Max then held his chin as contemplate on a ‘solution’ for this serious Problem and then at this particular moment he beamed at momo who Grinned evil in return

“SIR LORNE WE ARE FAMISHED"Max yelled out while Sarah scurrilously sat up, rubbing her temples as she looked at him be grudgingly, her skepticism battling with the fear creeping into her heart from the sudden yell

Sir Lorne nearly tripped on his seat with the documents he held floating all over the place

“Ah ,Master Max I already had something made in the packs by the shelf feel free to dig” sir Lorne said while poking his ear with his finger as if to fix his broken eardrums.his bald head seemed to hurt from the sonic wave from Broderick royal blood as he scratches it.

Max then rush to get the packs,then he hands Sarah a pack too not even looking at the scowl on her face

She was just about giving his ear a good scold too before it was interrupted by a strange noise, low and unsettling. A hiss. It was the sound of something sharp scraping against metal—like claws tapping on glass.

"Max... What is that?" Sarah whispered, eyes peeking at Max Broderick prankster suspiciously.

Then she saw Max frown before heading to the window By Sir Lorne Desk and then he saw something.

He felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise. He didn’t have an answer. He could only feel a terrible pressure in the air, as if the earth itself was holding its breath. He scanned the perimeter of the estate, the vast backyard now dark and distorted under the crimson dome.

Then it appeared. From the corner of the estate's garden, a shape emerged, dark and sinuous, its slick, black body reflecting the dimming light.

It was tall—far taller than a man—its elongated head with its signature curved crest tapering to a sleek point. Its eyes were dark and unblinking, and its mouth opened in an eerie hiss, revealing the rows of sharp teeth. Its body was a slick, chitinous mass of muscle and armor, and its tail—long and deadly—swung behind it like a predatory whip.

It was a …Bed monster?

Well, We would get to know more after monster school

Max’s heart raced. "That’s a... that’s a

…what'sthat thing? Sarah..to think bed monsters are here too…..Hopeless" he stammered as he cried while marching on a spot aggressively, trying to process the monster in front of him. "Momo... what in the world do we do now…!"

“Let me have a look “Sir Lorne said before giving a expectant and troubled stare then sighing and then he added“just like I thought..even the synthetic couldn't hold him off”

Momo’s voice rang in his head again. "It’s on the same level as a Pawn, Master Let’s stay inside and protect the house don’t forget to lock the doors."Momo Shameless voice rang as he covers his eyes with his hands

“A Pawn? What does that mean?” Sarah asked, her voice completely baffled as her eyes held confusion.

Sir Lorne didn’t have time to answer as he hopped down the window and faced of the Abomination.

Weird enough Sir Lorne didn't get injured after he fell infact he pulled a button on his tuxedo amd then

Wua la!

The same flame jet pack appeared as he pressured and lead the beast by the nose, as he kicked it back a few times and then had it's lower head after it was blasted back a mile with burnt Marks on it healing bit by bit

Wiith a shriek, the creature lunged forward, its sleek black body moving faster than A normal man could react,but looking at Sir Lorne, Max couldn’t help but think he's abnormal turning back to the vermin he felt odd to look at especially with the frequent Vengeful glints in its eyes.

Unknowingly,the monster found his way at a spot which was near their side by the window

Max didn't think the beast could probably Jump so high to get into 15meter range,so felt they were definitely fine.



The monster Managed to hop in,still having that weird glint in its eyes,it didn't even give max a glance he only had them on the prize,Sarah.

Its mouth snapped open with a violent hiss, extending its deadly, eel-like tongue toward Sarah

“Sarah!” Max screamed, diving toward her.


At a place Max would probably recognised at a glance

Students could be seen faring terrible as they face off against weird Atrocities.

In a school gymnasium, trembles were felt as the roar of alien beasts echoes through the halls. A group of students, battered and terrified, huddle together, watching as monstrous shadows slither closer. The creatures—hulking, grotesque hybrids of flesh and metal, with limbs that twisted unnaturally—move with predatory grace. Their guttural growls pierce the air.

Nina clutches her knees, tears streaming down her face as she mutters, "We’re all going to die."

Liam stands in the center, gripping a makeshift spear. "Not if we stick together!" His voice cracks, betraying his fear.

Sasha scoffs, tossing her hair. "Stick together? Please. If you all just listen to me—"

"Shut it, Sasha!" Derek snaps, loading a makeshift crossbow with trembling hands. "Unless you’ve suddenly got a secret power, maybe let the rest of us figure it out."

The doors burst open, and chaos ensues. A hulking alien, with jagged limbs and glowing, acidic maws, lunges forward. Marko tackles it head-on, shouting, "Run! I’ll hold it off!"

"Marko, no!" Nina screams, her sobs turning into wails as Liam pulls her away.


Amid the carnage, Amara, the silent girl no one took notice of or even cared about, stepped forward. Her dark long hair hang over her face and even covering her chest, her presence almost ghostlike.with her hands raised horizontally, Shadows begin to swirl around her, thickening into tendrils of pure darkness.

The aliens pause, sensing the power emanating from her. For the first time, Amara speaks, her voice low and otherworldly:


The tendrils lash out, impaling the monsters and dragging them into the abyss. The gym falls silent, the beasts retreating into the shadows, their shrieks echoing in the distance.

The students stare at her in shock as she collapses to her knees, her body trembling from exhaustion.

Later on..

The group regroup in the gym, still reeling from the attack. Sasha tries to take control again, only to be shut down by Derek's sharp wit. Liam quietly thanks Amara, who brushes him off and retreats into the corner. Nina, still crying, hugs Liam tightly, while Ellie begins setting up defenses, her calm efficiency keeping the group grounded.



Another battle commenced but between two beast instead

But what if one was taken out by the other..does that mean they are next too?

The students who were still shocked and weirded out By the strangeness of things didn’t know how to go about it

Unknown to them all kids their age were left to fend for themselves as a Mini test for a week before they are being saved by the gurdians they never Knew

Somewhere hidden in the clouds A couple Of Men could be seen On a Floating Stingray up in the Clouds.

This Stingray felt More like a Platform for this superiors To watch over the couple of Kids down below.

“This bunch seems way better than our generation,well what can I say? As expected of the last moment of Hidden Tales” a Man in Ninja Royalty Dress said as he maintained a pose similar to meditation

“It’s expected, especially when this is meant to be the Era of best of grand geniuses. Let's earn ourselves some disciple tho,before those guys show up.” a red haired with scars and a marble on his forehead reasoned

“True"Ninja royalty said With keen eyes as if trying to find hidden gems amogst the kids.”The gurl Before seems to be a gifted,but I bet she's already scouted and belings to deep Family from her temperament. “

“Amara Daughter of scarlet Witch, not surprising but it's amazing how her daughter later gained gifts even with the less than 10% chance. Amazing!”A Blue haired man Said in sarcasm and glum as if he held a grugde with the girls parent.


The rest felt his aura turn hostile but didn't ask anything

Knowing fully well to mind their business

Ninja on the other hand gave a deep glace before giving something..or more precisely someone is esteem attention.

At a particular spot where greenry and metal shine could both be found, a boy could be seen running from a Slim bear with elongated razor arms, with a plain look on his face,clearly not bothered with the monstrous existence or his disastrous fate as he navigates and evades with ease as if practiced from the life before now.

“Nice Found a prodigy at Evading ,his agility Is even better than a Viper nearing mid Fang even,good kid!”The royal Ninja Said in enthusiasm with glowing eyes

“Gibe me a sec ,I have some where to be at the moment.”Blue haird Man said before jumping off the stingray only to land on a tile on air which if one looked closer would see that it was more of a card with a Joker on it.

“Huh?weird why do I almost feel like he stole a probable disciple. Well,I would just have the Ninja jungle approve the kid and scout him out quick.” The man said to himself while watching the other kids as if not in a hurry or bothered about the whole situation or what moved his partner.


A Boy was diving in as he hits the weird Bear on the joint with a kick before he slid between the beast legs .

The Bear felt humiliated so it went All out and even flew up and smash it's weird shaped hands on the ground

Flapping it all over the place


A body was thrown back before it could even manage to escape the tantrum..

“Cough*..cough*..is this the end? Oh well,Guess all that grooming was for nothing oh man…I might as well find Rest in death than Have to face the trouble of a New world.”the boy vomited blood between his words

“The world has alot to offer tho" A deep voice reverberated from the background but the boy couldn't tell from where but he really didn't care he already gave up as the Bear was already upon him as it claws were almost hovering his head before it grinned and paused..

And then Vanished as if it never existed in the first place. falling on his knees,the kid hands out stretched, on it was a Bear picture or more precisely a card..or cards he presumed

Raising his head,he saw a blindfolded face that was familiar with yet felt unfamiliar with at thesame time

“Who..are you..?”

“The world is a beautiful place,you just have to know how to find and see the benefits,Mr Koldson Qubrin.”

“How did…you—”

“I won't be able to answer that,a little short on time"The blue haired man said as he hurries To leave even tho he took a step at a time."Hold to your deck and play your cards right..and you might just Check up fine..Bye for now.”

Zoom pffflash*


But he was long gone

He checked his hands to check the Glossy Bear Card on his Hands but then I pulled out another..out of thesame hands but there shouldn't be anymore right?…how..?

He frowned

Then toss the Bear Card away into the ruins of the city but then he saw something..something Frightening !



Roar!! Hiss!

Ahhhh..Max I don't wanna be Monster food"Sarah screamed as if she was being burnt alive but it wasn’t surprising since the creature had dense acid on its lips dripping like Saliva

“Calm down sarah,I'm gonna get you quick”

But it was too late. The creature's tongue wrapped around Sarah’s arm, pulling her toward its massive maw. She screamed, her feet leaving the ground as the monster lifted her with terrifying ease.

Max’s heart pounded as he scrambled to grab onto Sarah, but the Xenomorph was too powerful. The creature’s claws dug into the ceiling as if planning to escape through the roof, its tail lashing back and forth as it held Sarah up, preparing to strike While attempting his escape.

But Then,it wasn't as if it was just the Kids, the butler appeared. Mr. Lorne was standing on air by the window.

With a confident but serious frown on,in practiced motion, Mr. Lorne fired. Streams of liquid—hot, intense fire—shot from the guns, hitting the Xenomorph squarely in the chest. The creature screeched in agony, releasing Sarah with a violent thrash.

The butler stepped forward, adjusting his goggles that glinted in the dim light, his expression cold and focused. "Hold on, Master Max," he said with a tone of authority. "I will deal with this Xenomorph Vermin quick!"

“Get off my grounds you lousy squik!”

Max backed away, his eyes wide as he watched the butler unleash a barrage of flame, forcing the Xenomorph back. It hissed in fury, its skin steaming as the jets of fire seared into it. But the creature wasn’t finished. With an eerie screech, it ducked and dove for cover, retreating into the shadows of the estate’s garden.

For a moment, everything went quiet. The ground stopped shaking. The air felt still. But Max knew it wasn’t over. The creature was still out there, waiting for some innocent kid to fall into its Maw.

"That was..Thank you, Mr. Lorne," Max said, his voice full of disbelief. His heart was still racing,he even felt like tearing up but he didn’t

The butler nodded, turning his back to adjust his jetpack. "You're safe for now, Master Max. But this is just the beginning."

“Let’s just hope it isn't our end.”

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    On a sunny day nearing it's end. …A Large mansion draws attention with it's high pitch and profile. Embroiled in golds and green of both nature and man touche. The rumble of the luxurious car’s engine faded as it pulled to a smooth stop in front of the grand Kingdergale estate. Maximus Broderick Kingdergale, still in his crisp private school uniform, slid out of the back seat with a grin plastered across his face. The young boy looked up at the towering mansion, its imposing facade glimmering in the late afternoon sun. Max was a typical royal rich young master. Known for being cocky and charming. He his 8 years now, but tends to take on adult active tendencies like giving ideas above his age, pretty smart beyond his age..well that's when he he isn't dumb and fuzzy..which is mostly the majority of times. "Thank you, Mr. Lorne," Max said cheerfully to the family butler, who opened the car door for him. "As always, Master Max," Mr. Lorne replied with a bow, his tone refined yet wa

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