Chapter 14 The Astral Stone (2)

'Then I think we must visit this god of yours.' I said looking at them.

'But lord we must inform God Theris before bringing you with us or he will kill us all, he ... he does not tolerate any mistake or insubordination.' The Scorpion leader gave me a quick introduction of this con god's personality.

'As I have said, I don't have time to comply with your request. You will take me to him, I guarantee you, nothing will happen to you.' I said with assuring tone.

'But lord the tunnels leading to the underground city is not big enough for you to fit in, we will need to open the tunnel reserved for God Theris but we don't have authority and means to open it.' He said.

'No need.' I said shrinking to my humanoid form which was only 15 feet tall.

Seeing me shrink they had astonished expressions on their faces like watching some miracle. In my humanoid for I was around 4 meter in size and now it was possible for me to fit in the tunnel.

We started to walk in the tunnel which was enforced f
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