The Thunderous Come Back Of Denzel Chester
The Thunderous Come Back Of Denzel Chester
Author: Bella Cruz

“I am here to see a patient; she was admitted a few hours ago," Denzel said to the nurse on a white scrub, breathing heavily; he paused to catch his breath before continuing , “Her name is Marie Fernard.”

“Calm down, mister, this is a hospital; lower your voice!” The nurse eyed him from head to toe as she replied fuming in anger, judging from his shabby look, she needed no prophet to tell her that a man dressed in worn-out jeans and a crumpled shirt would not be able to pay a million-dollar required for the surgery, his type were those who ended up begging for free treatment. 

  “ And who are you to her?” Her voice held a condescending tone as she glared at him in disdain.

“I am her son,” Denzel replied impatiently, ignoring the weird glances and whispers from the people in the waiting room.

Few hours ago, he received the news that his foster mother got involved in an accident, but he was unable to rush down to the hospital, because his in-laws wouldn't let him leave the house until he finishes his work at home. 

“Before I let you know her ward, just a gentle reminder, " she said, eyeing him up and down. “Make sure to come back here and deposit part payment of her surgery f*e before leaving. In case you don't know, treatment would only commence after a part payment is made. I know your type and we don't run a charity organisation here!” she said nonchalantly with a scowl on her face.

“And you should be fast about that, there are no bed spaces to waste on wretched people and we wouldn't hesitate to bundle you and your mother out from this hospital! ” Another nurse who had no business in the conversation said to Denzel as she laughed together with some people deriving pleasure from the way the nurses were degrading the shabby looking man.

“Can I just see her first? Denzel yelled, getting irritated with their lack of professionalism.

The nurse visibly trembled as she was not expecting the poor man to retaliate “Ward 103” she muttered rolling her eyes.

As he got to the ward, a pang of pain shot through Denzel as he was welcomed to the sight of his mother's lifeless body.

“Thank God you are here Denzel, what took you so long?” Denzel’s attention was shifted to his foster sister, Vivian, who rushed to where he was and embraced him, letting out more tears.

“What happened Vivian? How did mother get to this place? Denzel was barely holding back the tears that were threatening to fall as it felt like a hand was squeezing his heart, he had just spoken to his mum yesterday evening, How come?

“She was involved in a hit and run,” A faint voice said from the end of the room, Denzel shifted his gaze to his brother Victor. Victor is the twin to Vivian and they are the only biological children of aunty Marie, but ever since aunty Marire took him in after picking him up from the dustbin, he took them as his only family and would go any length to take care of them.

“Denzel… the accident was deliberate, I and mother were standing by the roadside away from the main road but the man drove to where she was standing and hit her before zooming off,” Victor said through gritted teeth as he clenched his fists.

“What?” Fury wrapped around Denzel’s chest almost suffocating him, who would have wanted his mother dead? They are too poor to have made such an enemy” he thought, unable to point a finger at anyone.

“But that's not the issue on ground Denzel, mother needs a major surgery which costs $1m and would not be attended to until a deposit is made,” Victor said, finally breaking down into tears “What do we do Denzel?” he asked Denzel, sniffing and sobbing .

“Denzel, you are our only hope,” Vivain said, her grip tightening on Denzel’s arm, Even if we sell everything we have, it wouldn't be enough to pay for a quarter of the money,” “We don't want to lose mother,” She said as her wailing increased. 

Denzel felt like his whole world was crashing down on him, he had no idea how he was going to get one million dollars, he wasn't even sure if he was ever going to make that kind of money in his lifetime and here he was, being tasked to find the money in a short period, nothing was making sense to him, he stood still wondering what to do next. 

Then, a light bulb went off in Denzel’s head , his heart skipped as an idea crossed his mind.

“Denzel gently unhooked his arm from Vivian’s and led her to sit down, he turned facing his brother “Victor, take care of Vivian and mom, I will be back with some part of the money so they can commence treatment immediately, I promise, nothing will happen to mom” They all breathed a sigh of relief as their hopes got refilled.



“ Repeat what you said again you scumbag?” A familiar voice roared, followed by a wave of laughter as Denzel stood before his father-in-law, Mr Kendrick.

Denzel was shocked when he saw the Mortan’s family members gathered in the living room, he didn't need anyone to tell him that a heavy storm was brewing and that meant he was going to receive a double dose of the usual humiliation he receives, but he had gotten used to it and wouldn't even mind them tripling it cause he needed their help now more than ever.

“Please, I need your help. My mom was involved in an accident , and I need to deposit some money for her surgery,” Denzel said, bowing his head in shame and defeat.

Ever since he got married to their daughter Olivia 3 years ago, he had been serving them tirelessly without complaint , deep down he hoped they would sympathise and be of help to him just this once. One million dollars was not a problem for his father in law, Mr.kendrick.

The Mortans’s family were one of the richest families in Willport city with multiple businesses and investments, Denzel knew his father in law could give him the money with just a snap of his fingers.


“Shut your gutter mouth! Don’t you have any shame left in your miserable self? Mrs Veronica, his mother-in-law roared angrily, her voice laced in disgust.

“How can he? When he's being spoon-fed from year to year? You can't even save your mother's life without begging? What a shame,” Anita ,his sister in law scoffed as she glared at him furiously.

“What proof do you have that you are a man? Tell me aside from that impotent thing of no use dangling between your legs, of what use are you? Anita, taunted, causing everyone to burst into a mockery laughter as Denzel felt more helpless , a flood of pain drowning him.

“What have I done to deserve such disgrace as a son-in-law?” Mrs Veronica feigned hurt as she placed her hands on her chest “ I don't know what my beautiful and talented daughter saw in you, but I can assure you, your time in this house is numbered” Her eyes glinted with venom as she spoke viciously. 

Denzel was taken aback, he clenched his fist as anger flooded through him , not like he expected better from them but he thought they would at least have human sympathy for once, as it is a matter of life and death.

Denzel slowly raised his gaze to his wife Olivia who had been quiet all these while, he looked at her as the only one who could help him in this terrible situation, and his heart sunk as he took in the look of disgust plastered on her face but as quickly as he noticed it, it disappeared, replaced by a look of pity and concern. 

“Please guys stop, it's his mother's life we are talking about here” Olivaia choked out as if she was being forced to talk. 

Denzel felt relieved,he knew his wife would never be against him, although she hardly stood up for him and would always keep quiet while they roasted him, but as soon as she intervened on his behalf,he felt reassured that his wife loved him as much as he did.

“Quiet everyone ! And you, I still don't know why my daughter insisted on getting married to you, it's no news that you are of no use in this family ,” Mr Kendrick paused , eyeing Denzel in disgust “But… it looks like you are about to be of use now!”

Denzel’s heart drummed against his ribcage as he tried to figure out what his father was driving at, but his thoughts were interrupted by the next thing he heard. 

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