“How much are we talking about here” Mr Kendrick asked 

“One million dollars '' Denzel replied,his lips curving into a small smile. Deep down he was thanking his stars that he obeyed his mind, by asking his inlaw for money. 

“That's a small money,” Mr Kendrick said, causing Denzel's handsome face to broaden up with smiles this time. 

“ But then again.”Mr Kendrick said, fixing his gaze to his son-in-law, “This also goes to show the length of your uselessness,” Mr Kendrick sneered, causing the smile on Denzel's face to seize, but Denzel shrugged it off. Right now, they could insult him for all they want, so far they gave him the money he was asking for.

“I will give you the one million dollars.But on one condition” Mr Kendrick said,his deep voice resounding in Denzel's ears.

Denzel’s heart raced, as his father-in-law's words hung heavy in the air. He wasn't expecting that,but he couldn't wait to hear the condition. 

“Take the blame for Tom, You will tell the police that you are the one who uses the hard drugs and you mistakenly put them in Tom's bag” Mr.Kendrick said nonchalantly. 

Denzel was taken aback as he faltered on his feet, He took in a deep breath the vile words his father in law just said echoed in his head, It felt like a hand was squeezing his heart. His father in law couldn't be serious, or was he? Denzel couldn't make sense of what he just heard. Was he meant to take the blame even if he didn't ask for money? Was it why they gathered together waiting for him? 

Denzel was too shocked and still short of words, there were too many things that could go wrong with his father in law’s proposal..the more he thought about it. A pang of pain hit him as he realised he was helpless like a lone sheep surrounded by many hungry wolves.

His eyes darted around the room and he could see their gaze piercing through him like a predator sizing up its prey.

He opened his mouth to say something but was stunned by what happened next.

Olivia sprang up from her seat as she faced her father “Dad,Are you for real? Denzel should suffer for Tom's sin? “ Olivia yelled, still in shock at what her father had just said. 

Her family’s indifference about it was making it worse. “ How on earth can you think of such a thing? My husband can't go to jail in place of Tom and that's final! Tom should face the consequences of his actions.” She marched towards Denzel aiming to drag him away from there.

“Will you stop there! Mr. Kendrick roared, storming up on his feet as he glared at Olivia “ if you move an inch again, count yourself out of this family” 

“He was going to do it anyway, whether he asked for the money or not” Mrs.Veronica sneered.

“That’s his only usefulness… so he should be happy that he is being put to use after years of uselessness to us,” She huffed, and then a frown etched her face as she glared dangerously at Denzel, if her looks were knives they would have directly plucked out Denzel’s heart.

“ For years we have been clothing, feeding, and accommodating him, so this is the only way he can show appreciation for our kind deeds,” Anita hissed, fighting back the urge to tear him into shreds.

“Mother is right! Out of father's kind heart he decided to reward him with the $1m, and would also bail him out after some days, so what else does he want? Afterall a son of a nobody has no reputation to protect, I am the heir to the Mortans group, and I need to have a clean slate” Tom scoffed as he raised the slash of Marijuana in between his fingers and dragged it. 

“Shut up Tom! You knew you had a reputation to protect but went ahead to misbehave?” Olivia hissed, through gritted teeth.

“And you shut up, Olivia! What do you know? Tom is right, he is utterly useless and would make a good cover-up for the mistake our brother made. He knows he is on the losing side here, and he has no option but to agree, oh poor boy, if he refuses his mother will die in no time,” Anita taunted mockingly.

Denzel dropped his gaze to the floor as he clenched his teeth, listening to them as they went on and on deciding his fate as if he wasn't there.

“Are we clear on that? Mr.Kendrick asked shifting his disdainful gaze to Denzel 

Denzel knitted his brows in confusion, navigating the crossroads he was thrusted in-between , he closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath thinking of the weight of what he'd been asked to do. 

Even though he was to come out after a few days, the tint on his name would be forever, opening his eyes, his gaze averted to his wife who had been quiet and her face held an unreadable expression, his heart beamed in joy as he concluded that her expression meant she was not in support of her family. 

The yelling of his sister in law drew back his attention to them,the more they threw harsh words at him,the more it cut through his heart the way a knife cuts through butter.

He began to feel more rage within, his fists clenched tightly almost drawing out blood.

He never imagined a day like this would come, he wasn't done being their houseboy now they wanted to turn him into their cover-up tool.

He never complained or said no, when they mistreated him and threw ugly verbal words at him. He loved his wife dearly and had been tolerating it all because of her. He indeed had no one to support him, or defend him. The only motherly figure he had was lying on the hospital bed at the brink of death, but this was the height of it, and he wouldn't allow anyone to trample on his humanity, with certainty that his wife was in support of him and would help him get the money to save his mother’s life.

 He slowly lifted his head as he clenched his teeth,locking his gaze with that of his father in law who had a devilish smirk plastered on his face, he kept his gaze locked on Mr. Kendrick refusing to quiver like he always does.

With the resolve to stand up for himself even though he had no one , Denzel snapped his gaze across everyone in the room as he said what none of them saw coming.

 “No! ” His voice was unwavering and laced with defiance.

At his blunt refusal, the sound of a horror-filled gasp echoed in the sitting as everyone except Mr Kendrick looked at each other in utter shock and surprise.

It was the first time in 3 years of living with the Mortans, that Denzel had said No, he never refuses to do anything no matter what, so it took every one of them unaware. Except for Mr Kendrick who was slightly taken aback but refused to show it, he had known his son-in-law was stubborn and had only endured all the mistreatment because of his daughter. A grin played on his lips, he knew Denzel wouldn't be able to say No again,when he said the next words out.

“I dare you to say No to my face one more time!?” Mr. Kendrick snarled, strutting towards Denzel with an intimidating smug on his face.

Denzel shuddered but refused to move from his position, he stood there as if his feet were glued to the floor, he took in a long deep breath bracing himself for what's to come  

Mr. Kendrick reached where Denzel was standing and grabbed his neck forcefully, Denzel winced slightly but refused to succumb still maintaining his stance.

“ S-si-sir it's unfair to ask that from me, I insist on my previous answer, which is No” Denzel stuttered and winced in pain as Mr. Kendrick’s grip tightened around his neck.

In fury, Mr. Kendrick released his grip from Denzel's neck and forcefully pushed him as Denzel landed on the hard-tiled floor with a thud.

Denzel groaned in pain as he rubbed his butt, a look of disbelief crossed his face as if on cue, Veronica, Tom, and Anita burst out in a deep roar of laughter, clutching onto their stomach as they bent over almost choking on their mockery laughter.

Mr. Kendrick cleaned his hands with piles of tissue as though he had touched faeces “Very well then” He cleared his throat and continued “ Since you choose to do this the hard way, I will seize from giving you the $1m for your mother’s surgery so you can watch her die."

“And!” Mr Kendrick gave a hand signal to his personal bodyguard , in less than a minute his bodyguard was back with a big brown envelope.

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