“ Mr Kendrick slammed the brown envelope on the glass centre table,” This is the divorce paper dissolving your marriage with my daughter. Sign it before I get back.” he growled, turning his back and went up the stairs without giving Denzel a chance to talk.

Oliva froze, her mouth dropping to the floor. 

“ Yes, finally! his in laws high fived each other as they erupted in laughter and joy.

Denzel needed no one to tell him that they had been waiting for this day to come , it wasn't about his refusal, he was aware they never accepted him and was never in support of his union with their daughter. “Mr Kendrick really thought this through,”Denzel said inwardly as sadness enveloped him the more.

 “Sign the damn divorce papers,”Mrs Veronica and Tom chorused excitedly.

“Pack your stinking self out of this house and never return! You shameless thing,” Anita yelled mockingly.

Denzel’s heart sunk into his stomach,He felt as if a cat was clawing at his heart viciously as he tried to absorb what had just happened. 

Did he see this coming? No, Did he ever believe he would get divorced from Olivia? No, he was aware he loved her more than she did , but he had never imagined a life without her. He never saw this coming.

“Oh Poor son in law” Mrs Veronica said sarcastically with an annoying smirk littered on her face, “You didn't see this coming right? I bet you thought my husband would let you off easily" She laughed hysterically as her children joined her.

“You have refused to be of any importance in this house” She illustrated with her fingers as she started counting “You vowed to only be a leech, You have been nothing but a burden to me and my family.” She huffed and then a frown etched on her face, she glared at him and continued but her face lightened up almost immediately “I'm glad we are finally relieved of you, my daughter deserves much better and not a shameless impotent fool like you” She shrieked, at Denzel while still glaring at him. 

Denzel clenched his fist tightly as his heart boiled with anger “I am not impotent ma!” He said through gritted teeth.

He could tolerate the insults all day and not feel moved by it , but he can't watch them call him impotent when their daughter had been the one who refused to let them consummate their marriage for 3 years.

“Shut up and who cares? A poor, worthless and shameless man is impotent for all I care!” Anita barked.

”Exactly!” Tom added “Sign the damn divorce papers , Denzel flinched and was brought back to reality, the matter on ground pressing down on him like a lead blanket.

   He took in a sharp breath as he snapped his gaze at Olivia who had her head bowed and had been quiet amidst the chaos. It wasn't surprising to him, he knew his wife as a woman of few words and he was certain she was not in support of their evil plans.

 Olivia slowly raised her head to him, as he took in the innocence and softness that emitted from Olivia's eyes. 

Denzel breathed a sigh of relief as Olivia slowly stood up and walked to where he was, still on the floor.  

She gently held his cheeks and looked him straight in the eyes, “Denzel, I Intentionally kept quiet so they would talk to their satisfaction” I'm in this marriage with you, not with them and as far as I'm concerned that divorce paper is invalid” she said, pointing at the table.

Denzel’s breath caught in his throat as he absorbed Olivia’s sweet voice, this was new to him, Olivia had never spoken to him this softly, although she doesn't join her family to insult him openly, but Denzel knew she created a barrier between them , they rarely talk and have never been in this close proximity before.

What changed? Denzel’s heart sank as he realised she was this way with him so he would agree to what her father said.

He threw his face away from hers to let her know that he knew what she was getting at, but the next words she said neutralised every atom of doubt he mustered up “Denzel, I will never allow you to cover up for my brothers sins, and I don't want to ever get divorce from you,” She said and bent her face for a while as if drawing courage from the ground to continue talking 

 “Olivia! Are you serious? Denzel asked in expectation as his face lightened up in smiles, he summoned courage to touch her cheeks to reassure her that he would love her till the end of time, but she flinched and resisted his touch.Denzel waved her reaction off, still focused on her.

 “ Denzel , she locked her gaze with his, tears brimming in her eyes “ But I'm afraid dad might force us to divorce and your mother might die if her surgery gets delayed” She said, breaking down into tears. 

Denzel’s heart contrasted, as he felt guilty for allowing his stubbornness to put them in this situation , he had never seen her cry and seeing that she was beginning to reciprocate the love he has been showering her with ,he didn't want to be the reason for her sadness.

Denzel closed his eyes as he struggled to figure out how to navigate the situation. He didn't want to lose his mother and he also didn't want to lose his wife. He had one decision to make and after thinking it through he came to a conclusion.

“I’ll do it” Denzel suddenly spoke up as all eyes turned towards him.

“Ugh”? Olivia asked , seemingly unsure of what she heard the first time..

“I will take the blame for Tom,”Damian reiterated.

“No Denzel! you can't, we will find a way out” she suggested as she sobbed harder .

“ Olivia, I choose to do this for us, please let me okay? father said I will only stay there for a few days and after everything my name would be cleared” Denzel pleaded with his eyes as his in laws watched with smudge on their faces.

“Do you mean to tell me that you would agree to misusing drugs, cocaine for that matter?” Olivia shaking her head in disbelief.

“Yes I will” Denzel assured but his heart was thudding against his chest.

Mr. Kendrick's face littered with smiles as he watched from the balcony facing down to the sitting room. He quickly went into his room and placed a call to the people outside, telling them to come in immediately. 

“You are finally back to your senses” Mr Kendrick said, said descending the stairs

Denzel snapped his head in the direction he heard someone clearing their throat, and it was none other than his father in law.

Denzel was taken aback at how his father in law was quick to come down just a few minutes after agreeing to his proposal, “Was he not in his room?” he thought, but shrugged it off. The important thing was that his marriage with Olivia was safe and he would be getting the money for his mother's surgery. 

Denzel stood up immediately without hesitation “Sir, I already agreed to your request, can I get the money for my mothers surgery now so I can rush to the hospital and pay up, then when I get back, I will head to the police station to testify?” he suggested, hoping that his father in law would give agree. 

“That's too late Denzel, you wasted my time and I have lost the interest in giving you the money.”

Denzel was yet to get a grip at what his father in law was saying as the door suddenly burst open revealing 4 men in police uniforms.

The men exchanged a subtle look with Mr. Kendrick before turning to face Denzel as they approached him with cuffs.

“ You are Mr. Denzel right? My name is Matt fisher, an inspector from the anti corruption commission” the man said showing his badge to Denzel then put it back in his pocket. 

“I am here to arrest you for use of harmful drugs. You will be taken to the police station for further investigation. You are hereby required to stay silent,as anything you say would be used against you in the court of law” inspector Matt said as the 3 other men approached Denzel and cuffed his hands before dragging him out.

Denzel was too shocked to react to the situation, as soon as they got to the double mahogany doors the sound of intense laughter brought him back to reality “ Sir, this was not what we agreed on!” he yelled, as tears welled up in his eyes . “ My mother is a hospital officer, I was framed,” Denzel pleaded with the officers.

“Olivia please talk to your father, this wasn't our agreement”Denzel spun around and looked at Olivia,waiting for her to say something but she didn't. 

As his heart was contrasting in pain at Olivia's refusal to say something despite what her father was doing. 

“Denzel” Olivia called out softly, approaching him 

Denzel heaved a sigh of relief, at least one person was in support of him. Olivia could help him get out of this mess. 

“ Here” she said, stretching out a white piece of document. 

“You have to sign the divorce papers, I can't have a criminal as a husband”

“What! Olivia?” 

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