“Olivia please don't tell me you are being serious right now?” Denzel asked, still in shock. Never in a million years did he expect that Olivia would betray him like this. 

“Olivia I know this is not you talking, I know your father has threatened you to support evil”

“Shut up!” Olivia yelled, connecting her palm with Denzel’s cheeks forcefully. 

Denzel winced as he felt the sting from the slap the woman he trusted landed on his cheeks. 

“ Do you think I will choose a miserable thing like you over my family? Sign it before I force you to.” Olivia snarled, eyeing Denzel disdainfully 

Shock was an understatement to what Denzel felt. His wife, Olivia —betrayed him like this? 

With pain etched in every part of his body, Denzel signed the papers with tears rolling down his cheeks. 

The last thing he heard before being dragged out was the sound of loud laughter coming from his supposed in-laws and painfully, the woman he had trusted. 

“Olivia you are such a badass” Anita hailed as she handed a handkerchief to Olivia.

“That’s my daughter. Like mother ,Like daughter, I'm so proud of you my angel” The fool thought you were on his side, I'm sure he would rot in jail and his mother won't survive, at least we have done our own part in eradicating poverty and its host”

“Exactly! Poor people don't deserve to be on the face of this earth, we just did the country a favour by eliminating them” Anita chuckled in excitement as the room drowned in laughter once more. 

“Damn! sister, you are such an excellent actor. At some point I thought you were siding with him for real.” Tom chuckled as he dragged his blunt in between his fingers.

Olivia glared at him, “if you commit another crime , there is no useless son in law to save you again.”

“Leave my son alone, he has learnt his lessons “ Mrs Veronica murmured as she tickled Olivia.

“I hope so! Prepare a hot water bath for me, I need to wash off that fool's stinking touch off my body” Olivia yawned as she ascended the stairs.

“Be fast about that, my world's best actress is tired and she needs some rest after her day's work” Anita burst into mockery laughter.

“Yes ma” the maids chorused as they rushed to do as assigned.

“Prepare the feast, let's be merry, This is a confirmation that the millions of dollars spent in your acting career didn't go to waste!” That fool would never see the Broadday light ever again.” Mr Kendrick exclaimed, feeling the exhilaration of his victory. 


“It's just a statement, Denzel, just confess that you did it and all your problems will be over, Or would you want me to get it from you the hard way?” The warden asked a smug played at the corner of his lips.

“ I swear I didn't do it, I have never touched any kind of drug in my entire life, I was framed!” Denzel grunted as he wiggled his hands to ease the cuffs tightly hooked on him,sweat was gripping off his brow and his face was red.He had had one hell of a day. 

“Since you have refused to cooperate. I will come back tomorrow. Just so you know, I won't be this calm with you” The officer warned 


Denzel’s eyes blinked twice; he had slept all night in the interrogation room while still in cuffs.

It was early in the morning but the air was hot and reeked of masculine sweat. It was a medium sized dark room without windows, just a little hole covered with a net at the top of the wall. The walls were stained as if covered in ashes and the tables were shaky and looking old.

Denzel squeezed his eyes shut as the white bulb light came on, he looked up finally after blinking severally to see officer Matt sitting opposite him.

Two other officers stood at the far end of the room.

“Denzel I will ask just this once” Do you do drugs or not? Officer Matt asked, scrutinising Denzel.

“No sir I don't “Denzel replied firmly 

Then what about this, officer Matt asked as he turned on a recording, cold spine ran down Denzel’s spine as olivia’s voice came on

“Do you mean to tell me that you would agree to misusing drugs, cocaine for that matter?

“Yes I will” 

Denzel froze as his own voice rang in his ears. This was the last conversation he had with Olivia.

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