“So Mr Mortan, can you tell us a little about your former son-in-law, Denzel Wolin?” The female host asked, smiling politely at the man sitting across from her with his legs crossed. 

“Thank you for this opportunity. Although this is a very sensitive topic for me and my family, I will put it out there for everyone to hear and learn from it.” The man said calmly, feigning hurt.

“ Denzel Wollin, was my son-in-law,who's now divorced from my daughter because we can't afford to have a criminal as a member of the Mortan’s family. 

“Despite having found out that he deceived my daughter into marrying him, we never hated him, we still accepted him and took him as one of us”

“But that wasn't still enough for him, he went ahead to dive into a path that turned out very bad” 

“That's bad, and I am sorry to hear that” the interviewer said sympathetically, taking a quick glance at the piece of papers in her hands. 

“So when did you guys notice he was into hard drugs?”She asked, raising her head towards Mr. Kendrick. 

“At first, we noticed that he had a tendency of always wanting to get violent at every slightest provocation, even towards my daughter”

“But my family and I were always supportive of him because we thought he was going through a hard time and needed emotional support.” 

“We never knew there was more to It— until he confessed to using hard drugs.” 

“Wow, he did confess by himself? The interviewer asked, her eyes widening in shock 

“Yes he did, to my daughter. It was one of the many bad reasons my daughter decided to divorce him”

“She decided to take that route after weeks of persuading him to drop the drugs and check into a rehab,but he refused.”

“I'm glad she did, if not he would have caused harm to her” The interviewer added, glancing at the papers in her hands once again. 

“After confessing,  was he the one who gave himself in to the police ?”She asked, raising her head once again to Mr Kendrick. 

“Yes he did , a few days ago, after threatening to report him.

But we didn't know he had planned to escape on his way to prison with the help of his fellow addicts, and now, he's nowhere to be found”

“Oh my God ! He's dangerous”

“Yes he is, so with the permission of the police, I decided to grant this interview because It isn't safe for such a person to be roaming out there in the streets.”

“Exactly! I hope he's apprehended soon, before he causes harm to people” The interviewer added

“Thank you so much Mr Mortan for honoring our invitation , I'm sorry you and your family had to go through all of that in the hands of someone you accepted as your own”

“That's not a problem at all. We have learnt our lessons”

“ That's good to hear, so are there any last words you would like to say before we call it a wrap? 

“Yes,” Mr Kendrick said, adjusting his glasses, “Denzel Wolin, this is a public warning to you, and probably a chance to correct your mistakes.”

“You are given 48 hours to turn yourself in, if not, a search warrant would be released and your pictures would be spread online for easy identification. This is your last warning! ”

“Fuck! How could he lie so easily ? That's bullshit!” Denzel hissed, tossing the phone he was holding aside. 

His butler advised they left the hospital immediately, after showing him the interview Mr Kendrick granted on one of the most popular news channels. 

Now he was seated in his Ac conditioned car heading home , but somehow, his body still managed to be hot. 

He couldn't tell if it was because of the search warrant that was going to be released on his head in the next 48 hours? 

Or his missing brother who was believed to have committed suicide but the circumstances around his acclaimed suicide was suspicious? 

Or his mother who was undergoing a 50/50 surgery and fighting for her life in the surgery room? 

Which one was it? Denzel heaved a deep sigh, trying to calm himself before heading home to meet with his grandfather who was said to have woken up and requested to meet with him urgently. 

At this point, Denzel knew this wasn't fun and games anymore. 

“The war had begun, and he was ready to go all in” he thought, gritting his teeth in anger. 

“Sir, we are here” His butler said, sliding out of the car to get the door for Denzel. 

Denzel jerked out of his thoughts, his heart racing with possible reasons why his grandfather wanted to see him urgently. 

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