“Miss Harlow, are these the copies of your diploma or not?” Mr Collins thundered, flashing the documents to a visibly shaky Anita. 

Anyone who saw how talkative she was a few minutes ago, would wonder why she was shaking and finding it hard to give out a simple answer. 

“Ye.. Ye… yes Sir it's mine” Anita stuttered, tears rolling down her eyes, she knew she was done for, her secrets were open in the air, and there was nothing she could do. 

“Miss Harlow, you are under arrest for fraudulently obtaining a nursing degree diploma” officer Oven said, approaching her with cuffs in his hands. 

“What! She's a snake” One of the women yelled, as the room burst into murmuring. 

“Take her! She deserves to rot in jail”

“Can't believe I bashed an innocent man and praised a fraudster”  

People began throwing in their suggestions one after the other, while glaring at Anita in contempt. 

“Sir please, have mercy, please have mercy” Anita cried, dropping to her knees in front of Mr Collins. 

Mr. Collins hissed, his eyes digging a hole to her head “I'm not the one you should be apologising to”

“Who sir, please, who? I will do anything”

“The man behind you” Mr Collins said, and pointed at Denzel 

A wave of confusion hit the room once again, leaving everyone in utter shock. 

Just who exactly was this man Mr Collins respected like this? The was the question going through everyone's mind, but they had no answer to it 

“Sir!” Anita blurted out, a wave of shock hitting her like a storm , and for a sec, a hint of defiance flashed in her eyes. 

“Sir.. Please… is he the one I should apologise to? ” Anita asked, her face laced in shock, maybe he made a mistake or something, she thought. 

“Are you deaf? Do you even know who that man is, he is… 

“Mr Collins, no need for that” Denzel interrupted, not wanting to reveal himself just yet. 

Anita immediately noticed how Denzel was able to talk to her Almighty boss casually and even tell him what to do. 

Not even in a million years did she think that she was ever going to beg the useless son-in-law, as she has always regarded him, but if begging him meant that she wouldn't go to jail, she was ready to succumb. 

“Denzel please forgive me” Anita choked out, crawling towards Denzel on her knees 

“What! Do you know who he is? How dare you call the young master by his name?” The butler yelled, glaring furiously at Anita. 

“Mr. Mike ignore her”Denzel said and his butler withdrew immediately, but his hard glare was still pinned on Anita. 

Anita, once again noticed the authority emitting from Denzel. She couldn't tell why important men were obeying him , but at this point, she knew the matter had gotten out of hand. 

“Mr Amon, you are also under arrest for aiding diploma fraud , you knew her licence was fraudulent, but you went ahead to hire her.” Mr Oven interrupted, walking towards Sam with cuffs in his hands. 

“I don't know that woman sir , she deceived me too! ” Sam yelled, glaring at Anita 

“Even him! 

“Jezz! These two are shameless” 

“Now I feel bad for being mean to a good man”

 The room erupted yet again into murmurs, most of them were mean words directed at Anita and Sam. 

“Sir Denzel please, have mercy, please have mercy. I don't want to go to jail ” Anita bawled, rolling herself on the floor, In front of Denzel. 

“Sir Denzel, please help me, I'm sorry for everything, I apologise please” Sam added , dropping to his knees too. 

“20 years? Aaaah” Anita let out a loud cry, at the thought of her inevitable 20 years plus jail term. 

Denzel kept them quiet,he had nothing to say to them. 

“Mr Collins, I would like to try the card again”Denzel said, shifting his attention to Mr Collins. 

“No sir don't worry about that, I will upgrade your mom to the VIP ward and all her medical bills would be sorted out by the hospital”

Mr Collins said, seeing this as a one time opportunity to get close to the K. D Leon's family and he didn't want to miss it for anything. 

“No, don't bother Mr Collins, I will clear my mother's hospital bills myself ”

“ Don't worry young master, I want to do this to show you how sorry I am for how you were treated by those fraudsters. Please accept my little gift.”

“ I will transfer her and commence on the surgery immediately” Mr Collins begged, hoping that Denzel would accept. 

“Ok, Denzel accepted, not wanting to prolong the matter cause he was already tired. 

“Take them away, I will make sure you both rot in jail” Mr Collins ordered as the police dragged Anita and Sam out of the room. 

“ Sir, is this yours? I saw it at that corner ” A woman said, stretching the black sleek phone to Denzel

“Oh thank you” Denzel said, stretching out his hands to take his phone from the woman, but she held his hands tightly,eyeing him seductively. 

“It must have fallen off when that man pushed me,” he said, not sparing the woman a glance as he took the phone,gently unhooking his hands from hers. 

“What! Someone laid his hands on you? Who's that young master? He needs to be thought a lesson” Mr Mike fumed, his eyes turning red

“Don't worry Mr. Mike, that's not necessary”Denzel dismissed, patting his butler's shoulder lightly. 

Just when Denzel had settled down in the VIP lounge, a bit relieved from the stress he had been through these past few days, his butler called his attention to something. 

“Young master, You need to see this, ” he said, stretching a phone to him. 

Denzel took the phone from his butler but the moment he saw what was on the phone screen, his face turned sour immediately. 

“ Fuck!” Denzel hissed, his hands balling into fists, as he flung the phone aside, fuming in anger. 

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