Chapter 12: BOW TO HIM

“ Don't you dare move an inch closer to him!” 

A voice roared at the entrance, causing the men to startle and halt in their steps. 

 The room went silent, as every one snapped their head to the direction the voice came from. 

Anita's face went pale the moment she saw the man standing at the entrance, her heartbeat picked up as beads of sweat started forming on her forehead. 

Tom, the head doctor was shocked to the core at who he was seeing, but he tried to hide it, “ Worst come to worst, I will deny everything” he thought to himself, hoping that would calm his pounding heart. 


The middle aged 6 foot man stood intimidatingly tall, his hands tucked into the pocket of his black suit trousers. 

His presence emitted a powerful aura,and beside him was Mr Mike, Denzel’s butler. 

Together they ambled in, their Italian shiny black shoes tapping against the hard tiled floor. 

“I'm sorry for the whole Incident, young master, I am Collins Waffe, the current head of Stanford hospital ” The man said, bowing slightly as he stretched his hands out to Denzel. 

In response, Denzel shook his hands firmly, trying to hide the shock and confusion battling inside of him. 

He was already aware of the kind of power his family held, and things like this were bound to happen. 

Meanwhile, the whole room had gone silent that even if a pin should drop, everyone would be able to hear it. 

That single act of Mr Collins , had sent waves of shock to everyone in the room, causing their mouths to drop open,their eyes widening In shock. 

This man needed no introduction, who in Willport city wasn't aware of who he was and the kind of power he held?

But why was the head of the most prestigious hospital in Willport city, apologizing and bowing to the man whom everyone had regarded to, as a thief just a few minutes ago? 

Everyone in the room was left baffled, their confusion evident on their faces. 

Mr Mike, Denzel’s butler walked to his side, his face etched with worry. 

“Young master, what happened to your phone? I tried calling your line, when I noticed that you had taken more time than expected, but it was switched off”

“ I lost the phone , but glad you came through” Denzel responded, grateful that his butler intervened when the matter was about to escalate beyond control. 

“ I'm sorry you went through all that stress before I noticed and called the owner of the hospital to come down here immediately” Mr Mike said apologetically, his voice laced with concern. 

“Sir! ” Sam, the head doctor exclaimed, trying to ease the palpable tension in the room. “ I didn't know you were coming in today” he bowed slightly, his face beaming with polite smiles. 

Denzel scoffed, glaring at the slender man whose tricks he was aware of.

 Just a few minutes ago, he was making up lies and insulting him, and now he was pretending to be nice. 

“ Do I need permission to come to my own hospital?” Mr Collins shot back, his attention fixed on the pile of documents he was scanning through. 

 Mr Mike had told him of the hideous things he wasn't aware of, that was going on in his hospital. 

He was rarely seen here because his presence a wasn't actually needed for the hospital to run properly. 

But when Mr Mike called, he abandoned everything he was doing to come deal with the people who insulted the young master. 

When he had found the file he was looking for, he stretched it to the police

“The young master is not the one who should be arrested” he said, his deadly gaze snapping to Anita. 

“ Anita Harlow, step out from that counter with immediate effect!”

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