“Everyone, this is the head doctor, he's here to settle the case” Anita informed, her lips curling into a smirk.  

“ Yes, I was informed of what happened, and thankfully, I know this man right here!He is a known criminal” The head doctor Sam, said, feeling confident in his lie. 

Denzel eyes widened in shock, because he hadn't seen this man before, why then was he calling him a criminal? At this point he was getting fed up, and his heart was boiling in anger. 

“ Like I said, he could have harmed someone in the process of taking this card, take a look at him, doesn't he look like a criminal who hadn't had his bath in 3 days?” Sam said mockingly, causing an uproar of laughter in the room. 

His girlfriend Anita had texted him and explained briefly what had happened, and also asked him to add salt to the injury. 

So, that was exactly what he was doing. 

Denzel clenched his teeth, glaring at the slender man who had a devilish smirk plastered on his face. 

“He might have even killed someone in the process of wanting to take the card , who knows?? ”A man from the crowd suggested, causing the confused crowd to accept immediately without second thoughts.  

“Call the police right away! Someone from the crowd call out 

“ How dare you toy with our brains? You fucking liar!” A young man among the onlookers sneered, storming to where Denzel stood and forcefully pushed him. 

Denzel stumbled back, but was fast enough to catch himself before reaching the ground.

 But instead, something else he hadn't noticed slipped from his pocket. 

“Don't lay your hands on me again!” Denzel warned, his hands balling into fists. 

“No violence! Let's wait for the police to come and do their job, such criminals don't deserve to be wandering around the streets” the head doctor Sam ordered , a smug smile displaying on his clean shaven face. 

At this point, Denzel sighed in frustration already irritated with the hypocrisy emitting from everyone in the room . 

The matter had gone out of hand and at any point from now, he would be dragged out of here in cuffs, at the thought of that, his stomach twisted in knots. 

Denzel Ransacked his brain for what to do next , but there was none.

 Like a light bulb—a thought went off in his head,causing him to cuss out . 

“Shit!” Denzel muttered, using his palm to hit his head as if knocking senses into it. 

“How did I let a such a thing escape my mind?”He thought, blaming himself for passing through this stress when he could have just called his butler. 

With his hope refilled to the brim, Denzel digged his hands into his jeans pocket to bring out the sleek phone his grandfather gave him—but it was gone—his pockets were empty. 

 Denzel’s heartbeat picked up, scanning his eyes around the floor of the room for a sign of the only thing that could save him from this situation—but it was nowhere in sight.

 As if on cue, the door burst open, revealing three men in blue uniforms with black cap on their heads. 

“My name is Vik Oven , an inspector from the anti corruption commission” the man said, showing his badge to Denzel then putting it back in his pocket. 

“You are under arrest, for suspicion of fraudulent activities. You will be taken to the police station for further investigation."

"You are hereby required to stay silent,as anything you say, would be used against you in the court of law ” the inspector said, giving a hand signal to his colleagues behind him. 

Just as the men took a step forward with cuffs dangling in their hands. 

“ Don't you dare move an inch closer to him!” 

A voice roared at the entrance, causing the men to startle, and halt in their steps. 

 The room went silent, as every one snapped their head to the direction the voice came from. 

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