Chapter 10: ACCUSED


[Invalid card] 

“Yes! I said it!”

“This thing right here is a thief” Anita bellowed, pointing a finger at Denzel. 

“I don't know why we listened to him, we could have just called the police right away!”one of the men in the room hissed , digging through his pocket to bring out his phone. 

“Thank God for you, we wouldn't have known that such a criminal was amongst us” Another woman said , flashing a smile to Anita. 

“Exactly! we need your type of people in our city” Another man added as other people joined in, showering praises on Anita, causing her head to swell in pride. 

“But It's not too late, we can call the police right away, he needs to face the law for stealing” Another person interjected, changing the topic. 

“Yes! Exactly!” Sounds of approval echoed in the room. 

Denzel stood frozen, his heart pounding furiously against his chest as he imagined what was going to happen when the police arrived. 

He was sure there was money in that card, because there was no reason for his grandfather to lie to him. 

But how was he gonna prove it, when Anita refused to try the card again?

“Anita, try this card again, I'm sure there is money in here, maybe it was the network “ Denzel called out, stretching the card to the woman who was glaring daggers at him. 

“ Shut up you liar! You have nothing to say, how did you manage to steal from the most powerful family In Willport ? Anita barked, eyeing Denzel viciously. 

“ Can you hear yourself? How is that even that even possible?” Denzel asked, staring hard at the woman who was beginning to get on his nerves. 

“I have something to say,please hear me out everyone ” Denzel called out loudly, garnering the attention of the people in the room. 

“ If truly, the K. D Leon's family are very rich,that means, their security would be very tight.”

“How do you think it would be possible for a commoner like me to penetrate through their security and actually steal a precious card from them?” Denzel reasoned, his voice firmer than it had ever been since the whole issue started. 

All of a sudden, the room went quiet and all eyes shifted to his direction. 

“ I think he's making a lot of sense,” A woman spoke up, garnering mummrs from the people , as some of them started nodding their heads in approval. 

 While some still pinned their vicious glare on Denzel as if trying to read his mind 

Denzel let out a deep breath in relief , a glimmer of hope engulfing his troubled heart. 

“Can you try the card now? I promise it would work this time” 

 Anita fumed in anger as the wretched looking man whom she detested with so much passion, once again, stretched out the premium card to her. 

But the people around didn't say anything unlike before. 

It angered her so much that she was already on the losing side “How did he get this card?” she thought, her anger rising to the brim. 

She wasn't going to let this slide, the people already believed what Denzel had said, so she needed to act fast . 

Hastenly, she digged through her hand bag, picked up her phone and began typing away. 

Feeling satisfied with the storm she had brewed,she smiled, looking forward to what would happen next. 

In less than a minute, she looked towards the door, her lips curving into a smile. 

“ Good day everyone, I think there is only one answer to this question “ How did he get access to the card?”

“Well personally, I'd say he's a hard core criminal and is very dangerous” 

 A voice sounded from the entrance, as all heads turned to the direction, a tall man sauntered into the room , his presence emitting a sense of dread to Denzel. 

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