“How Vivian? How did this happen? Victor has no reason to commit suicide? I don't understand”Denzel asked, still baffled at what he just heard. 

“Same here, I'm confused and I refuse to believe that victor committed suicide” 

“How did this happen Vivian?”

“He got a job that same day you left, the job promised to pay him $100 daily. So he decided to work and raise money for mom’s treatment, but since that day he left for the job, he's yet to be back and I haven't heard from him. I reported to the police after 24 hours, but just this morning, they sent this” she sobbed, stretching the white folded piece of paper to Denzel . 

Denzel took the paper and opened it, goosebumps enveloped his skin as he read his brother's final words. The paper was stained with tears, and he noticed a tiny word at the end of the paper. 

It wasn't in the same language as the rest, but he made a mental note to use a translator for it later. Denzel stared at the heart breaking words his brother allegedly wrote as his heart twisted in pain. 

“Vivian, don't cry again , I will be back. We will get to the root of this matter, I don't believe that Victor committed suicide just like that. For now, Let me go make payment, so that the treatment would commence.” Denzel said, hugging Vivian one more time before rushing out. 


Denzel tapped his feet continuously against the tiled floor as he sat in the waiting room chair , while waiting for his turn to make payment. 

Denzel’s heart skipped each time the contents of that letter flashes through his mind, he refused to believe anything, until he used a translator to read that word at the edge of the paper. That language was a language used by slaves to pass out a secret message, so that their masters won't be able to read it. Something about that letter didn't sit right with him. 

“Next!” The nurse called out knocking Denzel out of his thoughts, and for some reason, the voice sounded familiar to Denzel. 

He stood up, rushing to the counter on the other side of the room, but the moment he walked through the door, he froze. 

His eyes widened in shock as he took in the sight before him. 

His former sister in law, Anita, was sitting behind the counter. 

He knew she worked as a nurse, but he didn't expect to see her in this hospital. 

He squared his shoulder and raised his head high as he walked to the counter , he was happy that Anita wouldn't have a reason to slander him once he pays for the surgery in full. 

“You!” Anita seethes, staring down at Denzel contemptuously

“Please I don't want any trouble, I came to pay for my mother's hospital bill” 

“Criminal, how did you escape from prison?” 

“Like I said, I came to pay for my mother's hospital bill” Denzel said, stretching the gold card towards her

“It's a lie! Thief! Where did you steal the card from? That's a premium card for crying out loud! Only the powerful K. D. Leon's family has access to that card a scumbag like you is holding right now.” Amanda cried, eyeing Denzel suspiciously 

“Have you graduated to pick-pocketing? She yelled, drawing the attention of people around. 

“Anita, can you slot the card, I want the surgery to be carried out immediately, my mother needs the surgery” Denzel said, getting impatient. 

“Where did you get that card from you poor thief? I won't ask again!” Anita fired, glaring at Denzel 

“Yes that's right! How did he get access to the premium card of the almighty Leon's family?” An on-looker butt in, gaining the approval of others. 

“ Not only that, the limit for that card is $20m. How can someone who doesn't have even $50 dollars in his account be in possession of that?” Anita mocked, causing the people around to burst into humiliating laughter. 

“Anita please, stop this. Haven't you done enough already?”

“I won't take that card from you. Go and return it from where you stole it” murmurs of approval erupted in the room as some bashed Denzel for having the nerves to steal a premium card. 

“Next!” She called out, ignoring Denzel

“I will call the police right away, I'm sure he must have stolen it ” An elderly woman said,staring at Denzel contemptuously 

Denzel’s heart picked up rapidly, he knew he wasn't guilty but the trauma he experienced at the police station flashed through his mind knocking fear into him. 

“Wait, wait. If she tries the card and it doesn't work, then you are free to call the police, but if it works, I'm sure you will believe that this card is mine and I didn't steal it”

“Why would the request of a thief be granted?” Anita snarled, glaring at Denzel 

“Exactly! Why? ”Another woman yelled and others agreed with her. 

“I will call the police right away , this thief might escape” A man said, withdrawing his phone from his pocket 

“Please, I can't escape. Why don't we try the card first?” Denzel suggested, stretching the card to Anita. 

“The only reason I will take this card from you, is to let people see for themselves that you are a poor shameless thief. That's the only reason I'm scanning this card “ She hissed, and snatched the card from Denzel, scanning for payment. 


[Invalid card] 

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