After 3 hours, the car finally came to a halt in a secluded part of the city, where only the; Elites members of the city, powerful businessmen and CEOs own properties or live.

Denzel’s family, the Leon family, owned the largest portion of land in the area and a whole estate named after them. 

“ We are here young master” Amanda said as the automatic white gate slided, revealing the magnificent white mansion. Denzel’s mouth dropped open as he took in the sight before him. 

There was a huge white peacock fountain, the vicinity was surrounded by neatly trimmed and bright flowers as several men in black suits with headphones hung around their heads walked around,while talking. 

“This is one of the properties of your grandfather” Amanda said to Denzel with a polite smile, while packing at the open garage

“Wow” Denzel said with his eyes darting around the luxurious cars lined up in the garage.

“Welcome home young master” the servants said in unison,bowing their heads slightly as one of them opened the door and held it for him to come out. 

Denzel’s eyes widened at the amount of servants that had bowed before him. He alighted from the car and flashed them a nervous smile so he wouldn't come off as rude, but deep down he was still in denial, his heart was pumping with fear and excitement at the same time, with the way the whole thing was unfolding. 

“ This way please young master” One of the men said, gesturing at the entrance with his hands. 

The moment Denzel stepped into the large building, his mouth hung open almost dropping to the floor, he thought the outside was beautiful, but lo and behold, the inside was breathtaking. It was a heaven on earth,Denzel thought, glancing around the magnificent mansion. 

“Wait here young master, I will be back shortly ”Amanda said, excusing herself and so did everyone else. 

As soon as the sound of footsteps faded, Denzel sauntered around the living room, admiring the expensive looking interiors designs and beautiful artwork hung on the walls of the living room. 

A particular portrait caught his attention , and he paused gazing intently , it was portrait of a man and woman carrying at little baby in their arms. The most shocking part to Denzel was that the little child in the portrait, looked exactly like the baby pictures aunty Marie had taken of him when he was little. 

“Why does the baby in the picture look so much like me ?” Denzel muttered, lost in his thoughts 

“Young master” The familiar voice called from behind, startling Denzel 

“Your grandfather won't be able to make it down stairs now, his doctors induced him to sleep and he won't be in up until the next 8 hours” 

“Why ?” Denzel asked, baffled. 

“He is very sick ,and that's why he asked us to put in more effort into looking for you. He doesn't have much time left again.”Amanda explained 

“But he left some message in case you came back when he's asleep,Here” Amanda said, stretching a black briefcase to Denzel 

Denzel opened it and went for the white folded papers that looked like a letter,ignoring every other thing. 

And it read…. 

“Welcome home my dear grandson

I am sorry I'm not able to welcome you in person , due to reasons beyond me that I'm sure, Amanda must have divulged to you. 

I know it's a lot to process especially because you grew up believing something entirely different about your identity. 

You are Chester Leon, the only son of my late child, Don Leon. Your father was my first child, so that makes you the heir to K. D Leon group. 

I don't need a DNA to confirm because you bear with you the birthmark every first son of our family has on their neck”

Denzel paused and traced his hands on the big round mole he had had on his neck since he was a child. All these while, he had never placed any importance on it.

Denzel dropped his hands from his neck and continued reading. 

“But if you need DNA to confirm, we will get it done as soon as you get back. 

Son, I intentionally didn't write anything about how your parents died, that's because, I want to share that story personally with you when I wake up. 

And, I’m aware that your foster mother is sick, so you should go and take care of her hospital bills.

There is a card In there, with over a 100 billion dollars in it, it's an unlimited card and will automatically get refilled once it reaches 20 million. So feel free to buy whatever it is that you want 

There is also a phone in there, a thundry 99.2 version, a limited edition.

This will be all for now son, we have a lot of catching up to do when you get back. And I have so many important things to tell you”

“Your grandfather”

 Denzel folded the paper and brought out the said black card with gold stripes with the bold inscription K. D Leons on its body. 

Denzel held the card with both hands, as if it was heavy. This was the first time he was holding a card filled with money and not just any card for that matter. 

He was holding the premium card of the K.D leon, an unlimited card made for only the Leon family in the whole world . Denzel pinched his arm to make sure he wasn't dreaming, but he felt the pain, and that’s when it dawned on him that this was his new reality and he needs to get used to it.

Denzel held the sleek phone with 2 hands, fearing it might slip from his hands because of how sleek it was. 

 Only 5 versions of the phone were produced and only 2 are left in the world. Even some powerful business men can't have access to it without a membership. 

He was still in awe at how his life changed in a few minutes. Just a day before yesterday, he was licking his in-laws' ass for one million dollars , and today, he is being told that he is an heir to a company worth Trillions of dollars. How come? 

His grandfather might not have provided the DNA proof but at this point, Denzel was rest assured that his grandfather had no reason to lie to him. The portrait and birth mark were proof enough for him. 

“Thank you grandfather, I will be back before you know it” Denzel muttered as he made his way alongside his butler. 


The Rolls Royce came to a halt in front of the hospital, Denzel alighted quickly before his butler could get the door. He wasn't comfortable with having an elderly man serve him. 

But as soon as he alighted and waved at the butler, thinking he would turn back and leave. 

Surprisingly, the butler followed close. Denzel paused and spun around, his butler paused also. 

When Denzel saw that his butler was ready to follow him inside, he walked closer to him “Please can you stay back, I haven't told my second family about my new identity yet.”

“Your wish is my command, Young master. All you have to do is just say it” His butler said, bowing slightly. 

“I will be right here, in case you need anything, and my number is on the phone, I'm just one call away” His butler, Mike, assured with a slight bow. 

“Alright” Denzel nodded, smiling nervously at him, as he rushed into his mother's ward. 

This was new to him, but he was beginning to enjoy it. 

“Denzel, what happened? It's unlike you not to show up all these days ” Vivian cried , running into his arms the moment he pulled open the door to his mother's ward. 

“It's a long story,but I will explain later ”Denzel said, breathing heavily 

“How is mom? Did they treat her at all?”

“Yes. she's sleeping , one of the doctors took pity and gave mom some treatment but she can't last long with that. She needs the surgery to recover fully”

“Don't worry about that, it's settled, I just came to check up on you and mom, I will head to the counter to make payments so the surgery can start immediately”

“ How did you get the money big bro ” Vivian asked, staring at Denzel with wide eyes 

“It's a long story, I will explain later. Why are your eyes puffy? Don't tell me you have been crying because of mom? Don't worry I will sort it out”

“By the way, where's Victor?” Denzel asked, scanning his gaze round the white walls for the brown haired, but he was nowhere in sight

“Big bro. Victor is missing, and just this morning the police gave me a suicide letter he wrote before dying. And it's hard not to believe because it's his handwriting , I don't know what to believe” Vivian said , bursting into tears, as she tightened her grip around Denzel’s midsection.

“What!? How come? Suicide?” cold chills ran down Denzel spine as his heart pounded furiously against his chest 

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