“Yes , I'm aware I also have noticed for a while now, I have been watching the car closely ” Amanda said, disrupting Denzel’s thoughts as she sped up the car attempting to give the other car space.

Surprisingly, the other car also sped up, now pursuing their car with full force to double cross them. Amanda sped up to the highest gear, her hands firm around the steering.

Denzel’s heart drummed against his chest as he tightly held one of the men. It was as if he was experiencing fast and furious in real life and the speed at which Amanda was driving, Denzel feared that the car would summersault but this time, he had no idea who was going to save him.

Bang! Bang! Countless gunshots hit the back glass of the car. Denzel's heart dropped into his stomach as he waited for the bullet to pierce his skin. 

He sat still for a while amidst the sounds of gunshots but when he didn't feel any pain, he slowly opened his eyes and watched as the bullets bounced on the car window but were unable to penetrate.  

He let out a deep breath as he realised he was in a bullet proof car. 

“Protect the young master , protect the young master at all cost ” Amanda chanted breathlessly, her hands tightly gripped around the wheel as she swerved left and right dodging the bullet from the other car.

Two of the men shielded Denzel as Amanda did her thing on the steering. 

Amanda’s hands were strong on the steering wheel and it was obvious that she was an expert , it would only take a professional to sway from left to right the way she did.


Denzel closed his eyes in defeat as he heard the loud pitch , followed by the shattering of glass, this was the sound he heard before when the prisoner transport van somersaulted, he waited for their car to tumble over— but it didn't.

Boom! he heard again, then he realised it wasn't their car 

He snapped his eyes open as he spun his head to the back of the car and saw the other car that was chasing them, in flames . 

Denzel let out the breath he didn't realise he had been holding since he noticed the noise and gunshots had seized.

A shout of victory echoed in the car and Amanda reduced the speed she was driving at.

“ You sure have started making some really cool enemies, Young master” Amanda teased sarcastically as she peeped at Denzel through the rear view mirror. 

Denzel looked back at Amanda, the surprise and shock on his face were visible as he wondered why Amanda was laughing after a near death escape, he kept quiet and didn't answer because he didn't have anything to say and he was yet to recover from the attack.

The ride was silent as neither spoke to each other, Amanda tried to engage Denzel in a conversation to keep him entertained but Denzel was unresponsive, so she had to keep quiet.


Meanwhile in a mansion situated somewhere in willport city, a man in a black suit was pacing tirelessly around his sitting room. 

“ How could you have lost him! fucking tell me why?” He yelled, the veins in his throat popping out. 

“We are sorry sir” The 5 security guards in black chroused, bowing their heads. 

“Sorry?” The bald headed man sneered, glaring at the men. 

“Sorry! ? You think sorry will solve the mess you caused? Since you couldn't fulfil a mission as simple as bringing his fucking head for me, then I'd have to calm my temper with yours” He sneered in contempt, as he raised the wine glass, sipping his vodka. 

They men gasped in shock at what their master had just said. “ We sorry sir, please spare us, we will get him when we go next” They cried, dropping to their knees with their heads touching the ground. 

“ Get him again my ass! Once he embraces his identity,it becomes harder to get him off the way,and that's why I fucking paid you guys handsomely to get him out of the way earlier.”

“ But what did you do? You fucking let him escape!” He barked, smashing the wine glass on the wall,as the shattering sound of the glass echoed in the room. 

“ Please have mercy, please spare us” the men chroused with their quivering voice because they were face to face with death. 

“There is no such word as mercy in my dictionary. Take them and bring me back their fucking heads !” He ordered, turning his back on them 

“ Please sir, I have a family”

“Please sir, I'm the only child” 

“Please have mercy sir, I promise we will get him.” 

The cries of pleas and anguish reverberated in the room, but the bald headed man remained unmoved. 

“As much as you have a family, I also have a dignity to protect, and you guys messed it up. So you will pay! Take them out!” he ordered, turning his back on them. 

The men cried and pleaded as they were dragged out of the room. 

“Since you couldn't get him, I would do that myself ! He won't see me coming anyways” The man hissed, with a full blown smirk plastered on his scarred face.

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