“ Young master, we are sorry we had taken this measure in making sure we rescued you, they turned him around checking for injuries, “Relax, you are in safe hands now, young master” The three of them bowed slightly as two gently lifted him up from the chaos. 

“ Young master?” Denzel asked,utterly confused 

Before Denzel could tell what was happening , he was seated at the back seat of an air conditioned range rover.

His eyes darted around the car as he gasped taking in the car interior and posh leathers. The one that baffled me most was how this car managed to stay undamaged , like it hadn't hit a van , whereas the other van suffered terrible damage. 

His gaze landed on the gorgeous lady driving at the front, her white tailored suit hugged her slender body accentuating her well sculpted body even while she was seated. She looked so put together with her blonde hair nearly tied up in a bun. Without doubt she is a rich business woman and she really smells nice too. Denzel thought. 

As if on cue the gorgeous lady turned to him when she was sure they had gained a good distance. “Don't be nervous young master Chester, we are not a hostile group. My name is Amanada and I'm going to be your personal assistant from now on. I was sent by your grandfather to your aid” The lady said with a smile, sounding all professional and confident.

 Denzel was taken aback, he wondered why this gorgeous lady was calling him young master .

The ache he felt all over his body made him wave off the strange way the men addressed him but now, this gorgeous lady was addressing him that way. 

And the funny part was, she called him by another name and said his grandfather sent her. Denzel concluded that they had the wrong person and had wasted their time and energy in rescuing him. “But thank God they did” he thought looking up at the lady in the front of the luxurious car. 

“You can remove your mask now and take care of the wound.” She instructed the men who hurriedly obeyed and took off the mask, their faces coming into view, Denzel sighed in relief at the friendly look they had now opposed to that scary look the mask caused earlier. 

“Yes ma’am, they chorused and started working on Denzel’s body and applying all the necessary First aid to numb the pain he felt.

“Uhm there must be some misunderstanding somewhere, miss, I am Denzel West not Chester or young master”Denzel said firmly as he winced from pain. 

“I'm sorry, but you must have picked the wrong person , thank you for saving me but I don't think I'm the person you are looking for, I don't have a grandfather. Just my mom and she is sick?” Denzel clarified hissing in pain.

“ No young master, I believe I have the right person, your grandfather has been searching for you hook and cranny and now he has found you, he can't wait to see you”.The lady said with so much confidence as her face lit up in smiles.

Are you sure you don't have the wrong person? Denzel asked in a sceptical tone. He was completely puzzled as to why they addressed him as a young master .

“No young master Chester, " the lady answered with a tone of certainty. For the past 15 years she had watched how the grandmaster put in resources into finding his apparent heir, so she was sure it was him there was enough evidence to prove it.

Denzel looked at the gorgeous young lady again,everything was happening first. Just yesterday, he was framed by his in law's, tormented at the police station, nearly sent to jail ,was saved by these mysterious people and now all of a sudden, he is being told that he has a grandfather. 

“I know this might be a bit confusing and sudden for you, but I believe your grandfather will explain better when you meet him, I'm in no position to say more than this” She bowed slightly and focused her attention on the road.

“Alright take me to see this grandfather of mine ? Denzel said, still feeling uneasy but he wanted to see for himself and to also clear his doubt, afterall he was picked up by the roadside and he knew for a fact that there is no smoke without fire.

“Miss Amanda I can sense a car has been trailing us for a while now , we need to be fast before it double crosses us, cause it's clear that's no ordinary car” one of the men who rescued Denzel from the van said.

A feeling of unease washed over Denzel as he thought of how hectic these 2 days had been for him, just as he was beginning to feel relaxed that he was rescued, now another vehicle was tailing them, it was obvious it wasn't the police. 

The police wouldn't have disguised as if they were a normal car, also travelling. The hairs at the back of Denzel’s neck stood up , his stomach twisting into knots .

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