13: The Deal

Guards stationed themselves ready to welcome any strange attack, The Anihilators Logo broadly shown and drawn on every wall of the Agency, Doctors were busy doing what they were doing and also Gun men were training themselves in their training Hall. 

The Head office is located at the center of the agency, Heavily guarded by armed men in black suits, Mrs Montero and Mrs Chevolet could be seen sitting on their huge thrones inside the Head hall (Office) 

Kristy sat down seductively beside the great queens of the Anihilators, High agents bent their heads low before the queens while lower ones were on their knees that they may not stare at the faces of the queen. 

" Mother why is Alicia taking too long? " Kristy voiced out after anticipating the return of her cousin who she despite the most, In as much as she hates her cousin... They are both fighting partners so she has to bare with it. 

" Be patient Kristy, My daughter will soon be here any... " Mrs Chevolet couldn't finish her sentence when Alicia stormed her way into the Hall, Kristy had that dark grin plastered on her face while sitting with folded arms. 

" Speaking of the devil... "

" O shut up Kristy "

" Here you are Alicia, What about Danny Virgil? What about the mission we sent you to do? " Mrs Vladimir asked not wanting to discuss anything other than the mission, When it comes to family she plays but when it comes to the Anihilators business... She jokes not with it. 

" Don't be in a rush Aunt and besides I let him go " Alicia announced with lopsided smile, Both Mrs Vladimir and Mrs Chevolet gasped in shock and with their mouths wide open, Kristy is the only one who wasn't shocked... She hissed and scoffed. 

" What...! How dare you " Mrs Vladimir and Mrs Chevolet exclaimed in shock. 

" Hummm Or should I say he escaped and you failed Alicia " Kristy said with wide grin, Alicia tightened her hands in anger, She could just kill her cousin but she just can't do that, It will call for war between both families and The Anihilators will surely go down. 

" Shut the crap Kristy, Yes I released him just because of something he revealed to me, A secret that will be a treasure to me and besides you both don't have control over me, I am the pink killer the leader of the Azaria Cult and The black skull society.... I released him and that's all " Alicia said boldly without fear. 

" Hmm I guess you don't know what we are Alicia, you seems to have forgotten all what we did to your friends back then, Don't provoke me to do what I won't want to do, Danny Virgil is the only key to controlling Senator James Virgil And His Triangle 6 Agency, You just let the only key slip through your hands... That's bullshit daughter " Mrs Chevolet spoke out in anger. 

" You will need to calm down... First of all alicia what did he tell you that made you let him go? " Mrs Vladimir asked but Alicia frowned. 

" That's my little secret bitch " Alicia answered walking out of the Hall, Mrs Vladimir brought out her Gun and she gunned down four agents in fury, She stood with gnashed teeths because she had already expected Alicia to bring Danny Virgil to her. 

" Find out what she is up to Kristy, I need informations of her every whereabouts " Mrs Vladimir ordered while facing Kristy who had that Devilish grin plastered on her face, With the orders of her heads... She has free rights to follow and Stumbled all what Alicia loves the most. 

" With pleasure mother "


Alicia walked out of the exploded environment looking unhurt after exploding herself with the guards, She hastened her footsteps running through the crowds in other to catch up with her men who she sent after Danny Virgil. 

Alicia opened the Elevator door and she closed it up, Setting the elevator into going to Floor 202 in the building because that's where Danny is, Meanwhile Alicia men could be seen gunning down Danny's men while Danny hid behind a table. 

The Elevator beeped open revealing Alicia who walked out in her Pink killer's outfit holding her Glock19 pistol, She brought out a grenade, removed the pin and tossed it to the direction of the guards which exploded all of them at that direction. 

" No time to joke around, Danny you are coming with me and you will decide whether it's the easy way or the hard way " Alicia announced with so much authority from her voice, Danny on hearing the voice knew that voice because it's familiar to him. 

" Alicia Chevolet... Haha how wonderful is this " Danny Virgil spoke out and Alicia widened her eyes in shock recognizing the face in front of her, Danny Virgil the one and only Playboy who reside in Spain back then.

" Danny! " Alicia called out in shock. 

" Yes Alicia... This is the one and only Danny the Smart-ass and I know that you are been sent to kidnap me because of my father so I will like to make an offer with you " Danny stated with broad smiles and Alicia lowered down her gun as she excuse all her men out of the Room. 

" What Offer Danny? " Alicia asked. 

" I know you are still in love with Jace Robert and you are one of his admirers, I am not called the Smart-ass for no reason, I am called the Smart-ass because a the smart one, I will get Jace Robert to fall for you in exchange of you letting me go right now " Danny stated with smiles extending her hand for handshake in sign on a deal and Alicia shaked it immediately. 

" Deal Danny and Mind you if I figure out that you are deceiving me, I will not allow anyone to kill you, I will kill you myself and that will be the most brutal way to die because I will slowly cut of your body part till I finally feed on your heart " Alicia warned walking out of the Room and Danny heaved. 

" I will surely make him fall for you Alicia, Count me on that " Danny said with smiles. 


Montero's Pack Above

Mr Montero and his Pack ushered the injured betas in with hugs, All together Mr Montero has 30 most brutal Betas in the entire Packs Legacy, He took a pen knife from her pocket directing it to the wall causing a snake into screaming out in pains as the pen knife pierced into it's body. 

" You don't have to panic, Don't worry it is sent by the Eradicators to monitor my every movement but I killed it already, Now to our discussion about This Tribrid of a guy, what about him and why are the Wendigos after you people? " Mr Montero asked. 

" The Tribrid is an unending tale with too many mysteries behind the prophecy, Century ago A prophecy was released that another being with vast powers of both light and darkness shall be born, The Dreaded Lord of the Supernaturals...The Tribrid and it was said Elena Dunbar The princess of the Vietim Kingdom( Hybrids)Escaped with a baby people said to be the tribrid but then she had an encounter with the Eradicators Servant who they sent and There is nothing said about the Tribrid ever since then and some says that he is dead together with Elena "  A Beta Answered and Mr Montero widened his eyes in shock.. 

He reminds clearly what happened nineteen years ago, He remembered clearly but he was ordered not to talk, He doesn't know If what he saw is the truth or not but he has to figure out what is really going on. 

" Wendigos mixed with darkness really amused me, I wonder who the Eradicators are? " Mr Montero said with smiles and The Beta heaved deep down In them as they relaxed on their separate beds with their already dressed wounds which will take long to heal because of the dark poisons in the claws of those Wendigos. 

" No one knows True Alpha, All what we know is that they are an organization or group of Dark Entities which creates calamities and disasters in the world, When they revealed themselves as a group created terror and havoc reigned killing countless lives before they varnished into their own dimension which no one knows " Another beta answered. 

Feeling that great light in me

I fvcking don't know what I truly am

Can't express what am passing through 

The Horror and Chaos

What am I? 

Jace stepped out of his Lamborghini shirtless, His eyes drifted to the Beach filled with people all around, This is a party for Rich dudes and Babes but his secret admirers made him what he is, He dived down towards the crowded beach in excitement under the scorched sun beaming down from the splitted clouds. 

Some girls were eyeing Jace which made him uncomfortable and he advanced towards the direction of the Bar in the Beach, He ordered for soft drink while sitting on a stool, A Young man with glasses who seem rich walked towards the direction of Jace who was sitted with smiles as he is refreshing himself with his drink. 

The Man ordered for a Tequila sitting on the stool besides Jace who seems comfortable with this strange guy because it is a Beach crowded with rich fellas, So he won't mind anyone sitting behind honor before him. 

" Jace Robert.... " The man called out and Jace turned back in shock of hearing his voice, Jace stared at the strange figure beside him who just called out his men, He faced the strange man trying to recall his face but he knew not the man. 

" May I help you? " Jace asked. 

" Well Jace the thing is that I am the brother of the twins who is sitting beside you, Well I may not be their real brother but they are part of our family... My name is Danny Virgil but you can call me the Smart-ass " The Strange man recognized as Danny stated and Jace widened his eyes and he gasped in shock. 

" Are you Danny the best model in the whole of Spain... Danny the crazy "

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