14: Prophecy of The Golden wolf

Triangle 6 agency 

Spotlights beamed everywhere, Surveillance cameras surrounded the entire environment of The Agency, The Elevator of the Indigenous plasma tube beeped open revealing Danny Virgil who advanced out of the tube with smiles. 

All Agents that sighted him bowed before him in respect, Guards equipped with their ray weapons and Man made Machinery with them, Intercom placed on their ears in other to receive information at anytime. 

" We need to continue the project, Time is not on our side...The Anihilators will surely come for my head very soon and I need to be prepared " Mr James Virgil could be seen communicating with higher agents on the The Upper floor of the Agency. 

" We need the blood of a Pure Hybrid... All we have here is wolves and Vampires with us, We can't wait patiently for a wolf to give birth to an hybrid for us to make use of him or her, We need strong and Vibrant Hybrid and The Last one is said to have been dead... Elena Dunbar " The first Agent said while Facing James Virgil. 

" Hello Father " Danny called out and his father turned back to see Danny approaching him with smiles, Danny is not the smiling type and when his father sees him smiling, There is definitely something behind that creepy smile. 

" Danny? I thought you hate coming here " Senator James Virgil spoke out. 

" Oh Father why won't I show up, Some hours ago I was nearly kidnapped by some hunters, Popularly known as The Pink killer " Danny retorted and all the agents including Me James gasped in shock of what they just heard. 

" Did you escape her through attacks or what? " Mr James asked and Danny smirked.

" You seem terrified on hearing that name father, Why are you afraid of hearing that name... I mean she is just a hidden teenager who walks in the ways of darkness and Evil, I still don't get why you all are terrified father " Danny uttered. 

" Danny you don't know what that girl is capable of, Alongside the seductress of terror... They are both dark hunters, I mean deep dark hunters whose ways are unknown to anyone, They kill without delay and their punishment is of the dark.... They both have three cults and organizations under their control... Not just any type of Cults but the most feared one... They are evil and The Heirs of The Anihilators " Mr James Virgil answered. 

" Hummm now I know why they are feared among others, So be relaxed because I have my ways, I knew that I am tossed so I decided to strike a deal with her and it seems that the deal sounds pleasing to her ears... So you don't need to be worried about me father " Danny smirked.

" OK son I won't ask you what the deal is but what so ever it is please keep to the end of the deal because I know what she is really capable of doing, You don't understand anything about the Anihilators Son... Have once fought with Diane the sneaky killer and I can't forget it, that was really a brutal battle " Mr James Virgil said. 

" OK Dad so what's up with this your project that has been taking your time all this while, I am ready to be a part of this Agency once more father, Give me a chance to prove myself worthy of returning back " Danny stated and Mr James Virgil giggled. 

" Hey big bro.. " Two angelic voices called out from behind, Danny turned back to see The Reys twins advancing towards his direction, He smiled on sighting his two young sisters who his father adopted in other to keep them alive because of their parents death. 

" Hey Clara and the non smiling one " Danny stated with smiles. 

" I do smile bro but not all the time I do that, When the right time comes for me to smile, I will surely smile but for now we mean business bro " Amaya said with pride still she smiled not... That's her character for now. 

" Welcome Twins, I am glad that you two are back from school now that Danny will be returning back to our agency, I guess I will have to send you three on a mission in the Ocean, I received an information that the seductress of terror captured a hundred mermaids " Senator James Virgil said rubbing his bare hands on his bald head. 

" Isn't she a non Ocean hunter? " Clara asked and Senator James Virgil nodded positively. 

" Yes Clara but something isn't right, If a non Ocean hunter could capture a hundred mermaids that means Their exchanging the mermaids for some specific reasons and I want you three to figure that out within twenty four hours... Your Aquarium ships are ready " Senator James Virgil stated advancing towards a huge hall filled with people working under him... Danny, Clara and Amaya followed from behind with the highly ranked agents. 

" Wow!!! " Amaya exclaimed in shock of sighting three mini Aquarium ships (Just like a spaceship but this one moves and is water proof with high undamage able metals designed perfectly for them all. 

" This are your Ships... Open the Tunnels " Mr James Virgil ordered and the agents did as ordered, Clara is already sitted in her own ship while Amaya in her own ship, Danny rejected to enter any ship while staring deeply at the tunnel. 

" Am not entering any ship father " Danny stated and Mr James Virgil had that devilish frown plastered on his face while glaring daggers at Danny who is still staring at The Tunnel which lead to the Atlantic Ocean. 

" Why son... If you want to be part of this agency again, you will have to obey the instructions and complete the mission " Mr James Virgil veered in anger but kept his school not wanting to insult his son. 

" I said am not taking the Ship not that am not going father, I am a merman and Merman has to do what he is supposed to do and that is to swimmmmmm " Danny dived into the Tunnel in Happiness and The Twins Aquarium ships also dived into the tunnel after the full charged ignition of their engine. 

" Update the defensive system of this Ships now, Nothing must happen to my Children " Mr James Virgil ordered. 

" Oh yeah... This is cool mehn " Danny exclaimed in happiness and his Legs became one creating a tail which he wiggled making him damn fast, They all splashed into the Ocean after coming out of the very end of the Tunnel. 

" We are already out of the Tunnel father, What is the next step? " Danny asked using mind to communicate. 

" It seems that the dark war that is on the way isn't going to favor us one bit, The Pregan gods has their ways of doing things to we supernaturals, The Elevolas ni expredosa " A dark voice echoed around the ancient Temple. 

Three men could be seen levitating and meditating at the same time, Darkness crept into the building with full smoke, The Temple is completely covered with dark fogs as a strange being cladded with black robe emerged into the Temple with smiles. 

" All Hail the great ones of darkness, The wielders of the ancient artifacts of darkness, I am certain that you all know who I am and what I am here for " The Dark man stated facing the three levitating beings of darkness. 

" Of course we know you Lord Archie of the Hell Hounds, What brings you to our humble abode? " The Three beings echoed throughout the Temple causing the grounds to vibrate and Crack, The Being known to be Lord Archie of the Hell hounds smirked

" I am here to make an indigenous offer my lords, For Years of me been punished by the chaos lord( Member of the dark trinity), My True Powers stripped from me and I was giving the role of kingship over the Hounds which I hate the most... I need my true powers back " Lord Archie uttered without fear and laughter erupted. 

" We have no control over your punishment Archie, you are under punishment and so as the Alpha vampire who fought the Tribrid while you fought the angels back then that's why your entire powers were stripped away from you because of your dark heart Archie.... We don't have remedy for your punishment Archie go back " The Three beings ordered and Lord Archie smirked. 

" Very well then I will be taking your powers " Lord Archie stated and The Three beings paled faces were now covered with darkness and Evil, They lowered themselves down to the height of Lord Archie who is prepared to attack at once. 

" You dared challenge us Archie, You will not continue your punishment anymore because I will be sending you to the underworld forever, Raven will surely welcome you to both hands and you will suffer enternal damnation " The three beings echoed. 

" Then why don't you kill me Huh? I am in need of powers and your words will determine whether to kill or spare you after taking your powers " Lord Archie's face burned dark fires as so as his body engulfed with ultimate fire. 

" Die....!!!! " The Three beings ordered and lightning strucked down from their palms at Lord Archie but he repelled it back, Lord Archie had that evil grin on his flaming face as he absorbed and repelled numerous attacks. 

Few minutes later the three dark beings could be seen bleeding on the ground, Lord Archie transformed back to his normal form with dark eyes staring at the already weak beings, He gasped inhaling the powers of the three beings(Their full powers) and when he made them powerless... He had that satisfaction written on his face because he is now much more powerful than ever. 

" I warned you three but you didn't listen, now it's time to send you to Raven " Lord Archie uttered removing out the three beings heart without stress, He burnt the body and destroyed the Temple before leaving the realm shattered beyond repair. 

" Now let the fun begin "

Collins Montero took of his hood while standing on the mountain which was in complete ruin, He remembered clearly when The Anihilators invaded his Pack and killed many of his people, From that day... A Beta became An Omega because of no pack... Wandering around alone. 

Lone Wolf! 

He picked up a Necklace from the ground, The Necklace has already been there for like eighteen year during the attack when he is still small, Collins walked few metres till he got to where he is going to... A old bungalow deserted since that incident. 

Jace barged his way into the Bungalow by breaking the old rusted door, He stared around the house with tears flowing down freely, He remembered all the good time he had with his mother and father and his friends... He remembered his betrothed and how she died. 

He vowed to destroy the entire Anihilators and he just need only one name, One fvcking name and the Anihilators will surely be destroyed, He is ready to take them all out even though he will die at the ending, but he will surely kill all his pack Killers.

Jace Stepped on a book while walking all around the building, He bent low to see a name written on the book... Well it's not just a name but tales of something something sha, He picked up the book and dusted the dust away from the book. 

" Tales of The Tribrid, Hmm how superb will this be " Collins muttered, He is sure going to keep the book to read, He was about leaving the building when his eyes met with a golden scroll, A glowing flickering golden scroll. 

" What the hell is that? " Collins asked himself advancing towards the Scroll direction and he picked up the scroll quickly, At first it shocked him but then he picked it up without fear and he wasn't shocked anymore. 

" Wow a scroll, I wonder what is written in it " Collins stated opening the school and it goes liked this. 









Collins eyes glowed bluish, His body glowed as he is blasted by a strong force... A Blue portal appeared and a strong being emerged out of the portal with red silk robe with red armour with shining eyes. 

Lightning flashed through the sky as the being with red armour stared deeply at the scroll then to Collins, Collins groaned slowly standing up to his feet, There was something strange about this figure... The White Hair, The Five rings on his fingers and abode all his handsomeness. 

Oh my gosh 

He is Mysterious..! 

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