15: Evolution

" Where am I? " Mysterious asked himself while gazing around the building, Collins stood still not knowing what to do at all. 


The War at last has ended, Beelzebub is dead and so as Catoram and Lilith, Having that complete darkness destroyed and altered the Realm is free once again, Everything went back to normal while few things changed. 

Martinez now lives in the Lycans palace as the heir while Diana denounced her royalty because she is not one but King Oscar begged her to still be his princess till he marries another good wife that will bore him children. 

While things were changing but things didn't change for one being with the Cunny life and the brutal life he has displayed so far... Drake the one and only Mysterious the dark and brutal one, Having that great auras around him... His Mother unlocked her side in him making him more powerful. 

Mysterious could be seen relaxing on the mountain top, His nois

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