54: What have you done mysterious?

Jace opened his eyes in shocked, He rose up from his bed with his eyes burning up with blue flames which never got burnt, He felt something wasn't right all this while.... He has this feeling that something bad has happened to this dimension. 

Jace sat down on his bed trying to figure out what really happened, He doesn't know why he is having this strange feelings that something bad has happened, He sat down with his hands clenched on his head trying to figure everything out. 

" What the hell just happened? " Jace asked himself, His eyes glowed greenishly causing dark auras to cover his bedroom, Jace couldn't get a clue of what happened in the world but what he do know is that whatever happened isn't good. 




🏰🏰🏰Tyrus 🌟🌟🌟

The Kingdom of the Pregan gods which is tyrus seems to be deserted, No living soul is spotted on the streets covered with golden and diamonds, Silence reigned in the streets, Mansions a

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