Chapter 395

Perhaps it was justifiable for Yve to feel a bit offended by what Christian said. However, she later regretted raising her voice when she realized her husband’s good intentions.

“Sorry Christian, it’s not my intention to defend my family members. I’m also aware that my family has been excessively wicked, not only to you but also to me, Mom, and Lyka. But when I see a family member in distress and asking for help from me, when I can, why not? Besides, he has been good to us, only on a few occasions has he behaved poorly,” Yve explained her intention.

Christian nodded and then sat on the edge of Yve’s work desk. Then he said, “I understand what you mean. I’m not preventing you from helping your family members, I just question why you gave Aunt Larina such a high position. Is she competent to serve as a director? We all know the highest position she ever held was just a general manager.”

Yve leaned back in her chair a bit to look at Christian more comfortably.

“Christian, maybe you forge
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