Chapter 394

It was a normal reaction for Larina to be surprised, akin to seeing a ghost, upon learning that Christian had gifted the World Tech Company to Yve.

From any angle, it had never been seen or imagined that a man like Christian could acquire a company of this magnitude. Yes, and one fundamental question arose: where did he get the money?

However, Yve responded casually, nodding her head while saying, “Yes, he gave me this company. Don’t ask how he could buy it because Blake Skylark, who directly handed the company to Christian, never disclosed how my husband managed to acquire it.”

Larina still seemed incredulous at what was being said.

“To be honest, I’m not too concerned about how Christian bought the company, whether it was in cash, on credit, or through other means. What matters to me is that the company is now officially in my name,” Yve concluded, putting an end to the discussion about Christian giving her the company.

Larina then nodded in agreement, acknowledging that what matter
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