Chapter 724

“I’m sorry, Blake! I think you’re right, it’s been too long. If you have important matters to attend to, you can go back to USA first!” said Christian. He didn’t want to keep someone who wasn’t comfortable here, as it would also unsettle them.

“No, Sir! I will not leave you. I will remain loyal by your side until all matters are settled. I just wanted to inquire about this. I want certainty whether we will be here much longer or not, that’s all!” Blake responded, giving his explanation.

Christian nodded in understanding. “For now, I still can’t determine when we will move. I haven’t seen favorable signs for making a move!” Christian said. As a leader, he had to decide as wisely and maturely as possible—no rushing decisions that could result in suboptimal outcomes.

“Yes, Sir, I understand. Issues like this cannot be rushed. You don’t need to hurry just because I asked for certainty. I understand that in this matter, we cannot move hastily. We must consider everything carefully. A sligh
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