Chapter 725

“I actually understand what Blake is thinking. I myself feel like this is taking too long. Initially, the plan was that everything would be resolved in less than fourteen days. But in reality, it’s been over a month now, and there’s still no clear progress!” He said to Master Lee.

“I understand your position too. We have to consider everything thoroughly before making a move. We’ve been delaying for this long, there must be something that’s still bothering you!” he added to him.

“Master is right. Shouldn’t I be cautious? There are many lives at stake!” Christian replied. He was still uncertain about the next steps he would take. That’s why he continued to delay. It wasn’t because he didn’t miss his family in USA—quite the opposite. But everything had its process, and this time, the process couldn’t be rushed.

“Don’t risk the lives of your men. Their lives are as valuable as ours. Back home, they too are awaited by their families! Try to minimize the number of casualties!” replied Mast
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