CHAPTER 115: Keeping Calm

Amanda sits angrily in her office at work, she had been avoiding Barry since she got to the office.

Amanda suddenly stood up from her chair and walked towards the door.

She was about to open it when she suddenly changed her mind and went back to her seat.

She had been resisting the urge to confront Barry about what he did to Lawton.

"I shouldn't confront him," Amanda said, as she closed her eyes.

"I should just bury myself in work," she continued, as she picked up a file.

Amanda was angry but she couldn't let it out as she wanted everything to seem fine to Barry.

Amanda then decides to ignore everyone at the office including the dirty looks from Clara and the annoying flirt from Barry.

Barry sat in his office as he wondered why he had not seen Amanda all day.

He then began to think if sending men to attack Lawton was a bad idea.

"Should I call her?" He said as he stared at his phone.

"What if she slaps me like the other day," he continued.

"I should just call her," he added.

Barry the
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