25. The story of Zack

It felt like a long time since Kaiden had seen Zack again, he even found out from the restaurant owner that Zack had resigned after three days of Kaiden being fired.

The owner said Zack looked very lethargic, like he had a lot on his mind. The restaurant owner wanted to help him, but Zack resigned instead. Zack said that the diploma used to register at the restaurant was not his, but belonged to his twin brother who had the exact same name as him, only he had died.

Kaiden himself just found out that Zack has a story like that, so far he has only told happy stories from his life.

Perhaps he resigned because he felt uncomfortable using someone else's identity.

The motorcycle Kaiden was riding arrived in front of Zack's residence. It was a small house on the outskirts of the city.

The neighbor's aunt came over and said that Zack hadn't been out of his house since his mother died four days ago. The neighbors were worried, but every time they visited Zack's house with food, only the food w
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