62. The greedy uncle

The sound of a ceramic flower vase being thrown onto the marble beach was so loud.

A forty eight-year-old man named Gerard was furious.

Meanwhile, a thin man who was his assistant was frozen in fear.

His boss was furious.

"How could that damn boy refuse a project from me again? He said I'm incompetent, bullshit!" Gerard picked up another ceramic display, and was about to throw it again.

The assistant just closed his eyes, he couldn't see the expensive objects being thrown again.

What a pity.

It should have been sold, and earned at least a hundred thousand dollars.

However, the sound of the phone ringing stopped Gerard, he put back the ceramic display he was about to throw.

"Hello? Oh, what's up Chris? Yes I'm home... your son? You mean Carl- ah, I see... I'll welcome him, take it easy."

A big smile appeared on Gerard's sly face.

"I remember now, that boy, Chris, has a big son. He'll be here for a visit, hahaha, we'll see if he's after the Zein family fortune or not." Gerard said, then
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