“Frozen as how?!” Paul yelled.

“I understand your frustration, sir, but I suggest you calm down because you are making a noise and disturbing the other customers,” said the banker who Paul yelled at.

Paul looked at the other customers and saw the embarrassed and annoyed expressions they had towards him.

“What the hell is wrong with that guy? Can’t he address his issues more calmly?”

“Does he think he’s in his living room or something?”

“And here I was thinking that he was a cool guy, but he’s just a hothead with a loud mouth and what is this about his account being frozen?”

The other customers started gossiping about Paul, which infuriated him more and made Mary feel embarrassed standing next to him.

Paul turned away from all of them and focused on the banker who he had decided to pour all of his anger on.

“Who gives two shits about these other idiots?! I’m a fucking multimillionaire, which means that I’m the most important person in this goddamn bank, so you better treat me like it!”
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