Henry pushed Jeremiah away, then he rushed to the floor and tried to help his father.

"Dad, are you alright?"

"No, my waist hurts! I think that bastard has turned me into a cripple" the landlord said and Henry’s eyes widened.

He glared at Jeremiah.

“You crippled my father you asshole!” Henry yelled and Jeremiah grimaced in annoyance.

"No, I didn't. How could I have crippled him when his legs are still moving—?" Jeremiah replied, but the landlord cut him off.

"Shut your trap boy! I said you've turned me into a cripple, and you're going to pay for it!" The landlord yelled.

Just then, one of Jeremiah's neighbors rushes to the scene.

"What's going on here?" The neighbor asked.

The landlord saw the neighbor and he smirked mischievously.

"Oh Denison, my favorite tenant. It's a good thing you're here." The landlord said, and Denison rushed inside.

"Landlord, what's going on? Why are you on the floor like this?" Denison asked.

The landlord pointed at Jeremiah and said "This bastard beat me
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