Chapter 3.

Benjamin Carson arrived home later in the evening as he met his mother seated on the sofa chair in the sitting room. She was weeping while looking at pictures of him.

"Mom," Benjamin called softly as his mother turned to him.

She was startled to see her son who the doctor said was in a critical situation standing before her. She couldn't tell if this was a dream or an illusion.

"Benjamin," She said, putting down the picture as she gently arose from the chair. "Is that really you?"

"Yes it is, I'm the one," He said while approaching and when she got hold of him she embraced him tightly then she began sobbing.

"I thought I lost you," She said.

"No mom, I'm right here, I'm fine," He replied as she pulled herself away from him.

"Why didn't the doctor call me before discharging you from the hospital?"

"It's a long story," he replied drifting his gaze to the fridge. "Is there any food at home, because I am starving," Benjamin asked impatiently.

"Yeah, there is…" Lisa mumbled while observing his body. She looked for the traces of the bruises he sustained from the fight but there was nothing.

Still checking him thoroughly Benjamin moved away from her hold as he approached the fridge. When he opened it up he found a packet of pizza, a cake and a few snacks, so he grabbed them. Sticking a little portion of the cake into his mouth he turned to meet his mother's stunned stare.

"I know this is weird but…" Benjamin paused. "Sorry, I should just go to my room, see you tomorrow," He said, taking a turn as he left her presence.

Watching him leave, Lisa could tell that something was wrong. Ever since he returned home his actions were unlike him but her only fear was that it wasn’t what she thought, because if it is then the authorities will come looking for him.

Buzz.. Buzz…

She panicked at the sound of her cell phone which was on the table in the sitting room. Taking it up she saw the name 'Detective Dennis,' displayed on the screen.

Detective Dennis was a close friend with Lisa's husband before his death and even afterwards he always stopped by to check up on Lisa and Benjamin to see how they were faring. He was the next person Lisa could confide in apart from her younger brother George who lived outside the country.

"Hello," She said as soon as she answered the call.

"Lisa, how are you doing?" George asked.

"Everything is fine at the moment," She furrowed her eyebrows then returned her gaze to the fridge.

"That's great to know… However I just received an alarming call from a hospital about a teenage patient who escaped from their custody and the report states that the name of the lad is Thomas Celso, your son,"

Lisa hesitated for a while as her face ruffled. "Yes, I think that's Thomas. He was badly injured last night and was taken to a nearby hospital where he was being treated," She replied in a worried tone while rubbing her left hand on her forehead.

"Okay… this is serious so you will have to explain everything to me. Where is Thomas?" He asked over the phone.

"He's at home, in his room," She answered.

"Okay, make sure he doesn't leave the house, I'm on my way," He replied then hung up.

Thirty minutes later there was a knock on the door and Lisa, who was seated on the chair, approached. She opened the door to see Dennis standing on her doorpost.

"Good morning Lisa, Where is he?" Dennis asked.

Lisa looked outside at the man who accompanied Dennis staring from beside the car and back again at Dennis. "He is upstairs," She answered. She allowed him inside then shut the door behind her as she followed him.

When they arrived at Benjamin's room Lisa knocked on the door. "Benjamin, can I come in?" She asked.

They waited for a while but there was no response so she called his name again but still got nothing. Calling the third time she opened the door and they walked in only to realize that he was gone.

The room was in a mess. There were sachets of snacks littered everywhere, and the placement of his clothes showed that he had left in a haste.

Dennis hastened to the window when he saw a long rope hanging on it as he looked down but Benjamin was long gone.

Scared to the core he heard gentle sobs as looked back to see Lisa seated on the chair at one end with her head bowed to the floor. It was clear that they both know what has happened to Benjamin even though they didn't have the nerve to say it.

"What happens now?" Lisa said in a whisper.

"We know the rules Lisa," At his response Lisa lifted her eyes to him. They were already reddened in pain.

"What do you mean? What rules?"

"You don't want to hear this but we both know that Benjamin has been contaminated," he replied.

"No," Lisa said, shaking her head in disagreement. "He is just shocked and scared but my son is fine. I spoke to him this evening…"

Watching her Stammer Danny approached stopping low as he held her hand in his. "I understand your pain and I assure you that I won't let them kill him. I will do my best to make sure he is safe but I won't let them hurt him,"

Tears rolled down her cheek as her eyes turned pale. "I don't want your sympathy, we don't know if it's true," She said in grief.

"It's autumn, Lisa. This is the time humans are invaded by these exotic beings. If we don't tame him he could cause real damage in the society. Many others could fall victim to this and the authorities will also have to administer justice to them,"

"Don't do this, please… Benjamin is all I've got. My husband is dead, you can't take my son away from me too," Lisa cried silently.

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