Chapter 4.

The next morning Benjamin awoke from sleep only to find himself in a confined room. There were many foodstuffs inside and he had made a mess of the place. Uncertain about where he was he stood on his feet as he walked out of the room only to realize he was in a provision store.

The store was open and there were a few customers inside so he arranged himself properly, putting his hood cap on as he dug his hand into his hood pocket to blend in.

He left the room, sneaking past the two cops by the entrance.

"Vortex, are you there?" he said in a whisper.

[Good morning Benjamin]

"How did I get here because the last thing I remember was hearing my mother's conversation with Detective Dennis?" He asked.

[I turned you off to save your life. Your mother knows what you are so you cannot return home]

"What! i can't give up my mother or my studies,"

[You won't be giving up school because in order to accomplish my mission you have to go there but your experience there will take a different course]

"What is that supposed to mean?"

[In order for this to work we must trust each other. You must understand that we now have the same purpose. I can assure your safety if you follow my lead]

"I don't think that's happening. This is my body and in order for us to co-exist together you must also agree to my terms,"

[What terms]

"My first condition is that you won't take advantage of my body without my permission,"

[Agreed. What is the second condition]

"Let's leave it at that for now. I will tell you more as time proceeds," Benjamin said and afterwards he stopped a taxi.

[Where are we going]

"We're going to school," He replied, getting into the taxi as the driver drove off.

Some minutes later Benjamin arrived at school. Stepping out of the vehicle he looked forward and ahead of him were the three celebrities in the school; they were also the same persons who had almost beaten him up to the point of death.

Watching them laugh and act as if nothing had happened got him furious. He felt like dealing with them. He felt like making their lives miserable.

[I can tell how much you hate those folks but I don't think this is the right way]

"I don't care, Vortex. I can't just let them go free,"

[Who said anything about letting them go free. What I mean is that I have a better idea on how to take revenge]

"And how is that?"

[Trust me it will be slow and painful, I will make them regret they ever treated unfairly]

Hearing this a cruel smile spread over Benjamin's face. When he walked into the classroom everyone was alarmed at his presence. They were all frightened to see him recover so soon because they all knew how badly he had been hurt. It was so serious that no one dared sit beside him that morning.

In the midst of the commotion the door opened and a tall dark complexioned man walked In with a fair young man. Benjamin had not seen either of them before so he assumed it was their first time.

"Good morning students," The huge man greeted with a stiff countenance. "It's a pity to announce that the lecturer who has been taking you on this course has been transferred so from now on I will assume his position,"


"My name is Dawson Sloan. I am glad to be here and I promise to be as friendly as possible," The man introduced himself.


Benjamin's hands quivered at Vortex’s sudden repetitions. "Keep quiet! you are making me uncomfortable," He said in a whisper.

[The man before you is not who he says he is. Others may see him as a lecturer but he is also part of the chains of wickedness ongoing In the school. You can never trust him]

After introducing himself to the class Dowson placed his hand on the other young man's shoulder. "This is Flynn Davies. He is a new student so you all have to treat him fairly. Understood?"

"Understood," One of the students exclaimed and the others burst out laughter.

Benjamin's gaze was fixed on the new student who didn't flinch as he strolled down to where he was seated. Dropping his bag beside the desk he sat on the chair. His mode of conduct made it obvious that he was confident, and he also looked like someone who was from a wealthy home.

Lecture kicked off in less than a minute and as soon as everyone was quiet Flynn turned to Benjamin. "Hello, I'm Flynn,"

"You had already been introduced," Benjamin replied with his eyes fixed on the board.

"That's right. However I was thinking…"

"I don't think you want to speak to me," Benjamin cut him short. "If you knew the consequences, you wouldn't be in the same seat with me," He explained further and afterwards Flynn didn't ask any other questions.

As soon as the lecture was over Benjamin grabbed his bag then left for the exit door. About leaving, his senses were heightened as he overheard a few students engage Flynn in a conversation.

"Hey… You are Flynn right?" One of them said,

"Yes, I am," He replied.

"Sitting close to that dip shit pissed us up. However since you are new here we will forgive you just this once, but you are not allowed to talk to him,"

"Why not?" Flynn asked.

"That is because he is a loner, he is wretched and poor…" Overhearing their gossip, Benjamin left the classroom outrageously.

Strolling a few feet away from the door he halted. "I'll kill them, I'll destroy all of them!" Benjamin yelled, clenching his fists in anger as the few students around stopped in fright.

Loner… freak… weirdo… He heard their whisperings while shaking their head in disdain as they passed by.

[New mission… Dawson Sloan is about to exit the lecture hall, you must follow him to see what he is up to]

"Not now Vortex," Benjamin whispered, leaning his head and elbow on the wall.

[You have 60 seconds to catch up with him and the countdown starts now]

Benjamin glanced at his wrist watch and afterwards he left. He arrived right on time to see Dawson get into his car and when he drove off, Benjamin followed the vehicle.

Some minutes later the car pulled over on a lonely road in the school. It was off the main campus and the opposite road was a forest. The school environment was so large that no one could imagine that such a place was found there.

Curious to know what Dawson was up to Benjamin followed him into the woods. He tracked Dowson many miles ahead until he arrived at a large estate. It was almost as large as the main school campus. The place was still under development and it was as quiet as a cemetery.

There were three persons standing on a round cemented ground at the center of an open space, one which he recognised as the acting president of the school named Cesar Barron. Without hesitation he hid behind a drum and from the side he watched Dawson approach them.

"I didn't know you would meet up," One of them said with his gaze on Dawson.

"That is unlikely Connor. I would not miss this for any reason," Dawson replied then looked at Pedro Franco and Cesar Barron.

Cesar Barron is the acting president of the school, there wasn't much to say about him since he was rarely seen around the school environment, however the only thing he was known for was his disengagement from any internal conflict within students. Pedro, on the other hand, was the Vice president. He was more active and also in charge of signing documents, issuing commands and raising structures to enhance the university. While Connor was known as the student's person; he was called this because he was in charge of the welfare of the students. Any complaint or act of violence from the school was reported to him but as for the new lecturer Dawson, there was nothing to note about him and Benjamin hoped this was the right time to find out.

"Ceasar, what news do you bring us from the Government?" Dawson asked.

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