Chapter 7.

About seven minutes later Benjamin arrived at Flynn’s lodge and when they both entered inside Flynn locked the door.

“Why are you doing this?” Benjamin asked while panting. His eyes were fixed on Flynn who moved over to the CCTV camera and after a brief observation Flynn turned around to him.

“I don’t think that is an important question. Right now you should be more concerned about your safety,” Flynn replied. When he was about to walk away Benjamin stopped him.

“I don’t know what you are planning or why you are doing this but for the record, I don’t trust you and I don’t intend doing that any time soon.”

“I am not asking you to trust me, Benjamin Carson. I don’t feel safe around you either, at least not while you have that thing in you. I don’t even know why I am helping you but I guess that is because it is the right thing to do,” Flynn said earnestly and afterwards he left for his room.

Benjamin took a seat on the sofa chair. He wrapped his fingers around each other and leaning his chin on his palms, he contemplated on what to do next. 

He maintained his posture until sunset and when the daylight vanished Flynn walked out into the sitting room as he made his way to the chair opposite Benjamin.

Flynn sat on the chair as he fastened his eyes on Benjamin who was still lost in thoughts. "Benjamin," He called to have his attention but not getting a response from him he spoke up again. "What can I do to make you understand I don't have any hurtful intention against you or the city?" 

"The only way this could work is if you tell me the truth about why you are helping me, and just know that if you are not being sincere I will know," Benjamin replied.

"Okay, I'll tell you everything," Flynn answered. "When I was twelve years old, I was being bullied by my peers. Every victim of bullying has a reason why they are treated unloved and in my case it was because I was a dumb. My mother had a car accident when I was five years old and I happened to be seated at the back seat of the car when the accident occurred. She died in the car accident but in my case my brain was fractured and after undergoing treatment the doctors confirmed that my brain was damaged,"

[He is telling the truth]

"I know Vortex, I can tell he is," Benjamin whispered.

"What I am saying is that I understand what it means to be treated unfairly and that is the reason why when I saw them do that to you I had to intervene because I know how much it hurts," Flynn said earnestly.

This was the first time anyone aside from Benjamin's mother was honest to him and even if Vortex didn't confirm it to be true, the sincerity in Flynn's eyes was enough proof.

"I have one more question to ask. If you said that you have a fraction, why are you here?" Benjamin asked.

Flynn flinched at the question. "I can't tell you that. It's something private but I assure you that it has nothing to do with you," 

"I don't care," Benjamin interrupted. "If you cannot trust me well enough to tell me something so dear, how then can I entrust my safety to you?" 

"Good point," Flynn said. He looked back to Benjamin. "I made a promise never to tell this to anyone else so before I share them with you, I must know that you are trustworthy," 

"Your secret is safe with me," Benjamin answered and afterwards Flynn began his explanation.

"You were right. I have a fraction but I am not like the others, I am a Frac. hybrid, a mixture of Dauntless and Psychic. My mission here has a relationship with what happened to me when I was five years old,"

"What do you mean by that?" Benjamin asked.

"My condition didn't change until the year before I took my aptitude test. I still recall the morning the signs of a psychic began to show. That day was strange because I understood and made contributions effectively. My classmates and teacher were shocked by my understanding and from that moment everything about me changed. When the news got to my father's ears he took me to the hospital and when they checked my brain they realized that my fractured brain was healed. When my test results came out as Psychic and Dauntless my father employed me to work with his organization, but we kept my Dauntless faction a secret because we were scared of what the authorities will do when they find out that i was different,"

"What does your father's organization do?" Benjamin asked.

"It's complicated. My father works for the government so all he does is do their bidding," Flynn replied.

Benjamin couldn't believe what he just heard. He couldn’t believe that he was speaking to the son of a person who works for his enemies. He could immediately tell that their friendship was never going to work seeing the odds. His goal was to stop the agenda of the Government and here he is, talking with a young man who was working for the very people he wants to destroy.

"What did your father's organization send you here for?" Benjamin asked.

"It was majorly my intention to be here," Flynn replied. "My test result came out as a Frac. hybrid and since going to the school of the fractioned would vindicate me I thought it better to come here. Apart from that I am also here because I needed to gain more knowledge. I have told you everything so can we be at peace now?" Flynn said, reaching his hand out for a handshake.

Benjamin watched him for a few seconds. "Sure, we can be friends," He replied then exchanged handshakes. 

"Great, I am starving and I think you are also hungry so give me a moment to prepare something. I'll be right back," Flynn said, standing on his feet as he left for his room.

[I don't believe he told you the entire truth]

"Yeah, me too. Something was off about his last response but I think I can play along with him until I discover the entire truth," Benjamin said.

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