Chapter 8.

Knock! Knock!

The heavy bang on the door alarmed Benjamin and Flynn who were about having dinner as they both looked at each other.

"Are you expecting any visitors?" Benjamin asked Flynn.

"Shh.." Flynn shushed him. "No, I am not," He whispered, then stood on his feet as Benjamin followed him.

Flynn moved to the CCTV. while Benjamin waited behind.

"Who is it?" Benjamin asked.

"A girl," Flynn replied then turned to Benjamin who also stepped forward to have a look. Benjamin was shocked to see that it was Lily, the same girl he ran into at the hospital.

'What the heck is she doing here?' Benjamin thought as the Knock resounded again. 

"Why do you seem shocked? I bet it must be one of our course mates who is also in search of you," Flynn said.

"I know her," at Benjamin's response Flynn held his peace. "I don't trust her but maybe you should check to see what she wants,"

"No Benjamin. I can't open the door for a stranger. Anyone can be a suspect. maybe she could be a bait to lure you outside where they can lay hold on you,"

"You can also be a suspect," Benjamin interrupted with a firm gaze at Flynn. "Just act nice, maybe they could also be after her life and this is the first house she spots to find refuge." 


"Flynn, all I'm saying is that you get the door, ask her what she wants and then she'll leave without any quarries," Benjamin interrupted him.

Flynn hissed Sharply then looked at Lily's face through the CCTV.  She looked like someone who had gotten into trouble and was on a run but that could also mean many things.

"Okay, I'll do this but you must stay hidden. Agreed?" 

"Agreed," Benjamin responded with a slight nod. They both moved over to the door as Benjamin snuck behind the door while Flynn opened it gently.

"Good evening," Flynn greeted immediately as he set his eyes on Lily.

"Good evening," She responded, still having that conspicuous look on her face.

"What brings you to my doorstep tonight?" Flynn asked.

"Sorry for the disturbance but I am looking for a young man named Benjamin Carson. Have you seen him?" She asked.

"No, I haven't," Flynn replied promptly. 

Lily stared at him for a while. She noticed his finger tickle on the door and his eyes movement while giving his response. Those flaws proved that he was not telling the truth.

"Are you sure that you haven't seen him anywhere?" She asked again. "

"Yes I am. Today's my second day in college and I'm not ready to start mingling with losers," He lied again while repeating the same moves.

"You know I heard that Benjamin was the first person you spoke to as soon as you arrived in school," 

"That is true but from what I remember the dude walked out on me like I was a plague, so it didn't end well," He replied.

"Okay," Lily heaved a sigh of relief. "I guess I'll get going now," 

"Sure, thanks for your time," Flynn said and when he was about to go inside She pushed him aside, forcing her way in as she banged the door shut.

"Benjamin Carson, you are in serious trouble and we must leave now," Lily said immediately as she saw him standing behind the door with a startled look on his face.


Two hours earlier.

Good evening New York. Information has been ongoing about a teenage boy named Benjamin Carson who has gone missing. He was last spotted in the federal school of the fraction less. He is dangerous and must be handed over to the government at all cost so even while searching for him you must proceed with caution. 

"What did you do Benjamin?" Lily whispered to herself while watching the news in her house. It was late in the evening and her parents and little sister were fast asleep.

She also saw videos of her course mates chasing Benjamin away from the classroom since she didn't attend class that day. 

"I have to find him," She said to herself then took up her hood jacket as she left the house.

She arrived at school thirty minutes later and when she came out of the cab she hurried into the school environment. On getting to the lecture hall they used for lectures earlier that day, She spotted some group of students from a distance. They were all holding torchlight and hard wood and a few others were wielding guns including the five boys who were the celebrities in the school.

"What are they up to?" Lily thought to herself as she moved closer, sneaking behind a block.

"Listen Everyone. Tonight is a night that we'll make history. Tonight is the night we'll prove to the government and authorities that we are not useless, we will show them that we are powerful and when they ask what we want, what will we tell them?" The leader of the four idols of the school asked.

"We want more money! and we want a place at the top!" They chorused.

"I warned Flynn Davis to stay away from Benjamin Carson but he wouldn't listen, instead he chose to hide him in his house. What do we do to him for his disobedience?" Their leader asked aloud.

"We will spare his life but kill him if he tries to save the boy," They chorused.

Lily could immediately tell what they were up to so she left her hiding place. Going a few meters away from the group of violent folks she dialled the number of her female friend who was lodging in the hostel.

"Hello, Monica," Lily said as soon as her friend answered the call.

"Hi Lily, why are you calling me this late at night?" Monica said in a dizzy tone.

"I am sorry for waking you up but I just needed information from you," Lily said.

"I don't have a problem with that. What are friends for if not being there for each other," Monica answered.

"Thanks. I was wondering if you know where Flynn Davies lives. I heard he lodges in the school," 

"Oh... How sweet. Don't tell me that you are falling for the guy already," 

"What? Quit the pep talk Monica," Lily said with a grumpy look on his face. "This is very important so if you know just tell me," 

"Okay, I know where he lives," Monica said over the phone. "The dude is from a wealthy family and his house is classy. It's located inside an Estate in the school a few blocks away from the boys hostel. There are many classy houses inside the Estate but I don’t think it will be that difficult tell which is his, because his father bought him the best among them," 

"What kind of house are we talking about?" Lily interrupted Monica who kept straying away from the subject.

"It's a bungalow," Monica replied.

"Okay thanks," Lily said and before Monica would utter another word she hung up.

Lily looked back to see the boys crack their guns as they all left the scene. She wandered if she will arrive on time to save Benjamin before the violent students arrived at his lodge because doing this could put her life in danger but she was willing to take the risk anyways.

“I am coming Benjamin,” She whispered then ran after them.

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